I misunderstood. Thought you were talking about _garg mapping something with a weird chamber in.
BF2 credits?
Created 19 years ago2005-10-22 08:42:32 UTC by
Posted on 08 Dec 05, 19:33
by The Hunter
think,I can finish it in 2 weeks.But my chapter is not so big at all.So I think a perfect 1 map would do it.Like I told you before...Anyway the important part of the chapter is that the barney takes scientists and goes (except the slick/scientist one.)The slick one shows you the lab..and well wasnt that the point of the chapter?scientist takes you to labuhh,fuck it...You guys always ignored my posts about HL:HS .Tell me 1 reason ,why shouldnt I ditch you like Coldfeet?
You better finish Coldfeet's
uhh,fuck it...You guys always ignored my posts about HL:HS .Tell me 1 reason ,why shouldnt I ditch you like Coldfeet?because that would put you to an all new low in these forums. But i don't see how that really matters because its easy to ignore people.
because that would put you to an all new low in these forums.nice...
But i don't see how that really matters because its easy to ignore people.yea,but not only 1 post...all of em..that doesnt contain level_change stuff...
Oh come on, just finish this so I can review...I got a big fight with a trigger_camera!
because that would put you to an all new low in these forums.
But i don't see how that really matters because its easy to ignore people.
yea,but not only 1 post...all of em..that doesnt contain level_change stuff...
uh,I guess you are right..I ll just finish my chapter and get on with it.
Oh and did you notice i dident ignore your postyea,I know but thats because there was a word "ditch" in it.
so close...I can feel the light.hey,that reminded my light that flickers so much that your eyes hurt.I better fix that thx.