Flying Boxes! Created 21 years ago2004-02-22 20:14:58 UTC by moo22 moo22

Created 21 years ago2004-02-22 20:14:58 UTC by moo22 moo22

Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 20:14:58 UTC Post #17013
Ok heres my plan, to make a box/car that i would able to drive in... i have a func_vehicle, when i start it and try to go foward it just flys somewere out of my map, any advice?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 20:23:26 UTC Post #17015
Most certainly sounds like you need a origin brush in it. (just include it anywhere in the "Car")
Remember you need 2 path corners too(for where the car spawns, and where it 'looks').
The 'car' has to face East in the top view.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 20:25:54 UTC Post #17016
ok thanks ill give that a go
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 20:30:20 UTC Post #17019
Woot Thanks!!! it worked!!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-25 07:11:03 UTC Post #17295
func_vehicle are nasty entinity's
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