It's not wise to react offensive if you need help, but that should be obvious, non? As for feedback, feel free to ignore it if you don't like it. You may throw away a possible source of valuable feedback (knowing Kasperg, he can provide some good insight if you would've asked), but who cares about that these days?

As for working on a map for 2 whole days... some people work on maps for many months, and on mods for years... and no, that shot Kasp provided doesn't look promising indeed. By the looks of it, you lack some technical knowledge. Read around a few sites, visit the Valve wiki and spend some time familiarizing. Asking for tips isn't a bad idea either.
// Reading your profile... So you're 11 years old? That's no problem. My little brother of 10 can map too and doesn't do a bad job actually. But your attitude looks troublesome though. If you don't care, why would anyone care to help you out? If my brother wouldn't give a thing about mapping, I would never have taught him. It's that simple.