Deep thoughts..... Created 20 years ago2004-07-04 20:04:52 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 20 years ago2004-07-04 20:04:52 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 07:37:46 UTC Post #167887
It's a terrible mess, as you can see from the state of the world today.
Indeed, my hatred of religion bumped up a notch after watching that video last night, Alex. :
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 07:51:01 UTC Post #167888


Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 15:31:57 UTC Post #167962
A lot of the questions you guys are putting foward are very easy to answer... I mean stuff like;

"If I try to fail, but suceed, what have I done?" - You have suceeded, even though you tried to fail.

Like, so many of these questions are so simple to answer and dont deserve to be in this thread.

"If I am myself, and you are yourself, who am I?" - You are yourself.

I mean common guys... simple answers. I am yet to see a good "Deep through" post in here.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 16:12:14 UTC Post #167966
Well said.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 17:22:48 UTC Post #167971
I mean common guys... simple answers. I am yet to see a good "Deep through" post in here.
Well, provide us with a deep thought then, Tycell. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 17:33:01 UTC Post #167972
i am amazed this thread has gone so far considering i just bumped it for a joke..
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 18:09:12 UTC Post #167979
Deep thoughts are usually far too complex and lencthy to put into word easily. I suppose a very simple example would be 'Time'. Time doesnt exist, hence why it is imposible to travel through time, it is a human concept. A measurment, like Meters. "A Meter" doesnt exist, its just a concept, a way of measuring somthing. Time does not exist, hence why time travel is imposible, because its just a measurement, not a force or an object. Now combine this with the fact that people get old and die, and how the more 'time' you spend on the planet the older you get. If time isnt real, how is this possible?

Anyway, as I said real "Deep Thoughts" are very hard to put into words, because they are just that; "deep thoughts". I bet that you guys could put foward any "Deep Throughts" to me (and others no doubt) and we would be able to give you answers. I could answer every question in this thread if I had the effort and will too. "Deep Thoughts" are usually very illusive so think carefully before you post anything else in this thread.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 18:21:47 UTC Post #167981
Hmm, this isn't really anything to do with this thread, but it seems the best place to post it.

I have always wondered, what is at the centre of the universe, is it just a giant star? Or is it the Pillars of Creation or are they elsewhere?
What the hell is the universe rotating around. :

I am not sure if anyone knows, but I'd be interested to hear your ideas.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 18:26:19 UTC Post #167982
a giant cookie in the shape of a Dalec
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-12 18:29:56 UTC Post #167983
Winnar!!! Teh ultimate theory!!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-13 19:10:25 UTC Post #168103
"If I am myself, and you are yourself, who am I?" - You are yourself.
No. YOU are yourself. I am not yourself.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-13 19:12:48 UTC Post #168104
That's just language, man.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-13 19:17:45 UTC Post #168105
I have always wondered, what is at the centre of the universe, is it just a giant star? Or is it the Pillars of Creation or are they elsewhere?
What the hell is the universe rotating around.
1. Since the universe is infinite, it would be impossible for it to have a center.
2. The Pillars of Creation? Er... is that some religious BS?
3. What makes you think the entire universe is rotating?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-13 19:57:31 UTC Post #168106
2. The Pillars of Creation? Er... is that some religious BS?
3. What makes you think the entire universe is rotating?
Pillars of Creation are what created most, or alot, of the nebulas, planets etc. They are massive, really massive clouds of stuff..

And I dunno, you just see on tv when documentaries show the universe or whatever, it is always loads of tiny pricks of light rotating about a really large bright light. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-13 20:05:33 UTC Post #168107
Thats my guess.

Planets rotate around suns (stars), suns rotate around something else, that rotates around something else, etc, etc.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 07:57:36 UTC Post #168155
Im getting dizzy already thinking about it :cyclops:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 08:19:25 UTC Post #168157
I have always wondered, what is at the centre of the universe, is it just a giant star? Or is it the Pillars of Creation or are they elsewhere?
What the hell is the universe rotating around.
A Black Hole.

There is a brilliant idea, which I actually though of myself, and then got told by my physics teacher that it was actually the most commonly held theory out there on the subject.

