Posted 20 years ago2004-02-17 22:05:38 UTCPost #16444
hey, i want to make a nade map, yet i dont know ow t ostrip a player of all weapons !!!, i mean it would be gay if people use there glocs and usp's :o, how do i make it so they start with nife, body armor, and a nade ??
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-18 21:52:38 UTCPost #16537
oy vae....
look can we just answer the poor guys question... geez...
make a team master and set it for everyone... then make a game_player_equip set it to equip the player with body armor, an he nade, and a knife... set its team master to the one u just made... now make a trigger_auto and target the game_player_equip with it... set it to delay about .5 seconds just to be at the start of eacho round they will be given a knife, nade and armor