Trapt has to come in here and be a big crybaby about it and make a huge deal about it when it really isnt.This is just pointless flaming now, we have no-more to talk about in my opinion. Maybe a mod. could close this thread?
Created 19 years ago2006-01-07 09:04:17 UTC by
Trapt has to come in here and be a big crybaby about it and make a huge deal about it when it really isnt.This is just pointless flaming now, we have no-more to talk about in my opinion. Maybe a mod. could close this thread?
And seriously. Would you apologize an enemy of yours even if you were wrong?Well, I wouldn't consider anyone an enemy, but yes, I would...
Trapt has to come in here and be a big crybaby about it and make a huge deal about it when it really isnt.I'm sorry, but taking someone's work and claiming it as your own is a big deal, and YOU are a pathetic fucking moron.
What struck me was your rude summary of Habboi's explaination. Anyone who treats someone like that, I would have to oppose...Meh, I'm just a very blunt person who speaks his mind. I don't see anything wrong with telling people what you think.
I'm sorry, but taking someone's work and claiming it as your own is a big deal, and YOU are a pathetic fucking moron.Boohoo...grow up.
Quite frankly your "Im right and your wrong" attitude is really getting on my nerves.I have never had this attitude. In fact, it was everyone else who had this attitude. 'No, I believe habboi 'cos he never lies! He must be right!11' and my opinion is discarded completely because for some strange reason, the population of idiots far outweigh the population of intelligent people in this community.
if there are people sending death threats through pms... than twhl should seriously consider an age limit required to create an account... and if its not a matter of age... GROW UP damn e-thugsDon't think that'd do anything. Some people are mature for their age, some aren't.
I dont think calling people idiots, morons and assholes is in the communities best interest.Read the first post: did I call anyone an idiot, a moron, an asshole? No. It was only when people started attacking me that I started. Why? BECAUSE I'VE DONE NOTHING FUCKING WRONG.
And I am only disagreeing with you cause in my mind habboi is innocent until proven guilty...and I have yet to see any proof...just accusations.No accusations from me, but from the informant. So get the fuck off my back.