A lot of stars when they die turn into a black hole right? Even our star (they reckon) will go into a black hole eventually (after it has gone super nova?). I think that everything in the galaxy will just eventually be sucking into black holes, these black holes will then eventually suck each other up, and so on and so on until you have just 1 black hole left. Then, BOOM, the big bang starts all over again because everything is compressed into one spot.

Freaky eh? So there is no such thing as the "end of time" in this case, everything will just start over again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 08:35:11 UTC Post #168158
If god exists why are dinosaurs not included in the bible? Surely if there are fossils and entire skeletons still being dug up to this day then they did exist once. If god was the creator of dinosaurs why did he see fit to destroy them? Surely that would be a serious mis-use of his power and all christians would be pissing their pants in the knowledge that he could do it again.

Another thing. They say people stop believing in god when they don't get what they pray for. They explain by saying that god cannot see to everyones needs. I thought he was al powerful. :

Your mind is at work all the time. Even while your body sleeps your mind creates dreams and keeps working 24/7 in order to maintain your memories and such. When we die, where does the minds mental existance go?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 08:57:27 UTC Post #168160
First of all I feel the need to correct some assumptions posted here. First out sun will not become a black hole, it doesn't have enough mass to supernova. It will however grow to be incredibly huge, engulfing our planet in the process. It will then gently die out, leaving a smoldering coal where it used to be -a white dwarf.

Our universe is not infinite. Space is infinite. Believe it or not, our universe does have an edge, but beyond all the galxies and such, there is just nothing, except radiation. At least that's all scientist can determine. Everything in the universe is moving away from everything else, which means the outer objects are moving faster and faster. We will never be able to reach or go past the edge of the universe. As the objects show no sign of slowing down, our universe will just keep on expanding forever because it will have no gravity to pull it back together again.

Aging is possible. It's just our cells getting fatigued. They have no concept of time, but they still split. Time just helps us measure things, like every unit of measurment we have. Although I wish we had like a metric time system or something, I think it would be easier to add+subtract etc. A meter does exist. A meter is everything contained inside the starting and ending point of the meter. A meter of cheese. A meter of grass. A group of people. Think of units of measurment as variables waiting to be filled with what you are measuring.

Time is a simple measurment as well. Time is how long it takes (how many radiation cycles) a cesium atom to go to a half-life or something. We use that as one second.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 09:22:44 UTC Post #168163
hows this?
The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom. This definition refers to a caesium atom at rest at a temperature of 0 K.
The metre or meter (symbol: m) is the SI base unit of length. It is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in an absolute vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.

straight from wikipedia

...see seconds and metres do exist. nice one, vox, you must have a good memory or something :P
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 10:03:07 UTC Post #168171
If a tree falls and the woods and no one is around to hear it, does Seventh still pwn us.


