SP vs MP Created 19 years ago2006-02-25 21:03:39 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Created 19 years ago2006-02-25 21:03:39 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Posted 19 years ago2006-02-25 21:03:39 UTC Post #165054
What do you prefer to map for, singleplayer or multiplayer?

Multiplayer maps are fun to map cause you can use crazy circular layouts that doesn't have to be logical. You also don't have to think on the plot.

On the other hand singleplayer maps are fun to map cause they can be splitted into many levels, and it makes the compiling shorter. Multiplayer maps can't be splitted, sometimes it's really annoying!
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-25 21:11:17 UTC Post #165055
Single player is more challenging to map than Multi, hence more fun ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-25 21:33:07 UTC Post #165057
I don't think one is really funner to map for than the other, but I would have to say single player is more challenging.

In single-player, you have to worry more about the graphics too, since people tend to pay more attention to them when they don't have to worry about somebody shooting them in the back all the time.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-25 21:38:43 UTC Post #165058
I must say that multiplayer maps are INCREDIBLY good fun to map.. You can just map whatever ideas pop into your head... They dont neccisarily have to have reason...

But then, you're so resricted with filesizes and custom content with multiplayer...

I love making custom textures, re-skinning models and including them in minimods. Its great. You can totally satisfy your creative mind..

I dunno...

Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-25 22:53:16 UTC Post #165072
Single player maps are the best to map, as hunter said custom content, Monster placing is fun to try and think were you will get the player. and all that sort of stuff
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 00:52:41 UTC Post #165078
I prefer mapping for single-players more, because you could play it too, even without a server that runs your map.

Multiplayer maps are difficult to get actual gameplay feedback. Unless you get a server to run your map, you might never get to play your map. In fact, I would say that 99% of deathmatch maps never get played.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 01:52:52 UTC Post #165080
I like mapping for multiplayer much more however single player mapping is open to much MUCH more potential.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 05:33:47 UTC Post #165088
sp is better 4 me :D
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 06:18:24 UTC Post #165092
I like both.

I don't agree that MP is just throwing something together, not if you want to do a good map that is. Neither is SP, but SP is somewhat easier to predict, as you can guide the player much easier, which isn't the case in MP maps, where it's more a sort of focussing combat into certain area's.

Oh well. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 06:40:36 UTC Post #165096
I prefer to map for multiplayer. I dont know how to code or model, so the options for monsters and other NPCs are limited to the HL theme. On the other hand, I can make multiplayer arenas with little connection to the game using ancient or futuristic themes. I dont really like to map real-looking places unless they have some special interest (my high school in Paris, famous buildings etc)
Entity work is also much more intensive in singleplayer.
After working +1 year in a singleplayer mod and about 3 years (not in a row) making multiplayer maps, I'd say both are good. Each mode has its limits and advantages.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 06:43:19 UTC Post #165097
Imo, SP is better.
Now I like mapping for MP, although I hate the restrictions and stuff like that. You have to watch the fps, the filesize, the layout, the weapon placement(?), etc.

SP only needs a logical layout and a plot, which are pretty simple. There are less restrictions for SP and you can always add more custom content.

SP > MP. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 08:26:41 UTC Post #165117
True, all the detail you put into a map will be seen and gone in a couple of seconds, but without it, the map isn't anything special, you need the detail, because people do take it in as they go through an area, even if it is only for a second.

I prefer SP slightly, as you can have a story to it, and really immerse the player.
You have to guide the player, and try to guess what he/she will do at each area, so as to create the most effective atmosphere.

I agree with several people here on mp mapping, most maps never get played, and you can't make the map too big a file etc. And when you have made it, what can you really do with it? You can walk around it by yourself, you might get maybe your friend to play for 5 mins, but that is it.

WIth SP you can just play it by yourself, and have plenty of custom content, and SP maps are far more likely to be played by someone, since they don't need another 7 people to actually see how the map plays.

Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 10:25:15 UTC Post #165133

some of you may remember my thread some time ago, - got a bit stressed at the constant income of mp maps in the vault... and surprise, surprise, that situation hasn't changed... it really pisses me off.

As G_Kid said, i love emmersing the player in a story... so you can get really involved...

...And a word to all mappers submitting crap CS maps... STOP NOW. they are shit, they are never going to get played, people don't care.

There is no skill in multi-player maps - and it is SOOOO REPEATITIVE

oh look i killed you, oh look you killed me. I mean, ffs, give it a rest. Theres no thought in the playing, not like in hl where you where like,

"mmm... the generator is off, and I need power. Arrghh, I must find the generator and switch it on!"

The bottom line is.... look at the vault, the first page, the last page. Look at the overall quality of the completed maps, the recent CS and DM maps are going down-hill, no thought, rushed, crappy layout, so why don't those people take a hint, and start on a good hl sp mod, or do an idea thats has never been done before.

