Sigh. I give up on Hammer Created 21 years ago2004-03-09 18:56:16 UTC by LTNS LTNS

Created 21 years ago2004-03-09 18:56:16 UTC by LTNS LTNS

Posted 21 years ago2004-03-09 18:56:16 UTC Post #18873
I was just hapily going along. ladidadida. Then i encountered about the fiftieth glitch for that day. I had it. I don't think i've ever sworn that much. so i uninstalled it and am now waiting for the patience to try again.......

On the plus side, i'm tring out a new level designer........

Ever hear of the "Doom Gurus"? It's frikin hard. Anyone here ever try?
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-09 19:23:58 UTC Post #18880
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-09 19:57:20 UTC Post #18885
Then i encountered about the fiftieth glitch for that day.
You've got issues! Mapping for a mod or straight HL? What version were you using? Steam or straight HL? Which compile tools? If WC gives you fits that often I have to wonder if a different program will work any better. If you're brave enough to learn a new program that's great, but wouldn't you rather pick one that can make HL maps?
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-09 20:33:10 UTC Post #18886
I'm waiting a while before i try to demolish all my issues for halflife. It seemed that Doom was the next best thing for my level making pourpouses. Seeing how its scary and all, it should be a good candidate for "Silent City".
""What is Silent City?" you ask? I was trying to amke it for half life but two things happened. The stupid computer didn't work and i needed to complete it in my mind. So i'm using doom ti'll i figure out my problems. :badass: In the meantime... YOU"LL NEVER KNOW!!!!
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 04:44:56 UTC Post #18912
upgrade ur computer then map for hl2, apparently lots of errors have been fixed for the hl2 worldcraft
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 05:50:31 UTC Post #18921
I am learnin Radiant cos I'm gonna start mapping for Quake 3 again at some point. I used to use QuArK for Quake 3 and RTCW mapping. Hammer does have some serious glitches though. But I find that 3.4 is OK. 3.5 is a beta and sucks. Get 3.4 instead!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 09:49:58 UTC Post #18945
3.5 works fine
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 10:53:50 UTC Post #18956
Then I say man just give it up.
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 15:44:46 UTC Post #18982
how do you map for return ot castle wolfenstein enymy territory, can you give me a site
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 16:36:56 UTC Post #18987
The only way to map for ROTW is to use Radiant. And Radiant is difficult compared to hammer. Worrying difficult. Take it from me. I use it. :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 16:39:08 UTC Post #18988
You can use QuArK for any Quake 3 engine game!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-10 18:34:35 UTC Post #18991
Use Worldcraft!
Posted 21 years ago2004-03-11 04:30:41 UTC Post #19034
Hammer is worldcraft, I recon.
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