The Fraud - Exposed Created 19 years ago2006-01-07 09:04:17 UTC by Trapt Trapt

Created 19 years ago2006-01-07 09:04:17 UTC by Trapt Trapt

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 21:04:08 UTC Post #157157
Shhhhhhhhh! Dispute is over!
Trapt has to come in here and be a big crybaby about it and make a huge deal about it when it really isnt.
This is just pointless flaming now, we have no-more to talk about in my opinion. Maybe a mod. could close this thread?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 21:09:31 UTC Post #157165
Well so I suppose I dont get to have my opinion huh? I wasnt here earlier so I just now got to read it all.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:11:45 UTC Post #157169
And seriously. Would you apologize an enemy of yours even if you were wrong?
Well, I wouldn't consider anyone an enemy, but yes, I would...

In fact,
Trapt, I'm sorry for asking you to apologize, and the cruel way I went about doing it.

I'm not quite sure of your intentions, but if you meant good and actually thought Habboi was stealing work, you acted somewhat responsibly, to begin with.

What struck me was your rude summary of Habboi's explaination. Anyone who treats someone like that, I would have to oppose...

Can we end this now?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:19:08 UTC Post #157175
Trapt has to come in here and be a big crybaby about it and make a huge deal about it when it really isnt.
I'm sorry, but taking someone's work and claiming it as your own is a big deal, and YOU are a pathetic fucking moron.

Please, refrain from making yourself look stupider than you really are in the future.
What struck me was your rude summary of Habboi's explaination. Anyone who treats someone like that, I would have to oppose...
Meh, I'm just a very blunt person who speaks his mind. I don't see anything wrong with telling people what you think.

Thanks for the apology though, it means a lot. :)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:22:16 UTC Post #157177
takes a lot for me to apologize,
or for me to say I was EVER wrong...

I tend to be... closed minded and arogant... though I'm usually right.

arogant is one thing, stupid is another.

An Arrogant stupid person is the WORST type...

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:23:33 UTC Post #157178
Here, this sums EVERYTHING up...

Trapt = hates habboi with a passion.

habboi = Stole someone's work, and used models for multiple mods. Made some bad decisions.

Moon = made of chesse.

George Bush = sucky prez.

Lock please ;)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:36:44 UTC Post #157184
Ok a little off-topic but people who are getting death threats or stupid PMs need to get in touch with me, I've already suspended a few accounts for it and would like to get rid of the rest, it's not a joke, its immature, if we really wanted to debate it it's illegal with your local authorities and you can get in some big shit for it. So just don't do it. Also, its against my lovely forum TOS which is stickied everywhere and I'm sure you've all read it (right?)
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:47:15 UTC Post #157187
I'm sorry, but taking someone's work and claiming it as your own is a big deal, and YOU are a pathetic fucking moron.
Boohoo...grow up.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:52:18 UTC Post #157189
It is quite a big deal though jeremy. An ass doesnt deserve credit for stealing your work while claiming it as your own. You will get credit and join the "team" or whatever, rather than the creator. Its kinda like copying your friends resume and applying for the same job hes trying for. You just happen to get there first, therefore, you get it and not the rightfull accomplisher.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:53:44 UTC Post #157190
Theres no proof though.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:55:44 UTC Post #157191
Im speaking generally, of course.. Just proving my point that its not a "boo hoo" matter.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 23:00:24 UTC Post #157193
Quite frankly, J3r3my seems to have no idea what he's talking about.

Even if there is 'no proof,' as you say, I felt it best for the community to know.

Right now, you're just making yourself look like an ass.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 00:47:58 UTC Post #157207
I think its quite the contrary. Quite frankly your "Im right and your wrong" attitude is really getting on my nerves. You go and accuse habboi and talk all this trash to him without anything to back it up. And worse yet you call anyone who disagrees with you an idiot or an asshole or whatever other insulting name you come up with. Real mature...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 01:01:44 UTC Post #157208
if there are people sending death threats through pms... than twhl should seriously consider an age limit required to create an account... and if its not a matter of age... GROW UP damn e-thugs

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 01:14:54 UTC Post #157210
lol I think most of these people are older than me and theyre acting less mature...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 01:36:44 UTC Post #157211
Quite frankly your "Im right and your wrong" attitude is really getting on my nerves.
I have never had this attitude. In fact, it was everyone else who had this attitude. 'No, I believe habboi 'cos he never lies! He must be right!11' and my opinion is discarded completely because for some strange reason, the population of idiots far outweigh the population of intelligent people in this community.

