its an online profile network. it is a place where you can post a profile of yourself with your interests, pictures, and other stuff about yourself. you can add other myspace users to your friends list and post bulletins and stuff. its a neat way to get back in touch with people you dont know, or havent seen in a long time. my main reason for a myspace account was to get in touch with my middle school buddies, that i left when i went to a technical high school. anyways, its neat, its free, you should register, its almost addicting to manage your site.. in addition to just your friends on myspace, many bands are on myspace so you could be "friends" with your favorite band. it uses html, so if you know html you can pimp your site like mine. there are layout generators out there too if you are too lazy to do it yourself. also what is neat, is that you can put a video in your profile though html coding. i have "Daft Punk - Robot Rock" are you registered yet?