I got an Idea 2 Created 20 years ago2005-01-03 18:18:23 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 20 years ago2005-01-03 18:18:23 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 17:41:21 UTC Post #131329
so...who has the map now?

I think the idea has died... :(
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 14:29:30 UTC Post #133807
Is this project even still alive?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 14:32:55 UTC Post #133809
No i don't think so :(
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 14:42:31 UTC Post #133812
Yes it is still alive. I have to send the map on!

I'm putting together the files, then sending to the next luckey mapper.
Patient. ;)
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 15:08:14 UTC Post #133817
Is Bl still alive? :tired: I haven't seen him in a while! :nervous:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 16:43:22 UTC Post #133849
He appears on and off.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 20:29:20 UTC Post #137268
Im back...

whats going on with the project?

I don't want my pretty idea to fail :confused:

Those maps looked really good this time...

Update me on where this is.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 22:12:10 UTC Post #137287
Gman apperantly was the last person to be adding something I think. we need your leadership BL, Unb has been too busy with Hostage Situation to work on this(I think)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 05:04:16 UTC Post #137316
And Gman appears to be a bit short on internet atm.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 12:46:13 UTC Post #137412
Alright, Ill try and contact Unbreakable and G-man.

Hang tight
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-31 19:50:45 UTC Post #144617

Have you been able to gain communications with them? (Unbreakable and G-man?)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-31 23:08:21 UTC Post #144633
They seem to ignore me...

The best thing would be to let this thing hibernate til the busy times die down a little... I don't think kol is coming back.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-01 09:28:44 UTC Post #144690
He's on IRC now and then. Coil seems to be developing.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 21:25:14 UTC Post #148721
So... this thing is dead? I remember I gave the map to Unbreakable a loooong time ago... Sorry to be bumping a thread, but I'm just wondering if this is being abandoned or merely postponed, due to lack of time for it at this point.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 22:07:48 UTC Post #148724
Its being PostPoned for now...

Moderators, PLEASE keep this thread open.

Remember how pissed I got when Andy deleted "I got an Idea"


(Hes ever so sorry though...)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 04:29:54 UTC Post #148744
We don't close threads for the sake of it.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-03 19:55:01 UTC Post #156080
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-03 19:59:59 UTC Post #156082
For he's eivl! :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-03 19:59:59 UTC Post #156083
I'm Lazy...

see, I wanted it to live, but the map that we had made no sense to me, and I couldn't really compile it nor even look at it the right way, so I had someone, I think Unbreakable, take over for a while. Eventually, kol and I would fix up the final map, but I haven't seen kol in a while...

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 11:24:01 UTC Post #171715
large crashing noise as the thread is bumbed from the deep dark depths of page 2.

Dont panic, all is well.

I have just recived and E-mail from Bratty Lord stating this;
Subject : Re: TWHL mix 2.

| | | Inbox

As you know,
Someone like me has MANY MULTIPLe e-mails, and aliases. Sorry man, JUST SAW your e-mail....

My suggestion,
Go Into the I GOT AN IDEA 2 thread, and take charge. I will surly give you full command, as I am not fit to finish the project out myself.

Good luck,
Da Brat.
That pretty much says it all. If you doubt this wait for BL to be online and post, I am sure he will confirm it. He has asked me to complete this project for him and I have accepted. So, to the first order of business;
  • Who signed up for this? Where is the list of people who are going to make a map / room.
  • Who has the map now? How far down the list are we.
  • Who is still in / who has left.
My original Email (which I sent a long time ago) featured ideas on how to help this project, I will post them here and see what you all think of it. Is it a good idea? Should we implament it?

[quote]Dear BL.

I have read through a little bit of the "I have an Idea 2" thread and was
about to sign up, until I flicked to the last page and saw that the project
had grounded to a halt.

If you like, I have an idea that can completly solve this problem, perhaps
not this time but for TWHL mix 3 or whatever.

A space station, with multiple areas (How many depends on how many mappers
sign up), each area is connected to the next via an airlock type of system.
You (or whoever founds the idea) maps the airlock and then copies it,
complete with level_changes. Then, each mapper can make a map of thier own,
set in any setting, as you could enter one part of the station, jump in a
teleporter which can take you to wherever, and then at the end of that area,
get in another teleporter and come back to the station, and the next

This way, everyone is mapping at once, and you can set a deadline (for
example 30 days) and ask that if you havnt finished the map in 30 days, just
cut it short. Voilla, a large seirse of HL1 SP maps all done at once all
easily joinable (as they will all have the same airlocks at the beginning
and end).

What do you think? It would make life so much easier and get the project
done almost instantly.

A few pointers:
  • People will not lose interest in the project and back out as they will get
straight to work.
  • They can make a whole map all to themselfs which leaves a lot of
oppertunity and means people with lesser machines and slower compiles wont
suffer (eg if your at the end of the list.).
  • The whole lot will be done in 30 days, though it would probably be best to
advise people to aim to have it done in 20-25 days (no rush at the end then.

So what do you think?
  • Tycell.[/quote]
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 17:32:14 UTC Post #171764
This is all true...

Whomever had the map last, Which I believe was Rabid, Give it to Ty.

There is a master list somewhere in this thread.

If you can't find it, I'll dig it up somewhere.

Good Luck!

(I'll still do the final part, and help with editing and media once it is completed. I hope kol will still do the final compile as planned)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 19:48:59 UTC Post #171783
Whoever, not whomever.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 21:09:03 UTC Post #171804
heh, I realized it after I typed it.

I don't go back and correct myself.

