tractrain troubles Created 18 years ago2006-05-21 22:56:31 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 18 years ago2006-05-21 22:56:31 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 22:56:31 UTC Post #181384
I have a new mod in the works. no storyline yet, its just a bunch of maps stuck together when i have ideas.

something about an ancient civilation's technology discovered in the earth.. whatever..

so i have this room. when you walk in there the door closes and the bars shut behind you. (if you look at the map, the bars dont shut, they open, but thats an easy fix, the least of my worries right now) so you need to find a way out. so you need to crack open the crystal stuck under the glass in the room, so you shoot out the beam supports and the beam falls onto the glass, thus breaking the crystal, and opening the door.


when i walk into the room, the beam is just laying sideways and the supports that trigger the multisource that trigger the multimanager dont cause the beam to move..

Entity setup:
Supports are Func_breakables that Trigger a multisource.
The Multisource triggers a multimanager.
The multimanager triggers the beam and later the explosion.
the beam is a func_tracktrain that should follow a set of path_tracks down towards the glass pit.

eh.. when i trigger it, everything BUT the tracktrain works.

theres the map, could anyone help me out
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 23:01:47 UTC Post #181589
I ran the bsp but it was too dark to see anything, even with the flashlight.

The rmf is too difficult to work with because you use all custom textures but:

1. clear up all the errors first. (empty func_wall and unknown target name) Looking for a problem when there are existing problems is never a good idea.

2. the multimanager targets itself. not sure why you do that but it can't do any good.

3. the entities (multisource, func_breakables and multimanager) look okay.

(I set up a quick map with the similar entities and it works.)

4. Try cordoning off the roof that has the beam and work with just that room until you fix the problem. Start by not triggering anything with the multimanager except the beam. Then add back in the other stuff later.
I ran the bsp but it was too dark to see anything, even with the flashlight.

The rmf is too difficult to work with because you use all custom textures but:


I deleted the func_tracktrain and rebuilt it with the default func_tracktrain flags. You had some flags changed. Leave them at default. I rotated the func_tracktrain so it appears in the correct orientation when it spawns. Don't worry about the position of the beam. Put it somewhere in the middle of the room. It will move to the first path_track when it spawns.

I repositioned beam_1 so the beam spawns in the correct position rather than setting the height above track. Works fine.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 20:29:54 UTC Post #181719
sounds good ill try that. thanks BJ
-least i know SOMEONe cares
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 01:08:53 UTC Post #181735
lol don't take it personally Tetsu0...we love you dawg :)

I know personally if I don't respond to somebody's plea for assistance, it's because I don't readily know how to help...

I am noob, sorry ^_^!

Lets us know what was wrong when you get it solved though... it may help someone else with the same problem in the future ;)

neat new av btw!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 12:05:54 UTC Post #183724
oh... well i decided not to go with a tracktrain. i just used a train with the angular velocities set. and its JUST what i wanted.

Im guessing tractrain was just too advanced for a 512unit displacement.

or im just not using it right....
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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