Custom Decals and Spirit Crashing (etc) Created 19 years ago2005-09-27 16:49:35 UTC by Boxtop17 Boxtop17

Created 19 years ago2005-09-27 16:49:35 UTC by Boxtop17 Boxtop17

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 16:49:35 UTC Post #137894
I have two questions:

1. When I make (or attempt to make) a custom decal, save it in my own wad using wally with the "{" prefix and then use it on an infodecal in my map, it doesn't appear after compiling. However, when I use a decal from the decals.wad file, it does. Does the infodecal only work with decals.wad? Because I was practicing making custom decals for my future comedy mod (seriously, seeing "Surrender Freeman" isn't as funny as seeing "Eat Poo Freemen")

This question probably goes in another fourm, but while I'm here:

2. Whenever I load Spirit and open one of the example maps in Half-Life itself, after five minutes or so Half-Life crashes. I'm thinking it's HL's RAM usage, because it does the same thing in Scientist Slaughterhouse, too. I even tried changing the screen resolution and OpenGL to DirectX but it doesn't help. Any way I can alter Half-Life 1's RAM usage? I know it's not the frame rate.

Also: When I make a custom texture (in Photoshop), what do I have to save it as to import it into wally? 8-bit? 16-bit? 256 colors? Because sometimes when I copy and paste into Wally I just get a big black box.

And: Anyone know where I can get a good soda can prefab? I'll look around myself, but maybe some of you saw a good one. I don't like the old one because the textures are stretched and blurry, and I was planning on taking an idea from Black Mesa Source and putting it in my mod (with permission, of course.)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 16:54:02 UTC Post #137898
Theres a tutorial for ur custom textures problem

the tetxure must be divisible by 16. usually use 16x16, 32x32, but no larger than 256x256 or HL stresses!!!!

check prefab factory (google) for cans, they have quite a few.

try saving ur custom decal in decal.wad. then -wadinclude. I no its not the best way, but use it to see if its the location or infodecal problem.

for problems with spirit, dont no how many people here are familiar with it. whats your computer ram anyway?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 16:56:00 UTC Post #137899
RAM: 256. And I read the custom tex tut and it didn't really help me that much. Nor did the decals tut.

I believe I also forgot to mention I was looking for soda cans, not trashcans or vending machines...sorry about that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 17:50:31 UTC Post #137915
8-bit is 256-colour.

It's easiest to use transparency-colour custom general textures than actual custom decals. I'm pretty sure they're covered in the custom textures tutorial.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-28 07:05:05 UTC Post #137972
Look in the Vending Machine tutorial! :) If you're still not setesfied I can make one in moments for you! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-28 12:40:16 UTC Post #138045
Yeah, I skimmed through the vending machine tutorial, but it only tells me how to make a vending machine that shoots out env_beverages. I'm talking about the actual can itself, with its 32x32 (I think) texture that stretches over the five faced can. I think I might have to make a small prefab of a rounder can in Hammer, then use custom textures for it. Yeah, I think that's what I might do, because I really only want the cans as decoration. Thanks anyway.

Now it's just the RAM that's screwing me up. I really wanted to use Spirit for my future mod (extra stuff, plus bryce_boi's new mp3 add-on that I haven't tried out yet), but not if it keeps crashing half-life.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-28 12:41:57 UTC Post #138046
Thats not a prefab thats a model! (like monsters) :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-28 12:52:40 UTC Post #138051
I know, but if you read what I said, I didn't like the model because it was too blocky and the textures were extremely blurry and 32x32, preventing me from putting anything funny on 'em.

On second thought, forget about the can. It's not important right now. What is important is that I develop my mapping skills and familiarize myself with the mapping tools. Thanks for helping, though.
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