You forgot to add that Black holes appear when a huge mass star runs out of fuel (>30 times the mass our Sun has). I wrote about the running out of hydrogen thingy above.
That was in the previous chapter.
Part 5 - STARtale.
wich included the life of a star and the alternate end as a black hole depending on the mass.
ok mad that was good........ HELL what would it be like to go into a black hole. Why dont you be a test subject , SpaG! (heh)
Well, about what I wrote beneth this text, you might not even notice that you accedently went in to a black hole since you can still move as normal etc.
But, sure, you might notice it somehow.
Hey, sorry people I had my science teacher (who is very interested in physics, and he is REALLY good) correct my thingy about timetraveling into a black hole.
One statement was wrong, and that is.
You don't even notice that time has stoped.
You keep on as always.
Later last night I re-read the chapter about time, (Einsteins Universe, that's the name of the book for those interested, by Niger Calder.
and it said that, even in time runs slower for you, and a spectator notices it, you won't notice it.
That's what Einstein meaned with "Relativety"
Time runs as normal as always for you, but the relative speed for the spectator is much slower.
Sorry about that error, I'll fix it in the original text.
What we have gone through:
1.Space isn't empty.
2.The universe IS expanding
3.Dark matter
4.Dark energy
6.Some random stuff about Time
7.Time travelling
8.Stars and how they age
9.Death of stars
10.Some facts about black holes
11.Some facts about neutron stars
So, what's next on the list?
Should I write some theories of "The birth of the universe"
I don't know a lot about it but sure, I could read about it.
Or maybe I could write about the true meaning of E=MC^2
I think I should write about the equation since it is very important.