Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Created 19 years ago2005-02-21 11:36:27 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 19 years ago2005-02-21 11:36:27 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 06:10:31 UTC Post #132898
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 14:41:29 UTC Post #133018
i meant quick as hell both as in, mark and gang hurrying up, and Urb doing the same
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 15:26:21 UTC Post #133029
trust me, we all did
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 15:47:26 UTC Post #133034
4 B's 2 C's

On to City 17 - Tommorrow most likely. So damn busy.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 10:10:33 UTC Post #133163
okay, just make sure you don't forget the thread this time?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-20 12:33:47 UTC Post #135954
Tommorrow most likely
don't forget the thread this time
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-29 16:03:01 UTC Post #138292
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-29 16:06:31 UTC Post #138294
9 days urb. its been 9 days
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-29 17:26:09 UTC Post #138304
22 days actually
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-29 20:07:21 UTC Post #138306
*M_Gargantua eyes the writing torch in place of Urban.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 06:04:57 UTC Post #138717
It was a massive hit on another forum to the point where people started getting frustrated when I was late with a section.
Im not frustrated

[action] rips face away with a rusty nail and continues to do so until urb writes the next chapter[/action]
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 23:02:57 UTC Post #141757
ok, i pm'd urb a while ago, and he dosn't seem to have been on for a long time.

so if you guys think I should ill start writing for this. some of the guys here can attest to my writing abilities, especially those who saw my story for the half-way-to-fame Problem-Reaction-Kill(*M_Gargantua plots resurection)

I even included the thought of me writing for this if Urb can't in my PM, but like I said, he doesn't seem to be active
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-16 05:55:15 UTC Post #141773
yeah, im with 7th. those dan & greogory characters seems very shifty!! :
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-18 21:16:53 UTC Post #142254
OK everybody

next fan fic will be next monday, 24th or something

and ill try to get one out every monday so you guys don't complain

and if I can't get it ready in time, ill tell you
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-19 12:38:23 UTC Post #142381
Are you carrying on from the current story?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-19 22:54:13 UTC Post #142458
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-20 06:15:33 UTC Post #142493
ill try to get one out every monday
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-20 22:26:40 UTC Post #142599
note the words try
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 05:21:22 UTC Post #142628
Hunter, why don't you revive Y'ato's past? :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 07:24:05 UTC Post #142643
cause nobody liked it or nobody liked writing for it so there's no point in me writing it alone.. it'll just be a UMCFF rip off if i do that
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-21 08:26:50 UTC Post #142649
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 14:44:38 UTC Post #142932
well, im done writing it, but your still not getting it till monday :P

aka sunday/monday at midnight depending on how you look at it
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 14:49:43 UTC Post #142933
Just get rid of it! :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 14:56:40 UTC Post #142937
that would be cheating, you gotta wait
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:39:19 UTC Post #142948
why not just put it on know? :( crys
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 15:42:59 UTC Post #142950
for the suspense
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-22 23:01:31 UTC Post #143064
suspense has ended, mostly because im anxious to know how the story goes based on your decisions.

so, without further ado, here is a nice long resart of the Fan fiction

"Raise you hand if you want to go back tward the coast!" Fitz called out

Only two hands went up.

"City is is then." sighed Amber "and I was looking forward to the beach"

Tom and josh quickly walked out of the room and into the back. While Amber started walking over to the APC

"Amber, could you grab a crate of rockets and throw them in?" Tom asked as he and Josh walked back in with a large, green ammo crate of SMG ammo, "Fitz and Dan, If you could too, that be great. And Mark, could you go over to the room we just came from and fill a backpack or two full of whatever looks usefull on the tables."

Amber stoped and turned around, heading for the bench that had one of the three crates on it. Fitz and Dan went to the bench on the other side of the room. Dan grabed one of the crates and started walking back. Fitz however found that the other crate had a heavy piece of equipment pinning it down.

"Jesus, why the hell did you guys put a oversized angle grinder on top of a box!?" Fitz called to the twins as they jumped out of the APC.

