Ok time to put the explanation gloves on...You have no idea how happy this has made me! People are believing me and I will not let them down:
Ok about a year ago I first joined a mod called City13...Same as Rabid.
Sadly the mod died and that was my first taste of 'moding'....
I wasn't so bothered about finding a mod back then and so I carried on mapping De_boshi and visiting such forums as interlopers and iwannamap.
Thats when I saw it! A thread with the most amazing screenshots Ihad ever seen...The lighting was so beautiful and my eyes just sat there dazzling at the beautiful lights and the way it reflected off the walls. It was like HDR...
Note that HDR wasn't out thenSo I just had to look at the main site and back then they're site wasn't as good as it is now. I visited the forums, catched up on the story and simply adored it! I just had to be a part of it so I gathered all the good pictures that I had and made a thread...
*I'm going to try to find it now:
Found it:
http://forums.nightfallmod.net/showthread.php?t=35I only map and have learnt for a year and a bit! I like the creativity of your mod so I wanted to help somehow. I asked if the team needed help and they said I may be needed one day
So as you can see I waited for a time when they needed me and thats when Kremator added me to msn and asked if I could make a graveyard type level for him.
I was so excited so I started straight away and worked for about 5 months on it...Maybe less.
Now from the comments above, the way you describe me is entirely wrong. I'm not a flameing nub who threatens with viruses.
So back to my story:
After I finished it (Long story but it was really buggy and I asked that kremator could fix it)
He said fine send it to me and make a new map - I decided to make skytrain which was MY idea so in fact I deserve credit for that...The train ride has my name written all over it.
Anyway about a quick week later he says he couldn't understand what the problems were and quite frankly no matter how many times I explained it to him he just couldn't understand:
(The problem was that my camera entity wasn't ending properly and the custom textures he made for me were ultra shiny.)
So a few weeks later of busy school work he demanded work to be sent...I argue at him that I sent off my work and I can't seem to fix it so can you...Then the rest of the story is hazy but later on one night about 11:00 PM he talks to me on msn saying I need to make better maps or something...
Now I argue that it was the best I could do and quite frankly that graveyard map still amazes me! I don't think I can create such a map like that again. The mod really allowed me to expand my knowledge, I learnt how to use camera's and more on triggers.
So then after a short argument he says a very hurtful thing to me:
Habboi Says: Well I promise I will try harder!
Kremator Says: Well too bad because your work is no longer needed, your off the team Habboi.
Habboi says: Oh come on, I can try harder please!
And the argument lasted an hour and at 12:00 he simply stated that all my chances were up and I have been removed.
I felt so ill, I wanted to just vomit...You'll probably laugh but ever since I worked for that mod, my family were so proud, friends were jealous and others were curious.
It was the best times of my modding life but you see i'm 16 and that means i'm in Sixth Form so I have to work so hard now doing AS level work. You think I had time to map...When was the last time I ever relased a map here on TWHL...
So afterbeing kicked and by the way I say I left because I'd rather not make a fool of myself and besides Trapt a lot of people knew I was kicked...Had you been my friend. And whats strange is I remember when I made my dedication map that I spent so much work on YOUR room and it upsets me to see you never commented on it nor did you say thanks or nice map.
So after a week of not being on the team I felt ill, my friends felt sorry for me and I had to lie to my family that I left due to school being too much work. Do you know how hard that was to lie to my own blood? my cousins were disspointed but understood. That was a sad time and school wasn't any better...I was getting E's and F's for my sloppy work.
I then worked real hard and earned me good GCSE grades, 1 A, 3 B's and 5 C's.
So then I felt so happy again, I had to spread the news and thats when I really wanted to work on a mod again. Heh and this is really naughty of me but I was offered to join Girls having Fun : Retribution...Now II was really forced into this as a guy I know added me to the mod leaders convo and he simply gave me a job and placed the guilty factor on me.
So i joined and after looking at the mod I was well lets just say it wasn't the most pleasant of mods.
