Just some information on why I set up an IRC channel with ChatBear instead of some of the others out there.
Many of the IRC servers, such as DalNet, and other larger servers heavily rely on inetd. This makes things tough for some people to log onto the server (especally Windows Users).
#valveerc is on the server. Usually there are several people on there that are know their stuff. Use it, but do not be pushy

Ever since Valve found that TWHL exists, they have been much more receptive to Newbie questions. I strongly believe this is in direct relationship to the attitudes of this sites administrators and membership.
The issue of Marvin:
I guess folks are complaining that Marvin is not on the channel. The way Marvin works is, the bot will not visit the channel if registered users do not log in occationally. The only way Marvin knows if you are registered is if you identify yourself.
To identify: Privite message Marvin with
of course your EMAIL is the address you used to register your BearKey account with.
Sorry I have not been on much, real life has been requiring a lot of time. When it comes to the IRC stuff, Atom and Andy do have full administrator privledges.
Should wrap up real life issues in six months or so and can start mapping again (may have to learn the basics again). Just thought this post can help some concerning IRC issues.
Set author to Skeeve, presuming it was he
- Seventh