Posted 21 years ago2004-02-28 12:30:53 UTCPost #17703
Apart from the obvious, what are everyone's fav games? Mine are soldier of fortune 2, medievil total war, UT, driver, combat flight sim, grand prix 4, heretic 2
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-28 13:15:02 UTCPost #17707
unreal tournament red alert 1 and 2 flightsimulator 98-2000-2002-2004 and any version that still have to come out. starlancer and delta force black hawk down are also great games
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-28 15:05:33 UTCPost #17722
Deus ex, dungeon keeper, HL (well- durhhh!!!), populous, Halo, the anaconda mini-game on timesplitters 2, despite all its flaws- Black & White etc. u agree?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-28 20:12:35 UTCPost #17809
I like Soldier of Fortune (not sure bout the second one though), Deus Ex, HL expansions, GTA 3 & Vice City (u can modify both those games on PC, I added the Dolerean from Back to the Future in Vice City!). WHen I think of more I'll add...
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-29 16:51:22 UTCPost #17930
Heh heh. I'm all for Half Life mods. That's basically it for me. Except I DO like some games on the PS2. Metal Gear Solid 2, DDR, Tony Hawk, Fatal Frame.