Its all gone. Created 18 years ago2005-12-12 17:20:05 UTC by Tycell Tycell

Created 18 years ago2005-12-12 17:20:05 UTC by Tycell Tycell

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-12 17:20:05 UTC Post #151944
About 2 weeks ago one of my RAM chips corrupted (dont ask me how) of course, I didnt know this, and went about trying to repair my computer. I could not make it to the desktop three times out of four, and when I did, the moment I clicked / loaded / opened anything (including the start menu) my computer crashed. Thinking my problem to be a HDD failure I went about (regretably) formatting my hard-drive (ergo, losing years, litteraly, of mapping work).

So here I am, even as I type this Half-Life 1 isnt even installed on my computer, I only got it really working today (there were other issues after I replaced the RAM chip that slowed my computers recovery). My older maps I am not really too worried about, my collection of high definition and detail prefabs that I made all by myself (aproximatly 30-50 in total) I am annoyed about, but the thing that pissed me off the most was losing my latest map(s) that I was currently working on.

A multiplayer map for a HL1 based mod for a friend (which was the best MP map I had ever made, as I dont make many and I had learnt much since that last time) and my single player mod map which had extremely high detail, low R_speeds and fantastic eye candy, I was very proud of my creation, even though it was only the actual map itself done (no monsters or items as of yet).

This is a blow I cannot withstand. In total there were 3 maps for the mod that I had made so far, 1 of wich was barely 3 rooms (had just started it), ignoring all of the planning; storyline work (which is also now gone) coding planning (gone) and even custom models with custom skins (yep, gone) ignoring all of that and just basing this on the mapping, I have lost at least 2-3 months of hard work.

I was very tempted to scrap the whole project, but then I had an idea; Star-Wars. The original plan was always to make the mod in "episodes" and release them one at a time to reduce work load and get feedback sooner rather than later, so what if I start in the middle? Starting with episode 4 and then working my way through right up to the punultimate (one before last) episode, then going back to the beggining. Well this is the plan, and once I have my mapping tools all back online (which wont be today, tommorrow perhaps after work) I will start toying with the idea and begin mapping episode 4.

However if it doesnt work out (if I dont pull of a lucas) its all being suspended indefinatly. Sorry guys, but losing 4 months of work (just counting the mapping) at this critical stage is a heavy blow and I dont know if I can muster the will to start all over again. We shall see soon.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-12 18:27:49 UTC Post #151950
bummer. i really really feel sorry for you.

About your 'star wars' idea by starting in the middle... you seem to be forgetting just how fucking appauling episodes 1,2 & 3 were presumably because George Lucas was too rich to care. the same might happen to you and your 1,2 & might never be released becasue you get bored of the idea after 6.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-12 19:01:29 UTC Post #151956
Ah shit :(
I swear if I lost my latest map i'd stop mapping! Too much stress would kill me!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-12 19:11:22 UTC Post #151958
Wasn't formatting your hard disk a little hasty? :|
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-12 19:26:46 UTC Post #151961
Man, that must suck, but I agree with Alex: t'was hasty to format your HDD (at least without trying other things first - booting in Safe Mode to see if a dodgy startup program was causing you grief). At least you'll be prepared if there is a next time.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 09:49:47 UTC Post #152005
Oh belive me I tried everything before formatting my HDD, but at the time the HDD appeared to be the problem. Of course no sooner had I formatted then I realised the HDD was not the problem, I walked away from my computer for about 3 days because of that mistake.
"About your 'star wars' idea by starting in the middle... you seem to be forgetting just how fucking appauling episodes 1,2 & 3 were presumably because George Lucas was too rich to care. the same might happen to you and your 1,2 & might never be released becasue you get bored of the idea after 6."
Yes, this is a point I had not considered. Taking this into consideration I have decided to start from 1 and work my way to 7, releasing each episode as I go. - Just sorting out my Hammer tools and setups now, expect to see screen shots before too long.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 12:05:43 UTC Post #152026
Next time before formating at list place those maps in a CD or CD on key. :| This must really suck... it heppend to me too, a peresite called spyaxes. It totally ruind my computer lucky I have burned all my maps to a disc.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 12:31:55 UTC Post #152029
I would have, but I couldnt use my PC, because the RAM was screwed "IF" my computer made it to my desktop, (which was usually about 1/3 times) it would crash as soon as I tried to do anything. Trying to copy / move the maps would have resulted in a systems crash and probably of corrupted the maps.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 13:17:40 UTC Post #152037
@Seventh: I tried to tell you :P

So I guess the lesson is pretty clear here.

@Tycell: If it's any consolation, you're not the first and you definitely won't be the last to have this sort of thing befell.

The good thing I've found by losing/accidentally deleting work, is that the redesign--If you choose to do it over--is almost always much improved from the original work.

<rowleybob scurries away to backup his latest mapping work>
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