I have made a tool for editing the lights.rad file.
You choose a color and brightness and it will turn it to rgb and add to your lights.rad file
Created 19 years ago2005-09-22 13:48:48 UTC by
Neat. Good stuff.
I don't get it. :/What the fuck are you talking about?
Anywho - it's not hard to write an app like that. smile -Nope
while not Eof (<name of TextFile variable>) do begin
lines := lines + 1;
ReadLn (<name of TextFile variable>, x);
case lines of
1 : br_k := strtofloat(x);
2 : num_k := strtofloat(x);
3 : sky_k := strtofloat(x);
4 : kam_k := strtofloat(x);
5 : blk_k := strtofloat(x);
6 : juo_k := strtofloat(x);
7 : vok_k := strtofloat(x);
8 : lam_k := strtofloat(x);
9 : lab_k := strtofloat(x);
10 : pef_k := strtofloat(x);
11 : big_k := strtofloat(x);
12 : lan_k := strtofloat(x);
13 : poz10_k := strtofloat(x);
14 : poz20_k := strtofloat(x);
15 : poz44_k := strtofloat(x);
16 : par_k := strtofloat(x);
As you see - this shows how to open a text file and read it's data, when you know how big is it. But how did you figured out the code that READS the value's in the valve.rad file? Im positive you can't find that on Google.I still don't get it, why would it do that?
Why not load them from the .rad file, when the user opens it? confused -Because it's suppsoed to be a listover the texture's in the halflife.wad file.