Single-Player Maps and Single-Player Mapping PWNS THE F**KIN' ARSE OF [b][u]ANY[/b][/u] Multi-player map, STAT.


[/account at TWHL] :furious:
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 10:28:34 UTC Post #165134
I WANT ROOM 2, alexb!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 10:37:17 UTC Post #165135
alxb, u suk! i liek 2 rn wt clot in d2 nd pwn n00bz wth wh nd aim!!1!~
stfu, mp pwnz!! im wrkin on a msp rght nw!! it wll be a rmkaek of fy_iceworld_2005_21k_3 nd it wlil hav laeddrz nd stuf!!1
sp sux coz u dunt hav clot and mpnstres dunt rspwn!!111~!~!!!!!~

Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 10:38:08 UTC Post #165136
Single Player!
I think single player is more flexible.
You can do anything you want!
Also, you can deside what's going to happen in the map, you don't just leave it over to the player. :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 10:51:06 UTC Post #165140
Single Player is ever so challenging! I map for MP because first of all you can see my SP maps sucked and my MP maps are better.

If you enojy mapping then make SP maps but if you like to make maps that don't take as much thought or effort then try MP.

MP allows you to share your cool entity set-ups with your mates heheh.
Hunter and I make boats in Gmod and drive them around...Tis fun to share work and show off your master peices.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 12:08:26 UTC Post #165147
If you enojy mapping then make SP maps but if you like to make maps that don't take as much thought or effort then try MP.
Err... they do take thought and effort. I can do a thoughtless SP map and then you can compare it with my HL2DM maps
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 12:11:51 UTC Post #165148
MP maps need to have a good flow, good weapon placement and assymetric architecture, it's not as thoughtless as it sounds.
If you're mapping for a teambased game, i.e. CS, team balancing is extremely important.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 12:26:28 UTC Post #165149
Ah no, don't say that ZL, you'll start J.C off on one of his rants... :| :P
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 14:51:09 UTC Post #165170
Woohoo another quite popular thread by me! :D
There is no skill in multi-player maps - and it is SOOOO REPEATITIVE

oh look i killed you, oh look you killed me. I mean, ffs, give it a rest. Theres no thought in the playing, not like in hl where you where like,
I never mentioned playing DM, only mapping for it. ;) I just like the crazy layouts you can use. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 15:20:20 UTC Post #165182
A mod is not just a singleplayer map, it's usually a series of them.
Singleplayer maps can be as crazy as multiplayer. Multiplayer maps can have ambience just like singleplayers maps do.
The main difference is that a multiplayer map must be able to sustain gameplay and entertain for longer periods of time. A singleplayer area can be seen only once and that's it. In multiplayer, there are usually many more paths and situations that you have to keep in mind. Adjusting performance based on predictions of what areas will be "busy areas" also takes some skill. Detail and complexity is not an issue. There are detailed and simple maps for both SP and MP.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-26 19:16:57 UTC Post #165232
I go with multiplayer.
My friend has a server and i get all sorts of imput from the players who play the levels. Constructive critism. I never released any of them in the vault here, why.. i dunno but i definitly like multiplayer more than single player. I often times detail 2 or 3 rooms then just.. run out of ideas. With multiplayer maps. CS mostly... you can always just stick another box here, move the bombsite here, etc etc.

That box or bombsite movement can affect the entire gameplay, and thus the quality of the map.

MP = +5
SP = +1
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-27 19:08:46 UTC Post #165409
The great thing about multiplayer maps is that its always different, in a sense, because you play different poeple in it. With single player once you figure everything out, thats it, theres nothing left. On the othe4r hand you can have a single player mod and you don't have to worry about hoe many people have it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-27 19:11:01 UTC Post #165411
Multiplayer, because it requires a shorter amount of time to complete the map, as well as being simpler to map for.

:glad: :heart:
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-27 19:22:55 UTC Post #165412
Alex911, there are lot of good CS maps out there.
Case in point.

CS mapping isn't bad. It's just that most CS mappers are bad and inexperienced.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-27 19:35:50 UTC Post #165414
That map looks nice. The author spent +10 months with it. Some CS mappers take 10 minutes to make their awp maps.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-27 19:47:00 UTC Post #165417
That map surely is a winner. Looks good and looks like a solid layout, too. You don't see that sort of quality (and dedication) often. :)

// Too bad it's a 70 MB download at the moment, but I found it well worth the wait.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-27 19:58:21 UTC Post #165418
de_corse is only in beta now. I am still waiting for the final version.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-27 21:27:09 UTC Post #165438
That looks like something Rimrok would make. I will have to check it out if it ever gets a final release.
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