"we didn't have anywhere else to put it at the time." Josh replied

Mark was getting even more apprehensive at the site of his team mates preparing so slugishly. So he left the room to get whatever junk there was in the back room.

When he walked in he was surprised at the ammount of ordanance in the room. The room it self was fairly big, with four tables in rows of two in the middle, there was a broken combine console on the back wall. In the back corner was a pile of backpacks, dufflebags, and pastic tubs. Mark walked over and grabed two backpacks, throwing one over his shoulders and holding the other in his hand. he looked over the tables to see what there was to choose from. He on the row of tables nearest to him were grendes, lots of them. Mark thought there must at least be 50. there were some grendaes for the launcher attached to the SMGs. and there were about 10 odd rockets, they were a different color then those that he had seen eailier, and they had different tails.

Mark started walking down the table sweeping grenades into the pack he had in his hands, and after filling it with at least 20 grenades he saw it was almost full. He grabed some of the smaller SMG grenades to shove in the side pockets that the pack had. he only got 9 in, be he thought it was enough. he then grabed 5 of the ten rockets, filling the main part of the pack with two, and puting the remaining 3 in the front pouch.

as he passed the combine console he saw a small orange object under it, he reached his hand under and pulled it out. It was about the size of a large egg, and Mark couldn't figure out what it was. He shoved it in his pocket anyway, thinking to ask one of the others what it was.

he zipped up the backpack and moved onto the next table, making a note to move faster, this table was full of home built bombs, there were anti-personel mines and remote bombs, there were blocks of explosive and their electric detonators. Mark had no Idea where the brothers had got the stuff needed for the warheads in them, but was impresed that they had it.

as he walked between the rows of tables he threw another handful of grenades in the second backpack. he grabed a few of the smaller mines and remote bombs. along with there respective detonators. he found he was quickly running out of room. so he started grabbing the blocks of explosives off the table. Or, at least he assumed they were explosives since everything else was. he noticed they all had different colored tape wraped around the middle, some were red, others were blue, and a hand full were orange.taped. He grabed some of the detonators to go with them. by now backpack #2 was also full. Mark was about to walk back to the APC when he noticed a metal briefcase on the edge of the table with the words 'Danger' spray painted on. He grabed the handle and lifted it a bit, it was pretty light, Mark wonderd if it would be worth taking.

But his logical decision of weather or not to take it was cut short when he heard the sound of Headcrab pods.

A)Leave it

B)Grab it and see if its useful once their safer

C)Yell to see if he can get someone to tell him what it is
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 03:49:53 UTC Post #143073
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 04:13:29 UTC Post #143081
C) If they are in earshot, otherwise B).
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 04:19:54 UTC Post #143085
When he walked in he was surprised at the ammount of ordanance in the room. The room it self was fairly big, with four tables in rows of two in the middle, there was a broken combine console on the back wall.
Sounds like that hut at sundown... the one with the few combine in? By the river.

Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 04:35:57 UTC Post #143086
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 11:37:00 UTC Post #143169
may I point out the last line, 'the sound of headcrab pods'

remember, they come fast
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 11:45:43 UTC Post #143174
B - antlion bug reppellant ;)
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 11:51:36 UTC Post #143176
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 11:54:28 UTC Post #143177
lol, bug repelent

B it is then.

and scap the monday thing. I write to fast for it to be one a week. anyone wanna give me feedback about my style of writing and how they like it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-23 11:59:06 UTC Post #143178
Can't tell from that! : Almost nothing heppend.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-24 16:22:11 UTC Post #143409
next part is done, up in a hour or so
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-24 16:27:40 UTC Post #143418
That was quick. I'll bet it'll soon.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-24 19:42:31 UTC Post #143446
Mark grabed it and ran back into the garage, the sound of the pods in his ear. He heard two crash outside. He saw Dan jump out of the APC

"Hurry the Fuck up Mark!" He yelled.

As Mark continued to sprint to the APC Amber came into view.

"Fitz, forget it!" she called, Fitz was apperently on the other side of the APC, Mark guessed he was still wrestling with trying to get the crate free.

