This time, make a new TWHL smiley face using the base image provided. Its an easy one and anyone with MSpaint can enter.
A few simple rules:
- Cannot go larger than the space given. (48x48)
- Must use the smiley in some way.
- Be creative.
Created 18 years ago2006-05-13 20:09:54 UTC by
A pathetic attempt at a headcrab smiley
A seriously pathetic attempt at 'teh hammre!'
You can do a much better hammer.
I didn't want to spend a lot of time on it, so I just pasted a headcrab in. I know, I'm cheap.
its a crappy gordon freeman!!!
I made two pretty shitty ones. Oh well.this isn't a sucking contest... PWN SOMETHING!
You didnt create that one pinguinboy, ive seen it on serval other forums.Thats why i broke the rules...?
Maybe a couple of Nathaniels'; the ones that are still actually faces.Wow, recognition of a sort. ;D