Lots of Mod Related Questions Created 18 years ago2006-04-24 11:12:40 UTC by HeAdCrAb KILLA HeAdCrAb KILLA

Created 18 years ago2006-04-24 11:12:40 UTC by HeAdCrAb KILLA HeAdCrAb KILLA

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-24 11:12:40 UTC Post #176409
Errr, Im still having tons of issues with stuff that im trying to add to my mod. I would like to get this stuff done with now so that i can just wrap it all up with the mapping. The coding and file modifying arent going all that smoothly and i have a whole bunch of questions. I will refer back to this thread frequently if i get any responses. Please note that I have read countless tutorials here and on other sites but i am still left with many unanswered questions...

1) How do I make a PAK file?
2) Why wont the console splash screen accept modification?
3) Where do I find that logo banner reading HALF-LIFE on the main menu?
4) How do I remove the HALF-LIFE banner from the main splash?
5) How do I build the cl_dll? - Refer me to a good link...
6) When modding the HUD color, is the cl_dll the only thing that needs to be recompiled from the single-player source code?

I know these arent mapping questions but the mapping is the easy part for me. If you are to respond, please list the question number with your response. Thanks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-24 11:31:10 UTC Post #176413
1. To build your own .pak files, you'll need Pakscape

2. ?

3. The logo you see at the main menu is actually an avi file called logo.avi and is located in the media directory withing your moddir.

4. Delete the logo.avi file from the media folder.

5. To compile the client.dll workspace, you'll need to open the cl_dll.dsw (iirc) in Visual C++. You can find the this file in the HL SDK. The download link at Verc is currently dead, try Fileplanet. Search for: Half-Life SDk 2.3

6. Im not sure, but i think so.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-24 11:56:33 UTC Post #176416
1. Okay
2. Sorry to confuse you...I changed the color of the console splash screen but it defaults to the dark grey. How do I get it to change?
3. There is no logo.avi in my mod's media directory.
4. I can't, its not even there!
5. Yep, got 2.3, i'll try that, thanks.
6. Let's just hope so.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-24 12:05:35 UTC Post #176420
2. Its a little complicated. You need a special compiler that creates a special wad that contains the actuall console splash screen. I believe this special compiler thingy is located in the full installation of the HL SDK. Im affraid i can't help you with that right know. Links are all dead.

3. If there isn't a media directory in your mod folder, then your mod uses the default logo from valvemedia. Simple fix: Create a media direcotry in your mod directory and put an empty 0 kb avi file in there. Your avi needs to be 640*100 in size and must be 8-BIT (256 colors).

4. See 3.

5. K.

6. Yep.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-24 12:06:55 UTC Post #176422
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-24 12:13:13 UTC Post #176426
Alright, it looks like i will be ok for awhile. Thanks for your support.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-24 13:12:18 UTC Post #176445
The client .dll contains the client-side code, and since a HL server doesn't care about the color of his clients huds, you can feel safe about that. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-25 11:31:08 UTC Post #176651
Errrrm, I can't seem to find that "cl_dll.dsw" file that you were referring to earlier. I have the HLSDK 2.3 but which folder is it in and what do I do with it once I open it in the visual studio?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-25 11:40:34 UTC Post #176652
Just open the project file or the solution file with Visual Studio. Then, I'd recommend compiling it first to check if everything works as intended. You may need to change a few things to get it working with your compiler (at least I had to, and several others judging by the articles on Wavelength), more info on that can be found here: Building the Half-Life DLLs with the Microsoft Command-Line Compiler.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-26 11:06:15 UTC Post #176815
I don't know where to get the command line compiler. : All this stuff with .NET Framework, updates, and SDKs are giving me a headache. I think i already have all of those updates and the Framework to boot but I don't know where to find the compiler.

Wow, after reading all the stuff on Wavelength I'm thinking that theres an easier way to do this. Forget this blasted command line crap all i want to do is change the damn HUD color for my mod! How do I build the DLL from the studio?
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