Mark got to the APC and threw the crate and a pack inside. Then he heard a defening crash above him, followed by the sight a pod hurling down. The Pod hit the APC and Bounced to the other Side, Fitz yelled loudly. Mark looked at Amber, and because he knew she could see Fitz, was wondering what could have happened for her to Sprit to where the Pod had crashed.

Mark took three fast steps to put him around the corner of the APC and in view of Fitz and Amber.

"The Pod crushed my foot!" screamed Fitz, he was obviously in alot of Pain. "Its traped between the pod and the floor!"

Amber stuck her gun to the headcrab exit and started emptying her clip into the pod, while trying to kick the thing of Fitz's foot.

"Its too heavy, I can't move it!" she called out

More pods were coming down, one smahed through a skylight in the roof and landed on some welding suppies, ignighting a fire.

"Get it off! Get it off!" Fitz scremed as he tried to skirm his foot out. Amber stoped trying and stood up. "Wait, Don't leave me here to die!" Fitz screemed even louder.

"I have no intention of doing that." said Amber as she reached to a nearby bench and grabed a plasma torch, "But this may sting."

"Wait, what are you going to do!? complained Fitz as amber flicked the switch and brought the instument down, and slashed its now light cutting edge agaist the place where Pod me Foot. Fitz screamed and pulled his foot free. Mark noticed that all his toes were missing and where they should be attached to was black and cauterized.

Mark saw a headcrab come out of the Pod and turn to leap at amber. He yelled to her and she ducked just in time, raising her gun to pepper the spot of air the headcrab was occuping. He bullets tore through the beast, but those that went through or missed went right into a propane tank, One lucky enough to puncture a hole. The pressureize gas in the tank blew out of the hole, sending the tank spinning out of control, and right toward the fire.

"Get down!" yelled Amber

The tank caught a flame, and the jet of propane coming out of it ignighted instantly, sending out a dangerous shockwave. some shrapnel from the tank flew past them, one hit mark in the shoulder, but didn't leave anything more then a small gash.

Amber helped the limping Fitz jump into the APC, and mark followed her in.

"Dan, get on the gun and shoot the chain holding up the door, its normaly used to raise it, but the door is just flimsy aluminum, and will fold and fall without being held up.

Dan hoped over to a nook in the APC and grabed a handle, and Mark started hearing the sound of gun fire coming from out side. Tom was fooling with the controls in the front, he pressed a few buttons and a view screen poped up showing the front of the vehicle, and the door buckling and falling in. He pressed a few more buttons and the APC came to life. Josh jumped into the drivers seat next to him, he floored whatever acted as the acclerator and the APC shot forward, leaving the now headcrab infested werehouse behinde.

"So, where should we go now?" asked Dan

A) Go to the Rebel weapons depot on the other side of the city

B) Go to a Rebel base of opperations to see what they could do

C) try to get to a hospitol that was run by Rebels or Rebel symphasisers, and if they can't make it go to the HQ
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 00:31:10 UTC Post #143469
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 04:00:54 UTC Post #143489
Yeah, B).
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 04:50:15 UTC Post #143496
A) gunz.. lots of gunz. :biggrin:
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 16:39:10 UTC Post #143725
survey says B

are you guys getting mad at how fast there comming out becasue you don't have a chance to vote now?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 17:24:49 UTC Post #143740
Er, I think you should wait for more than three votes.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 20:25:29 UTC Post #143749
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 03:52:50 UTC Post #143767
Slow down, slow down Mr.grag! You'll grow tired of this too soon if you'll continue like this.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 12:22:18 UTC Post #143822
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 21:18:50 UTC Post #143897
ok, well, its been 2 days so im writing for B

and I dought ill get board of this
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-30 12:24:16 UTC Post #144467
Here you guys go.

Its a long, explanitory one.