Yes he does.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 10:24:32 UTC Post #168176
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 18:41:24 UTC Post #168284
Thanks! I just think about things like this alot, I dunno why... And does the atom have to be at 0k? Isn't that absolute zero? Questions questions...questions only chuck norris can answer.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 18:42:38 UTC Post #168285
With a roundhouse kick to the head!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 18:45:12 UTC Post #168287
Vox, did you also hear about the train wreck theory? That eventualy everything will slow down, reverse and come crashing down right into the center causing a hughe black hole, or a new big bang for whats worth it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 19:52:37 UTC Post #168323
Your mind is at work all the time. Even while your body sleeps your mind creates dreams and keeps working 24/7 in order to maintain your memories and such. When we die, where does the minds mental existance go?
It ceases to exist. It does not go anywhere, it just isn't anymore. And the memories aren't aswell. Just like your HDD. If you grind, smash, or put a magnet to your HDD, the data that was there is so damaged that it ceases to exist as such. So, when you die, you just aren't. Your cells still are, and what's left of you is, but you, yourself... as a person/spirit/whatever just aren't anymore.
As the objects show no sign of slowing down, our universe will just keep on expanding forever because it will have no gravity to pull it back together again.
If that is an actual fact, then our universe IS virtually infinite. And aside from that, who's to say that that radiation or whatever is not part of the universe? In fact, I'm pretty sure none of that is scientifically proven. All of it is theories. What I do know for sure, following basic reasoning, is that there is no place in existence that contains nothing. There is no limit to space. Okay, so maybe I'm not talking about the universe, obviously I didn't know the exact definition of the word "universe". I thought it practically meant "everything", and according to some dictionaries, it does. So, I don't know if it should be called "the universe" or "space", or "the everything in existence", or what-the-hell-ever... All I know is, there are no limits to "the everything", because there's always something. The same thing is true for the concept of time. Time is infinite. In both directions. There is no beginning of time, and there will be no end. Not everything has a beginning and an end, and time has neither. I don't know about life... Life may have a beginning.... But it would be ridiculous of me to even state that it has or hasn't one, since "the everything" is everywhere and there is no area outside it, and for all I know there might have always been life somewhere in that incomprehensibly enormous "everything". The thing is, there's not much point in discussing "the everything" or time, or life (as in vitality, as in the state of being alive, not as in the time period during which a being lives... let me clarify that for anyone that wants to be a smartass about it). There are much problems that we haven't solved on our own planet, and probably much truths here, which we have yet to unearth. Isn't it just a tad ludicrous, that it is fashionable to want to know about "bending time" and "time travel", and "the space monkey truck/ship/bang/ripple theory" other entertaining theories of that kind? This Earth of ours has so many unsolved crises. There are serial killers out there, there are muggers/rapistst/people that kill you in order to steal your dough, there are hitmen, there are religious wars, hunting, global warming, there's all this bullshit and more. Why would you want to know about "teh univars" and "substance" and philosophical nonsense and whatnot? How would it change your life if you knew that, for expample, the galaxy was a purple spiral that constantly changes its course and occasionally wiggles randomly. What enlightenment would it provide you with? What effect would it have on your life?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 20:56:14 UTC Post #168340
I actually read all of that. 0.o
Also, I would want to know about 'teh univars' and 'substance' because I am interested in what is out there, some people are interested by space, galaxies etc.
Just because you don't happen to share the same interest doesn't make anyone else wrong for wanting to know about 'teh univars'.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 00:21:11 UTC Post #168351
If we know about the pointless galaxy, that knowledge could lead to other discoveries that are more important.

I also didn't mean to say "this is true" I was just trying to explain (a theory of) something really complicated. When I read your post about how there was no beggining and there will be no end to time, it made me kind of shiver. I can imagine quite a bit of stuff...but to try to imagine infinite time...there might have billions of worlds like us before, even trillions...quintillions of years ago! It's just unfathomable! I vote that as a true deep thought.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 14:39:16 UTC Post #168458
I'm pretty sure you are correct therte VOX. i've also seen a documentary on a theory that our universe is a small part in a bigger. In its turn the bigger is a part of an even imensly big universe.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 18:53:40 UTC Post #168500
Think of the universe as one HUGE explosion contiuing to grow, and expand never stopping, originating from the big bang. If the explosion (or the universe) stops expanding, does it contract into itself, or just stop all together creating an "end" to the universe?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 19:23:39 UTC Post #168503
Do they have girl?s bathrooms in gay bars?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 22:17:59 UTC Post #168539
It can't stop expanding, because the speed objects are moving away from eachother is increasing. However, if it DID come back to itself, it would form another big bang, which kind of disproves my other theory. I guess it doesn't make sense for either one to be true because they both seem right yet they can't both be real (ever expansion and a big bang-cycle)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 23:05:30 UTC Post #168553
Well, its all theroy. Theories built on other theories, not very concrete. Its a mystery, really. Maybe we are a snow globe on a shelf on some alien planet..................
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 08:53:38 UTC Post #168630
Maybe we aren't even existing. The power of the mind can really amaze you. We might all be living in this world just in our heads. With enought willpower, the human brain can do anything. If you have enough will to "move a desk" you brain will tell you that you moved the desk, even though you couldn't possibly do it. Therefore, you don't know if YOU exist, your character might be entirely made up inside your brain with everyone and everything else you know. You might be in a coma somewhere and life is just an imagination...whoa...

I am NOT high at this moment btw :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 10:40:17 UTC Post #168658
I think, therefore I am.

Anyone you come in contact with who is a sentient lifeform is a real person, nothing could be fabricated in the mind like that. As a species we have discovered math. (Which is amazing. Think about it, EVERYTHING today is influenced by math) We made inventions, harnessed nature, and created mighty civilizations. All this with 10% of our brain. (humans can only use 10% of their brain power BTW) Imagine what we would be like with 100% usage! Psychic powers anyone? Incredible intelligence? This will probably be attained similar to the MAtrix movie. Implants in the mind so we can download information from one another.....