Anyway, you have no argument, J3r3my. The point stands that stealing someones work IS a big deal, and the community's best interest was in my mind when I posted. You're just being ignorant.
if there are people sending death threats through pms... than twhl should seriously consider an age limit required to create an account... and if its not a matter of age... GROW UP damn e-thugs
Don't think that'd do anything. Some people are mature for their age, some aren't.

Anywho, I got a dumbass PM from slightly_insane, who seemed a bit fucked in the head. It contained insults and silly threats, and I laughed it off and showed it in IRC for a bit of a laugh. He has since been banned, and anyone who persists with stupid PMs will continue to be banned.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 01:50:57 UTC Post #157212
I dont think calling people idiots, morons and assholes is in the communities best interest. And I am only disagreeing with you cause in my mind habboi is innocent until proven guilty...and I have yet to see any proof...just accusations.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 02:42:18 UTC Post #157213
Oh, for fucks sake. You're just being fucking stupid now.
I dont think calling people idiots, morons and assholes is in the communities best interest.
Read the first post: did I call anyone an idiot, a moron, an asshole? No. It was only when people started attacking me that I started. Why? BECAUSE I'VE DONE NOTHING FUCKING WRONG.
And I am only disagreeing with you cause in my mind habboi is innocent until proven guilty...and I have yet to see any proof...just accusations.
No accusations from me, but from the informant. So get the fuck off my back.

Due to the pure noobiness and stupidity of many of the members in this community, I refuse to give you a name. I fear that habboi and his supporters will all email him with goatse, gay porn, and silly threats.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 04:48:36 UTC Post #157216
Ok Ive been gone for nearly 4 months and I come back to this?!?

This is absolutely pathetic and has all the workings of a smear campaign. Trapt, I have no idea what crawled up your ass and died, but you are acting way out of line. You are acting very immature with all the name calling and flaming. You think anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant, when in truth, you are the one who is being ignorant. You only see your side of the arguement, and dont take anyone elses thoughts into consideration. You are making yourself look like the bad guy here. If you were truely open minded, you would not resort to flaming to try and prove your point. If someone disagrees with what I say, I will counter with a well thought out, logical reply - with no flaming. Now please stop acting like a bratty little child. I honestly expected better of you.

Having served on a jury, the defendent is not only innocent until proven guilty, but must be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Such as the case is here, I must assume Habboi to be innocent until some more concrete evidence can be provided.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 05:02:19 UTC Post #157218
... sigh

I expected better of you, Mr. Goat.

First off, the only time I have flamed in this thread is when someone has attacked me. Yet I'm the only one who 'flames omg?!?!'? Someone calling me a crybaby who makes a big deal out of things is just fucking stupid, especially considering the seriousness of this particular subject - not exactly a small deal, eh?

People are disagreeing with me are being ignorant? No, I'm not saying that. People basing their opinions when they haven't read posts and don't know the facts are being ignorant. Not me.

I'm not proving my point with flaming, I'm defending myself. People are attacking me for making accusations and god knows what else, and I haven't done anything fucking wrong.

At first, I was replying without anything too bad in my posts. Then when people started abusing me, flaming ME, THAT is when my flaming started. I'm not gonna let people fucking do whatever they want to me and get away with it. Like I said, don't fucking fuck with me.

I'm not acting like a child here, it's the idiots who keep bringing this topic back up, even after it was almost resolved. Then some dickheads just had to come in here and start it all again.

Good stuff.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 05:18:38 UTC Post #157219
Oh shut up!

do you not think that since everybody who has posted in this thread recently thinks you're childish and being ignorant, that maybe you are?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 05:21:59 UTC Post #157220
Trapt, PM me if you want this unlocked and have anything new to put forward.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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