--Chapter 8--
--Call it StalinCity--

"Unless you guys have any objections, im going to bring us to the other main resistance facility besides BlackMesa East" answered Josh

"can't see a problem with that" said amber "they should have medic there who can fix this"

Mark looked over at amber, and saw her flexing her arm, which was smeared with drying blood. He looked over at his own shoulder, and saw that blood from his

wound had left a large red spot in his shirt.

"you look like some bandages would do you good to" Dan commented as he looked at Marks shoulder. "but I wouldn't worry about that infecting for another few

hours, and the bleeding has stoped, youll be fine. And Amber, try not to flex your arm like that, it could open the clotting that stoped the bleeding."

Mark was surprised Dan could get all that while being three feet away, without any need to physicaly examine the wound. Dan moved his gaze to Fitz, who was

sitting on top of the ammo box.

"Fitz? You okay?" he said.

Fitz just nodded, a nod that conveyed that he was either in shock or he was mad at everyone for half his foot being cut off.

"So, give us an inventory Mark, what did you grab?" asked Tom

Mark grabed the first backpack.and opened it.

"Ok, we got five of these rockets" Mark pulled one out to show everyone

"wow, I forgot I had those back there, but good, they are for APC's like this one, and will most definatly come in handy"

"we got a good amount of grendades in the bags, maybe 25...30. and 9 of the ones for our guns." Mark continued. He put the rocket back and closed up the pack,

then grabed the other and started going through it. "I don't know what half this stuff is, so if you guys would speak up ill be thankfull"

Mark grabed one of each of the colored blocks and set them in front of him. "we got 7 of the orange ones, 5 of the red ones, and 11 of the blue ones"

"Ok" Tom said "the Blue ones are a HE charge, a mixture of Trinitrotoluene, aka TNT, and HMX. They have a blast radius about 3 times that of your standard

grenade. The red ones are meant to be Incendirary. They have a small core of Fox-7, the most powerfull stuff I have. the rest of it is PETN and Thermite, both of

which will melt steel with ease. Their blast radius is pretty big too, so watch out to make sure your not near one when it goes off. The orange ones are my favorite,

they are like the red ones, but they are pure PETN and Thermite. without the core, the heat doesn't get spread, and will melt through alot of things, like the armor on

this APC."

"How'd you make all that stuff?" asked Dan

"Well, I got a Masters degree in chemistry 11 years ago, before the combine came and ruined all the fun everybody was having geting educated." answered Tom, "I

also had a handful of other couces about various physics. Even one on the theoretical stuff, that one was accually interesting. Josh was an art major, but he liked the

inner workings of computers enough to sign up for some cources on electrical engineering and computer technology. So he has the skill to make the detonators. all

this with some stolen industrial supplies and tada, you get bombs of every shape, size, and use."

"Exactly" confirmed Josh, "And Personally Im very thankful came up with an antidote to the electrolyte the combine put in the water, otherwise all the resistance

members would forget their past and their skills. But enough of that, whats left in the bag"

Mark took out samples of the last two items."Mines and remote bombs im guessing?"

"Yep," Josh said "perceptive guy arn't you."

"I guess, but anyway, I got one more thing I grabed." Mark took the silver briefcase off the box's of rockets. "What is this?"

"well, to tell you the truth its a shame you grabbed it, its useless in the state its in." sighed Tom "But if we can find a replacement for the missing part it will work."

"But what is it?" asked Amber

"Its a 'Big Bomb' " Josh answerd, saying the 'Big Bomb' part with an accent

No one reconized where the accent would have come from, but they all gave a chucle at it, except Fitz.

"the idea for it came from a discusion I was having with Eli. we were talking about the possible emmision of positrons when a combine energy ball is fissioned. Eli

needed alot of postitron for an experiment or something, so I proposed the idea to him. It came from something I remembered from my theoretical physics course.

But anyway, he found a different source for them, but I still had the idea in my head. So when we miraculesly got a stored energy ball, the kind the combine elites

have for their pulse rifles, I finally could try it. So after some corespondance with the guys down at BlackMesa East I started building the thing. Constructing the

magnetic coils and amplifiers was a pain but I eventually finished. I sent the thing down the the BM guys so they could give it a quick one over. they sent it back and

said that it was all correct and only needed the energy ball carrier plugged in. Unfortunatly I couldn't find the thing, and that entire plan unwound. Its been sitting on the

table since then, for about two weeks.