Hmm, i could go on, but nah......
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 18:08:19 UTC Post #168804
Ever wonder is people saw different colors through their eyes?
Like i see blue but Tosse sees red?
(no reason why i picked you)
Maybe it could explain why differnt people like different colors. Like humans are drawn to 1 certain color, but different people see it as a certain designation.

0_o :glad:

Hmm.. the last couple threads remind me of Men in Black

Um Humans use about 50+% of their brain at any point in time.
In fact by just reading and understanding the text im writing is using the rear (occipital) lobe of your brain, and a good portion of your frontal lobe as well.
Not to mention you typing.. all that data streaming across the corpus callosum. Coordinating your right and left hands to mimic the same movents when your brain hemispheres control the opposite side of your body..

Damn i love psychology.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 18:30:21 UTC Post #168806
You're making me wish I did it.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 18:36:16 UTC Post #168809
I always find myself contemplating the universe a lot.
Like have you ever just walked outside, looked up and just stared for hours.
(night obviously)
Thats the exact reason why im entering the field of study i am. Aerospace Enginnering.
The only way to go is up and up is good.
Back on track with the universe. If the universe Is eveything, and everything is expanding, what isnt everything?

Like.. nothing?

Oh and antimatter exists. Science books FTW
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 23:01:01 UTC Post #168856
We use most of our brain, we just use 10% at any ONE TIME. If we could use it all at once we'd be thinking about the future, present, doing something, moving, smelling, and remembering all at the same time...that's impossible. There are people who have created worlds inside their brain and they see and feel things. It's called schizophrenia, but it's there. They have entire people or GROUPS of people in their mind that they interact with. So to them, those people ARE there.

We didn't discover math, we invented it. It's possible to use a totally different math system than humans use. We use numbers, which technically with decimals and our measuing system, is inaccurate. If you divide 100 by 3, you get en ever repeating number, which means you can't divide an object into 3 equal pieces. But you put three equal pieces together and you have 1 whole piece divided by 3....hmm somethings wrong there. Think of our math system like a bunch of blocks that can be divided into smaller blocks (decimals, fractions) no matter what you do you can't get 100% accurate measurements of curved objects like that. Personally I think our math sytem is flawed, and we will only be able to advance a certain distance before we have to develope a new math system.

Dark matter...psh that's a load of bull. Scientists can't figure out what they did wrong with their calculations to find missing mass in galaxies, so they invent matter that can't be seen, felt, heard, or anything. Scientists say that because the outer edge of a galaxy doesn't move slower than the inside ( like a solar system), that there must be dark matter there to hold the galaxy together. Maybe it's simply like this: imagaine a record spinning, the outside edge is moving FASTER than the inside to stay attached to the rest of the record. A galaxy has a huge amount of gravity, why wouldn't the record effect apply to a galaxy as well? They are comparing a galaxy to a slolar system, which isn't correct imo. Planets orbit the sun in a solar system, but a galaxy rotates as a whole, with the gravity of it's suns and the black hole in the center holding it together.

If dark matter DOES exist, we should send a probe to where we think some is, (oh wait, we don't know where 99% of the universe is? psh) if it disappears into the "matter" than it's real, if not, well, we've got some dummies on earth.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 00:15:24 UTC Post #168860
In theory though, dark matter(anti-matter) cannot come in contact with light matter (regular matter). or else a reaction occurs

those of you who have read Dan Brown's book : Angels and Demons would know about the annialations. There is proof that scientists HAVE created antimatter in labs but they reacted far too fast for them to anylaze it.

Antimatter is in space. where there isnt matter, there lies dark matter. There are also theories that the contact of the universe (matter) vs outside the universe (dark matter) fuel new systems and galaxies to be created. But lets not get into that :
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 09:00:37 UTC Post #168919
So by what you said a spaceship is flying through dark matter...yet no reaction occurs. Wouldn't dark matter be falling onto the earth just like tons of regular space dust does every day? We don't gain any mass from this dark matter...
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 12:22:10 UTC Post #169035

You say there is no gravity to pull the universe back together, but there is. Even if there were only 1 black hole in our galaxy eventually (after a long time) it would pull everything back together, creating another big bang. Whats more, there are millions of black holes, and more being created every day, so eventually the black holes will suck each other in, and then that huge black hole will suck in everything else, thus the big bang happens again.

