The Nominees for Best Buddeh at twhl and at HLDM
And it is.... Elon & Madcow cos , Pepper hunted me on dm_prison or sumthing , kaspergs map!
THe Nominees for the most sick person on TWHL are
and it goes to -- -Habboi cos hes a much bigger perve than urbanebula!!!
The nominees for best buddy on MSN are
-Someone you don't know called Neil-
and it goes to... All of em cos there all equal and not like ZL wtf??
The nominees for the most wierd name are..
and its another go to all , cos their all weird!!!!!!
Final Award
The nominees for the best cooperating info telling mappers are
And it goes to .... ELON YARIV!!!!!!!!1 yaaaaaaay
Nice Non prize you get there!
Well done to all of you who got a prize cept from habbio , he should be ashamed well see you in a few months or years!!