So I try to leave but everytime (Headache) The mod leader talked to me and asked how I was doing I had to lie and say yeah its going great but slow because I have lots of work. So don't get me wrong I did have lots of work back then and the mod wasn't very interesting to work on.
So eventually a few months later he simply kicks me off in a friendly way, I explained to him that I feel really sorry but my school work is far more important.
So I left and felt guilty....Thats when one day a guy called Koen added me to MSN. Basically I had no idea who this guy was and he simply added me because he saw my work on Nightfall and was really amazed. He asked me if I knew any good HL2 sites to advertise his mod...
I told him a few like HL2 files and so on...Thats when I decided to join his mod (Gang-Life) and ever since then this mod has really impressed me, they make great gun models, I please them with my city type map which is in the thread called What are you doing?
So after working on that map which took me SO long, the sweat and blood from that map caused me to take a huge Christmas break.
So I stopped working on it and quite strangely enough had the feeling to see how my old buddies the Nightfall Team were doing. Don't get me wrong, just cause they kicked me didn't mean I had a grudge against them. In fact the only guy I didn't like was Kremator but not because he kicked me but the way he acts, his a real snotty kid (Real posh and acts all like he knows everything) Then he explained to me ages ago that I was kicked for childish behavoir...But if you go there now you will see that they joke, they laugh, that GOD damn spam with one word answers...And they said I spammed

So anyway they had a nice media update and Craig the second in charge had a nice chat with me. He asked me to vote for his mod and I gladly did.
So anyway since that Gang-Life break I haven't touched the VMF because it took me so long and I just don't have the enthusiasm as much.
The TWHL compo came around and I just had to enter...Thats when I came up with the map in my profile...
Of course sadly I won't be entering because time is short, school is getting harder and i'm starting to lose interest in mapping.
But wait...A little while back I played Sven co-op and just loved playing that RE map. Now thats the best HL1 map I have ever played, not even Kasperg with his ultra detailed maps can match the fun'ness of that level.
So I asked a friend if he would like to help me make a Source version of our own to say thanks. He gladly said yes and thats when I had about 1 years experience. We sucked if you must know, we were always busy and school again affected it. So that died very quickly...
*Note I had this little project during the time when I was on Nightfall.
Of course I was set no work to do and about 3 weeks later I was kicked as you know above.
So I made Dedication as a way to put my mind off Nightfall and say thanks to TWHL for helping me 'grow up'. It helped me socialise more with people in real life. If you must know i'm not the most popular guy in the area so TWHL really helped me try to talk to people and I made some great friends.
After the success of Dedication I realised that I have a good gift with mapping. So about that time Hunter looked up to me because of my habboi room detail...I used that detail for my compo map and around 2 weeks ago from today I just wanted to start that Resident Evil map idea once again. This time my best friend Moppen was free and has made great textures...I posted one in the shoutbox yesterday.
Seventh liked it 
Right so now i'm working on this project with Moppen to make a RE map for Source. Just yesterday my reputation helped and I got a modeler to join also. He is performing great deeds and my mapping life couldn't get any better.
That was until this thread came up...I admit when i first read the thread I thought God what an ass...Who would steal maps...Thats when i saw habboi at the bottom oh and Trapt, it's 'H'abboi

I was simply disgusted when i saw all the flaming replies and there was no evidence but the words of a guy who hates my guts. And whats ironic is the guy that hates me SO much made this thread...Why did he receive an email...Why didn't the mods make this thread...
So as you well know i'm quite a good mapper in such a way that it has gotten me a reputation.
Now Trapt claims that a Nightfall guy who probably hates me too emailed him telling him that 1. I steal custom props? Since when...Check all my maps and look for model files.
Map pics? i don't STEAL map pics, I in fact have this handy little folder in My Documents called Map Pics for Mod joining:
Handy little folder that I add map pics too when i apply for mods...back then Nightfall never asked for BSP files...
So I rest my case...What I wrote here is very personal and I will find it offensive if you laugh.