Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 19:18:55 UTCPost #16990
Ok, first, what exactly is an origin texture, (not brush, texture, if you want to include info about origin brushes be my guest.) second, where can I get it/one?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 19:28:11 UTCPost #16996
Glossary Half-Life : General : ORIGIN texture This is a special invisible texture that tells the engine where to rotate any brush-based entity grouped with it. Sort of a pivot point or hinge. "Origin brushes must be grouped" or you will get a compiling error. Used with rotating doors, tanks, mounted guns and fans. The exact centre of the origin brush is the axis, so size is not an issue.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 19:28:24 UTCPost #16997
origin means where it begins, origin is a texture wihc you use on a brush. if you want to find the texture just type origin in by search. you use this brush by func_door_rotating func_train and serval others, this brush determins the center of a entinity. as much seen wiht a func_tank.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 19:36:32 UTCPost #17007
Holy Hell. Many posts to my noobish question. But when I was reading through another thread (by NATOX) ZombieLoffe posted "...halflife.wad has all the stuff you need..." so that's were I checked and my problems were solved, and all was well.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-22 21:03:43 UTCPost #17030
Yes, Ive been triing to make a gun/turret. But the barrel of the gun (when compiled and in game) seems to stretch for ever. I'm triing to fix it but it's not co-operating.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-23 06:33:08 UTCPost #17061
Gun.... Orientation. The hardest thing to understand about gun's/turrets is the way they are placed in the map. Orientation is everything. Check the tutorial Tank Rockets and I think it is mentioned in the 6th paragraph. This might solve your stretched barrel and then again, it might not