Mark leaned back and felt a pressure in his pocket,he leaned forward again to get the thing he had put in it.

"Oh, What I forgot about this, what is it?" Mark asked as he held it up

Tom turned from the console again and said "well ill be damned. Do you accually not know what that is mate?"

"I have no clue, I found it under the combine console." replied mark

"well, I guess luck in on our side then, that thing stores a combine energy ball. I think we have our bomb."

Mark handed it to Tom when he reached out to take it. Tom shoved it in his pocket. "ill make sure this isn't lost again."

after a few minutes of silence tom spoke up "I just got another Idea."

everyone was wondering what he had though up, but no one decided to ask him. they all watched as he went to the rocket crates and pulled a rocket out of one. then

grabed the orange striped bomb that was still on the floor,Then sat back town and started pulling on the nose cone.

"could someone find my tool kit?" he asked.

Mark started scanning the entire APC, and saw Amber and Dan looking to.

"Here" said Fitz, "I found it."

Fitz was reaching behind the large Ammo crate he was siting on. He pulled out a bulky, rolled cloth.

"Ah! Thanks. you all fine now Fitzy, you had Josh and Me down with your somberness?" said Tom as he took the tool kit from Fitz.

"Ya, I guess. It was only my toes that I lost right?" he replied

"you bet cha, its not like toes are anything that important anyway" said Tom, clearly in a good mood again.

Tom leaned back into his seat and unrolled the tool kit on his lap. he took out a screwdriver and stated working his way around the nose of the rocket, opening a

seam. after a while he pulled the nose cone right of and started working on its contents. He pulled out a chunck of circutry that was inside.

"well, their goes the guidence package" he said

He grabed the Orange Bomb and pulled off the tape, leting the shrink wrap around the explosive start to come undone. he wraped the tape around the nose cone,

then took the wraping off the explosives and threw it up into the air. Mark watched it as it floated down and landed on him. he picked it up and put it on the floor next

to him. When he looked up he saw Tom trying to get the last of the putty like explosive into the nose. He got in all in and reattached the Nose to the rocket body. The

entire rocket modification had twenty minutes

"there, a nice anti-armor rocket. This thing will easily ruin an APC, and would inflict considerable pain on one of those damn striders."

"Good Job Tom." said Josh. "And for anyone whose been watching the screen instread of my brother you would know that now that ive driven us around the

outskirts of the city. sorry I had to take such a long route, but I didn't want to get caught by heavy combine checkpoints that a direct route would have had. Anyway,

were heading back into the city now, and should be at the command point soon."

Mark started watching the view on the screen as Josh turned the APC onto one of the main roads. It was a long street, with barely any curves, there were quite a few
streets leading into it along its length. Mark saw movement in the distance but couldn't make it out. He stared at the two tan things bobing above the roof tops, he

couldn't tell what they were, but he had a bad feeling in his gut. The APC was speading toward them, and Mark knew that they would be close enough to see really


Then it hit him where he had seen that color and shape before.

"STIDER!" he yelled.

the beast walked into the street. Josh brought the APC to a fast hault at a four way intersection 50 yards away. Mark looked for the other strider and saw it heading

in their direction, but on a parrell street. Mark saw that it would soon turn the corner and be right on top of them.

"ok, it doesn't know we arn't accuall combine." Dan started saying "Just turn the other way and go around it. just be co..."

The stider let out its siren like cry. All the six rebels knew that it wasn't a cry of friendship.

"fuck." mumbled Josh.

A)Run back the way they came

B)use their huge cashe of rockets and weapons on the stiders

C)try to drive under the strider

D)Panic and stay still

I just put all of this, from start to finish, in word and it ends up being ove 30 pages
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-30 12:47:15 UTC Post #144468
C)try to drive under the strider, they should save ammo!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
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