Created 19 years ago2006-01-31 15:05:49 UTC by
We already discussed it and found out it can't got higher than 250. Which is just fine.Ok. You just saved me hours and hours of coding. Argh.
Yeah, i'd like to sample your masterpiece of codage.Ill send you a PM soon.
Do you have a Cvar for it yet? Like pl_health 200? Something like that would be the first step, i think.Should'nt be to hard to code i geuss. I think i know a tutorial about coding new Cvars.
how do you plan on getting it over 250?I know its possible, i did it before in Half-Life: Hostage Situation, i increased the ammo capacity of some weapons, beyond 250. It has something to to with bytes and bits. Im not really sure how all that works. But im not going to break my head on that.
A whole day and night, 4 sodas, 2 burritos, a whole lots of Cheez Twisters, and 12.5 hours of endless techno later...Pwn, but cheeze dust on the keyboard/mouse is gay