Thank you sir Monkey... Once agian... For making me look like a fool :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 04:20:39 UTC Post #171816
I found this list;

The Master List

1: Vassy
2: Zombie Loffe
3: Kol
4: Jahzel
5: Rabid Monkey
6: Seventh Monkey
7: m_Gargantua
8: Gman
9: Rileymo
10: Mister Chow
11: Hugh Lloyd
12: BrattyLord

Does this represent the most accurate and recent one?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 12:57:59 UTC Post #171885
Well, to be honest I would have written M_Garg as GarglyWargly, but I do see Mister Chow there instead of luke. Thats good...

That list is ollddd... heres one I dug up:

TWHLmix2 Progress List

MAP 1:

+1: Vassy
+2: Kol
+3: Mister Chow
+4: Rabid Monkey

Map 2:

+5: Unbreakable
*6: Garglywargly
-7: Gman

MAP 3:

-8: Jahzel
-9: Hugh Lloyd
-10: Hazardous

MAP 4:

-11: Seventh_Monkey
-12: Ministeve
-13: NEED MORE PEEPS (Rimrook?)


-14: BrattyLord

Compile 1:
  • Kol
  • Mister Chow
  • Seventh Monkey
  • Kol
  • Vassy
  • BrattyLord
  • Kol
Compile 2:
  • Kol
Final map:
  • BrattyLord
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 13:27:04 UTC Post #171890
Hmm.. Could I participate in this?
I'm almost done with my HLHS chap, so I should have some free time soon. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 14:48:21 UTC Post #171903
I also insist you add me to the testing list, seeing as I am now organising this :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 15:41:42 UTC Post #171905
I'm free now and I want to participate! (Don't replace kol with me... I can hardly compile, got only 128mb of ram)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 17:50:43 UTC Post #171913
TWHLmix2 Progress List

MAP 1:

+1: Vassy
+2: Kol
+3: Mister Chow
+4: Rabid Monkey

Map 2:

+5: Unbreakable
*6: Garglywargly (?)
-7: Gman (?)

MAP 3:

-8: Jahzel (?)
-9: Hugh Lloyd (?)
-10: Hazardous (?)

MAP 4:

-11: Seventh_Monkey (?)
-12: Ministeve (?)
-13: Elon (I'm sure you have the skill for this)


-14: BrattyLord

Compile 1:
  • Kol (?)
  • Mister Chow (?)
  • Seventh Monkey (?)
  • Kol (?)
  • Vassy (?)
  • Tycell
  • BrattyLord
  • Kol (?)
Compile 2:
  • Kol (?)
Final map:
  • BrattyLord
If you have a (?), it means the information is variable.

If you drop out,
We can stick Daub and Tycell into your places, If they want to...

There is a certain level of mapping required to participate in this...

I'll look over Elon, Daubster, and Tycells past work to see whether you should make a map or not.

Initially, we had resumes submitted to the managment of this... I'll just go look at what you've done.

I'm glad to see some interest in this now...

Tycell will run the project concerning the proofchecking of maps in between switches, and getting the map to the next person.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 18:32:45 UTC Post #171925
In the summer? What the hell. Gotta do something, eventually. Not until late June, though.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 22:12:24 UTC Post #171960
hmm, I remember finishing my part.

im pretty sure I still have everything. Vassy's, Kol's, Luke's, and rabid's parts included. I'll dig them up.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-01 23:33:47 UTC Post #171964
Oh good...

When you find them, send them to Tycell, and We will await Gman's reply to the generic PM you all got.


I'll take care of the list and contact, you can run everything else right now.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 06:35:27 UTC Post #172002
Yea - sure. I'm still in. I'll compile. :P

My AMD 64 X2 with a gig of RAM shouldn't take long to compile :P

(whew! i'm glad i got my mapping done though..)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 11:32:54 UTC Post #172039
Your part looks pretty good too kol.

Glad you're still in, you're a big part of this :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 07:49:21 UTC Post #172638
Oh...sorry... didn't check this thread for a while! Yay I'm in! :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 08:11:06 UTC Post #172642
So.. Am I in?
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 12:18:14 UTC Post #172676
Don't look at my past work! I haven't submitted anything since the last summer vacation. :( Do you want me to send me my present work?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 22:36:26 UTC Post #172760
I found it, I'll send it when I get a chance friday
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-07 15:46:46 UTC Post #172831
We still have 3 question marks, which I hope will be resolved.

Everyone please look at this and tell me if its okay.

I have taken the liberty of knocking those who did not reply to my PM to the bottom of the list.

Gargly, Send the Map to Trapt. He will then proofcheck everything.

After that, we should procede in the order that I found people posted to be interested in this, and have replied to my PM.

Seventh, I understand that you are busy at the time. Tell me where you want to be placed on the list. Since you've been here since the start, you have priority Choice.

For now, Trapt, you can make your addition to the map, and make sure its conclusive for the map.

Daubster will start Map 3.

Good luck

TWHLmix2 Progress List

MAP 1:

+1: Vassy
+2: Kol
+3: Mister Chow
+4: Rabid Monkey

Map 2:

+5: Unbreakable
+6: Garglywargly
*7: Trapt

MAP 3:

-8: Daubster
-9: Elon
-10: Seventh_Monkey

MAP 4:

-11: Gman(?)
-12: Jahzel (?)
-13: Hugh Lloyd (?)


-14: BrattyLord

Compile 1:
  • Kol
  • Mister Chow
  • Seventh Monkey
  • Kol
  • Vassy
  • BrattyLord
  • Kol
Compile 2:
  • Kol
Final map:
  • BrattyLord
Seeing that map 4 has all Question Marks, we have the possibility of making this only 3 maps. I can finish up a nice conclusion at the end of map 3.

This is of course if more people are not interested in this project.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 17:38:03 UTC Post #179114
Is this mod dead?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 16:31:09 UTC Post #181217
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 20:07:06 UTC Post #181256
um, well if bratty comes back i'd send him the maps. but he seems to be gone.
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