Traitor Created 19 years ago2005-09-09 06:09:40 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Created 19 years ago2005-09-09 06:09:40 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 06:09:40 UTC Post #133388
You're gordon freeman and you're taken to a high securety prison in space. You menege to escape and get to the hangers but someone hits you and you blackout. You wake up in some organization's main base and the Gman convinsess you to do missions for his employers. I thought on this idea when I came with so many cool ideas for levels but they had no story. :tired: Now I have a story I like but I still got a few problems. :( What is this organization? Terrorists, black ops... : If anybody has an idea then please tell me.
User posted image
This is the layout of the prison's cells. The grey parts are the lower level with the cells where you start. The upper level has one guard patroling and a guard in the guard room. You mustn't be discovered. I had an idea that you need to get past the patroling guard and get into the guard house, then sound the alarm/open the prisoner's cells. All the guards will leave their posts and you can sneak to the armory where you'll get the H.E.V suit. Maybe through the ventelation systems but I'm not sure about that if you have a better idea please tell me! :)

Thanks to urbanebula and chickenfist I'm able to give the gaurds H.E.V suits too! :nuts:
User posted image
This is going to be a spirit mod and I'll probebly need help. :roll: I've also heard about voice actors. They'll be very helpfull espesially a guy that can do the Gman's voice. :nuts: And I heard that there is a guy like that!! And I need more cameras but I have no idea where to put them! :cry:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 06:18:35 UTC Post #133389
I like the cell block layout...neat idea!

Story is intersting too. I will try to think of some possible story ideas.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 06:41:03 UTC Post #133392
Thanks. I got the idea for the cell blocks when I started building a part from the wall.(Hl1's textures aren't so good for space stations :( so I wanted to know which textures to use) Now I only need the model and I'll start building the prison. :) And I think it's going to be fun to fight against a monster with an egon! Hmmm...Maybe I'll ask urban to make him shoot at the position you where 0.2 seconds ago to make it easier but I'm not sure! :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 07:06:54 UTC Post #133396
You want me to send you the model.

The model is the 3d character that you see, which carrys out actions in the form of sequences. Having them shoot later would probably be a coding issue. I'll post a link to the model (unless you need something changing like the colour or something)

An enemy with an egon gun? I could model it but actually making the enemy use it would again be a coding issue.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 07:49:50 UTC Post #133401
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 08:24:59 UTC Post #133416
Nice idea for a mod!
I'll post my ideas, if I get some. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 08:54:58 UTC Post #133428
I knew that and thats why I need chickenfist! :cyclops:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 09:13:58 UTC Post #133441
Who the Hell made you the expert. Elon is perfectly capable of making a mod.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 09:19:43 UTC Post #133443
User posted image
You just changed between the two models didn't you! Well thanks although I'm a little disappointed. :tired: I thought you'll change and create new animations and add the gun I asked you to add! But doesn't metter I can do the mod now....sigh :cry:

And onslaught I'll probebly wont do it alone!! :lol:

Chickenfist the dll is called hl.dll are you sure it's the right one? :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 10:06:10 UTC Post #133450
I'm quite confused how do use spirit for I never used it before? :confused: What do I need to write in hammer's configurations. :nervous:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 10:11:25 UTC Post #133451
To use Spirit, just set up another configuration just as you would do for any other mod, and use the spirit.fgd instead of the hl one.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 14:16:04 UTC Post #133532
Sorry, uploaded the wrong one:
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 14:21:28 UTC Post #133536
Thats a nice idea Elon, i rather like it.

The base could be for rebels against the oppressive power that once held Freeman prisoner.

Anyway, i would like to help if you would let me :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 15:24:30 UTC Post #133544
I'll probebly need help but now I don't! :) Mmmm...I think my story connects to the original story quite well! :o In the end the Gman mentions that his empolers and tells you that they want you to work for them. :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 15:26:23 UTC Post #133545
3 Mods in TWHL :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 15:39:38 UTC Post #133548
Can I make a moving trigger_once in spirit? :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 15:54:53 UTC Post #133550
Who the Hell made you the expert. Elon is perfectly capable of making a mod.
Actually what he said is something I would say as he has a point! You will not make a huge mod so calm it and don't chat! I did that and look at me! A FAILURE MAN A FU*KING FAILURE!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 15:57:05 UTC Post #133551
Thats cause you always watch p0rn insted of mapping! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 16:08:45 UTC Post #133553
Only every 30 minutes :glad:
But that leaves me 5 minutes to map ;)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 16:38:17 UTC Post #133559
what about the hunter and me,(and others who involved in a mod) they didnt screw up and give up.Except you :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 16:44:35 UTC Post #133560
Was that reffered to me because I didn't give up, I stopped mapping for HL1 plus I went on holliday so my News Slut job was left open for leeches like you.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 07:52:40 UTC Post #133713
You're just a loser! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 12:10:35 UTC Post #133766
You're just a loser!
shaddup Elon :|
I think my story connects to the original story quite well!
i wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch. I mean, how did Freeman get into the space prison?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 12:24:56 UTC Post #133768
Justm quite the argumenting and continue working on an argument instead. I mean: go ahead and map.

