It's a terrible mess, as you can see from the state of the world today.Indeed, my hatred of religion bumped up a notch after watching that video last night, Alex. :
Created 20 years ago2004-07-04 20:04:52 UTC by
It's a terrible mess, as you can see from the state of the world today.Indeed, my hatred of religion bumped up a notch after watching that video last night, Alex. :
I mean common guys... simple answers. I am yet to see a good "Deep through" post in here.Well, provide us with a deep thought then, Tycell.
"If I am myself, and you are yourself, who am I?" - You are yourself.No. YOU are yourself. I am not yourself.
I have always wondered, what is at the centre of the universe, is it just a giant star? Or is it the Pillars of Creation or are they elsewhere?1. Since the universe is infinite, it would be impossible for it to have a center.
What the hell is the universe rotating around.
2. The Pillars of Creation? Er... is that some religious BS?Pillars of Creation are what created most, or alot, of the nebulas, planets etc. They are massive, really massive clouds of stuff..
3. What makes you think the entire universe is rotating?
I have always wondered, what is at the centre of the universe, is it just a giant star? Or is it the Pillars of Creation or are they elsewhere?A Black Hole.
What the hell is the universe rotating around.
Your mind is at work all the time. Even while your body sleeps your mind creates dreams and keeps working 24/7 in order to maintain your memories and such. When we die, where does the minds mental existance go?It ceases to exist. It does not go anywhere, it just isn't anymore. And the memories aren't aswell. Just like your HDD. If you grind, smash, or put a magnet to your HDD, the data that was there is so damaged that it ceases to exist as such. So, when you die, you just aren't. Your cells still are, and what's left of you is, but you, yourself... as a person/spirit/whatever just aren't anymore.
As the objects show no sign of slowing down, our universe will just keep on expanding forever because it will have no gravity to pull it back together again.If that is an actual fact, then our universe IS virtually infinite. And aside from that, who's to say that that radiation or whatever is not part of the universe? In fact, I'm pretty sure none of that is scientifically proven. All of it is theories. What I do know for sure, following basic reasoning, is that there is no place in existence that contains nothing. There is no limit to space. Okay, so maybe I'm not talking about the universe, obviously I didn't know the exact definition of the word "universe". I thought it practically meant "everything", and according to some dictionaries, it does. So, I don't know if it should be called "the universe" or "space", or "the everything in existence", or what-the-hell-ever... All I know is, there are no limits to "the everything", because there's always something. The same thing is true for the concept of time. Time is infinite. In both directions. There is no beginning of time, and there will be no end. Not everything has a beginning and an end, and time has neither. I don't know about life... Life may have a beginning.... But it would be ridiculous of me to even state that it has or hasn't one, since "the everything" is everywhere and there is no area outside it, and for all I know there might have always been life somewhere in that incomprehensibly enormous "everything". The thing is, there's not much point in discussing "the everything" or time, or life (as in vitality, as in the state of being alive, not as in the time period during which a being lives... let me clarify that for anyone that wants to be a smartass about it). There are much problems that we haven't solved on our own planet, and probably much truths here, which we have yet to unearth. Isn't it just a tad ludicrous, that it is fashionable to want to know about "bending time" and "time travel", and "the space monkey truck/ship/bang/ripple theory" other entertaining theories of that kind? This Earth of ours has so many unsolved crises. There are serial killers out there, there are muggers/rapistst/people that kill you in order to steal your dough, there are hitmen, there are religious wars, hunting, global warming, there's all this bullshit and more. Why would you want to know about "teh univars" and "substance" and philosophical nonsense and whatnot? How would it change your life if you knew that, for expample, the galaxy was a purple spiral that constantly changes its course and occasionally wiggles randomly. What enlightenment would it provide you with? What effect would it have on your life?
Do they have girl?s bathrooms in gay bars?hahahhahahahahahha
Deep thoughts are usually far too complex and lencthy to put into word easily. I suppose a very simple example would be 'Time'. Time doesnt exist, hence why it is imposible to travel through time, it is a human concept. A measurment, like Meters. "A Meter" doesnt exist, its just a concept, a way of measuring somthing. Time does not exist, hence why time travel is imposible, because its just a measurement, not a force or an object. Now combine this with the fact that people get old and die, and how the more 'time' you spend on the planet the older you get. If time isnt real, how is this possible?Try to understand einstein's theories before saying that. It is possible to travel forword in time. Just move in a speed near to the speed of light and while everybody that doesn't move fast pass away you will only get older by an hour or a year... I don't know. You might even end in the middle of the sun after it will start to grow and turn into a red giant.( it will be in about another 5 billion years)
look up about the "pattern" in Pie, and what it could mean if its foundDo you mean finding that [m]pi[/m] is rational?