Speaking of Projects, where is Project?
Funny you guy's should bring this idea up

If the following provides some direction for a Mod Team, then it will be worth the time writing it:
The Project had an idea, a conceptual story, a group of 15+ mappers, a web site and heaps of enthusiasm.
There were several mod's around the same time trying to do similar things, one which produced a playable mod was
What happened to the Project?
Due to the vast experience base of the mappers, we decided early on that submitted maps would be tested to see if they were 'any good'.
This was voted on by the mappers.
All agreed that if we were going to publish anything it should be of the highest quality (UpLink Quality).
This was our first mistake....
Some had difficulty working from a concept rather than a story base, others didn't live up to the standard required, and a pretty high standard that was. Others couldn't meet deadlines. Some had difficulty acceopting that their maps were crap.
The end of the project came about because we couldn't agree on the direction. Setting the standard so high had alienated most of the enthusiastic mappers.
Final submissions were made by:
MineTlaxHughPTSSlayerAVassyZargolZombieLoffe (no Piccy)
I still have all the build files somewhere, including the RMF's.
If I was going to run the same thing again, I think it would be in the same vain as PQL and Issues.
Each member builds a level of 3-5 maps based on a loose story. They develope the story in their own level.
A coordinator links the maps together and builds the story around them with filler maps generated by the Mod admin team.
Good Luck,