For Questions and answers, and everything else for Compo 15 'Xen Transportation'
Transportation device... Do you mean a teleportal system, or an actual vehicle?
Created 19 years ago2005-08-23 19:20:42 UTC by
ITS MUST BE USABLE BY PLAYER!if he is gonna be a passenger how is he gonna use it! :
I got your everyday kill the baddies and make a slaughtering gameplay .with big turrets?
Do I absolutely need a transport system, or teleportal?Er... the clue is in the topic.
Sounds like it could turn out to be an excellent competition. After all, without Xen, there's no Half-Life story! Maybe we'll find out how Xen residents get back-and-forth to work, how they get to the beach or to school. How do alien slaves get to the wing place in time to get back for the big game on the XTV channel?!Hahahah!
Create a transportation system for Xen! Build the transport and points for the player to travel between using 'it'. The entry can be any kind of transport: the more original the better. The transport itself doesn't necessarily have to be a native Xen thing, and it doesn't have to be in a floating part of Xen, either.maybe its the fact that you dont just have to make a transport system from xen to xen, it could be xen to earth. It never said you had too make it for xen only. And it didnt say it had to be native to xen
All official compotitions are for Hl1!actually i think the source compo is also official.