What gets me, is what would happen if there were no big bang? What if nothing existed? Its so difficult to think about. Its like infinity, you can comprehend infinity, yet you cannot concive it. If the universe is infinite, and there has always been a big bang over and over, what if this is the first one? what if this is the first universe and everything after this one will be results of the big bang and such.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 13:11:01 UTC Post #169060
Deep thoughts are usually far too complex and lencthy to put into word easily. I suppose a very simple example would be 'Time'. Time doesnt exist, hence why it is imposible to travel through time, it is a human concept. A measurment, like Meters. "A Meter" doesnt exist, its just a concept, a way of measuring somthing. Time does not exist, hence why time travel is imposible, because its just a measurement, not a force or an object. Now combine this with the fact that people get old and die, and how the more 'time' you spend on the planet the older you get. If time isnt real, how is this possible?
Try to understand einstein's theories before saying that. It is possible to travel forword in time. Just move in a speed near to the speed of light and while everybody that doesn't move fast pass away you will only get older by an hour or a year... I don't know. You might even end in the middle of the sun after it will start to grow and turn into a red giant.( it will be in about another 5 billion years)

Problem is you can't go back!

How it happens... I don't know, all of this theory is much too complex for me. :confused: I just learned all that I just said from my physics teacher.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 13:29:15 UTC Post #169067
Um, we didnt invent math. Math is the cornerstone of the universes development. Math is a discovery made by man that is a universal language. THere are no "different" math systems. Who told you that? When you get into trig1 and2 you will see how math relates to everything (I guess calc 1 and 2 show that too.) That is why we can invent these things with math today. Computers, cell phones, alternating currents, all perfectly constructed with mathamatical equations. Thats the most funny thing I ever heard. We invented math....LOL

Our math system is flawed? Do you just make this up? Quantom physics is flawed. It is the field of science that came to many modern inventions. Its based on propability and chance. Einsteins theroy of everything was going to solve the randomness of our universe, but he died before finishing it. It is said if we can find the pattern in pie, then we can learn of everything in nature. Please dont make up things in your posts. Do some research............
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 13:48:53 UTC Post #169068
Xyos212 what are you talking about? Pattern in pie? That confuses me... Pattern in 3.14~??? :zonked:

I didn't make up anything. Einstein's had many theories, I'm talking about one of them, and his most known one.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 14:07:31 UTC Post #169073
Sorry Elon I was addressing VOX not you. (BTW, look up about the "pattern" in Pie, and what it could mean if its found. Its very interesting.)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 15:13:56 UTC Post #169095
Elon: Thats not time travel, thats just being slightly accelerated in time like some astronaughts experiance, there is a big difference.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 16:51:52 UTC Post #169120
look up about the "pattern" in Pie, and what it could mean if its found
Do you mean finding that [m]pi[/m] is rational?

Incidentally, gents, antimatter and dark matter are [m]not the same![/m]. Kindly stop abusing physics.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 16:52:44 UTC Post #169121
Uhhh... 'pie' is usually a dessert food filled with fruit, or some type of filling....
you mean pi dont you?

Pi is relative to almost everything. it would be huge to actually find a pattern.. there is actually a naturally occuring universal tesselation... i cant remember what its called.. but it makes a bunch of triangles and.. well.. ill get my calc book and tell it to u guys.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 18:47:30 UTC Post #169171
Humans can NOT perfectly determine the volume of a curved object. Decimals and fractions make it impossible. That is where our math system is flawed. Did you read my post at all? How do you explain my 3 separated pieces? Of course there are rules in math that we DISCOVERED, but our system of irrational numbers that go on forever are invented, simply because in math..the number goes on forever, but if you look at physical evidence, the math is wrong. There was a time when humans didn't use the number 0..but we managed to still have math. I'm not saying the math we use is wrong, I'm saying that eventually we will have to think of something new to be able advance further.

About that black holes, once you are going a certain velocity and are a certain distance away from a black hole, you can escape it's pull. And since the galaxies are moving away from eachother at an ever increasing velocity, it's unlikely that 1 black hole will pull them ALL together again.
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