Good luck.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 14:41:25 UTC Post #133810
What about that trigger_once? :|
Can I make a moving trigger_once in spirit? :
And I'm building it! :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 10:11:06 UTC Post #133988
I thought on a better layout!! :cool:
User posted image
The guard room is on the second floor between the staircases.

What do you think,is it better or worse? :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 10:25:42 UTC Post #133993
Hmm....I'd say better :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 10:30:28 UTC Post #133996
Huge :heart:

Now that I think of it I'll need someone to test the maps! I need to know whats good and whats wrong about them so I would be able to fix it. Any skilled mapper wants to be a beta tester? ;) What about you daubster? :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-12 04:30:12 UTC Post #134134
Sure, dude. I'll test em.. Just email em to me, if you don't want others 2 see... :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-12 07:59:09 UTC Post #134147
Thanks :biggrin: And you don't need spirit for I'm still not sure if it will be a spirit mod!

Urban I think I can switch between models' bodies and remove heads myself! :x I wanted a modeler cause I was almost sure I'll need to edit the animations and the body and cause I wanted to add some weapons.(handgun,gauss and egon) :nervous: :cry:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-12 08:06:34 UTC Post #134150
Grunts with gauss-guns and egons? This I gotta see.... :D
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-12 08:12:42 UTC Post #134154
These guys are the prison guards and I might have them in other chapters. I also want them to be able to throw/place grenades if they have a shotgun/mechinegun, just like regular grunts. :cool: My only problem is wont it be too hard if one of these guys will have an egon? : If it will be then he should shoot at the place you where 0.2 seconds ago! :o
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-12 08:27:31 UTC Post #134163
This might help, if you're gonna code yourself... :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-12 08:39:33 UTC Post #134166
Could you direct me to a tutorial on including monsters and giving them AI? :nervous: I found everything but that! :cry:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-14 16:35:56 UTC Post #134732
I'll add those weapons and animate them when i can then Elon. Of course you will need to code them all.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-14 17:02:15 UTC Post #134738
Yeah I know! : I think I'll find someone! Thanks urban! :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-20 16:04:36 UTC Post #136023
I need a modeler who is good in making props! :| I tried pepper but he never answered my pms. :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-20 19:23:16 UTC Post #136064
The organization are aliens! you?re missions leads to the end of all humans, but you don?t know about it untill you?re done :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-21 05:36:41 UTC Post #136119
And can a guy that has Cs send me all it's skies? :quizzical: (Both .bmp and .tga) They'll be really helpfull! :) (why when I always ask this quastion nobody answers it)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-21 16:55:37 UTC Post #136308
why when I always ask this quastion nobody answers it
Probably because teh cs skies are pretty bad. Is there a paticular reason why they have to be cs?

As your attorney, I would recommend making your own. It's not very hard imo.

I would be willing to make one for you if you like. PM me with the details if your interested.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-23 10:50:10 UTC Post #136821
I've never knew you're such a great sky artist,rowleybob!! :o

The original Quake II's sky:
User posted image

rowleybob's edit:
User posted image

If I'll need more skies can I relay on you rowleybob to make them? :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-23 11:54:48 UTC Post #136845
Of course, and thank you for the kind compliments!
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-29 06:58:47 UTC Post #138199
Whoohoo I've got a few more gbs in my computer so I can now install gunman and blue-shift! Now I can continue the mod. :glad: Only one problem, I can't find that bucther knife model!! :( And nowI need a modeler to create some props for me! How about SpaG,rowleybob,urban or pepper? :nuts:


Found that knife:
User posted image

It for the prison's kitchen!
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-29 09:06:07 UTC Post #138204
i can model but i don't know how to texture :) ask pepper he's a very good modeler.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-29 09:20:08 UTC Post #138205
Already asked him but he didn't answer! :nervous:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-30 21:33:28 UTC Post #138506
I wouldn't say I can model, just know a little bit about Gmax is all. I've never exported anything nor texture mapped, nor created animtions, etc. etc etc.

I'm planning to learn milkshape because it's suppose to be better suited for HL1 than Gmax. So maybe someday! :

You should try it Elon! It's fun to model, errr, play! :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-01 01:29:56 UTC Post #138514
No I decided to model with milkshape,yesterday!

I need simple models so it wont be so hard to me! :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 06:28:40 UTC Post #141590
Milkshape is expaired(damn) and Gmax is good for making high poly models so I wont be able to make it. :cry:

I need somebody to help me to do it and since urban has left us I can no longer depend on him to make that model! :roll:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-17 05:47:08 UTC Post #141932
it's official urban has left us. He even opened a thread confirming it! :tired:

It's not so hard a task to do it(adding weapons,animations and editing the skeletons) so please can somebody help me or direct me to a place with lots of moddlers? :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-17 06:05:32 UTC Post #141933
G-max is a excellent program for making low-poly models, that is what it was designed for.
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