ok, so here is like a few things i miss on this site.
#1: Source Tutorials
i just recently started with source mapping and had to google for tutorials and entity lists. i find this rather pointless as in i should be able to find a few things on TWHL. what i want, or would like, is a Basic Source Tutorial. like simple basic stuff. lighting and stuff. ive seen threw a few external tuts and decided to propose to write one myself. though im pretty sure theres people on here thats way better in that than me.
it would be quite cool with a few things like "how to master the physbox thing" or whatever. theres alot of posabilities in source! GRAB SOME PEOPLE!
#2: Source Entity Guide
another thing i miss is a Source Entity Guide. i mean... theres one for HL and CS. wheres HL2? theres alot of odd stuff in HL2 mapping that i have no idea what is. i had to google that aswell. lol. sad, isnt it? i mean, this site is called The Whole Half Life. wheres Half-Life:Source?
i cant really come up with any more stuff at the moment. but ill prolly find something to add later. feel free to comment and stuff peppz! im not afraid of critics

PS: sorry bout horrable typos and grammar.