You guys are sick! The poor kittens.
Although I hardly believe you, nerds have a notorious reputation for spreding stupid rumors, and believing in everything they hear.
The short guide on skinning a cat:First, grab your cat by the tail and by the neck. Then you break it's spine on your leg. Make sure it wont be too heavily severed or else the fur will be useless.
If you don't want the head just cut it off. First I'll show you how to skin a cat, including the head.
- Remove the eyes then start from the mouth. Start sperating the lips from the body, but be carefull of else you'll cut them off. Move the knife under the skin all long the head. One the head is free from the skull you'll need to free the other parts of the skin.
Now for the tail. Open a cut at the end of it's skin untill the end of it of it and seperate the skin from the flash. Now you have enough space to enter deeper into the body with the knife. Seperate the skin from the torso of the cat.
As for the legs you'll need to open a cut at the paw will run along the leg each leg's end and then start seperating the skin. After you finished sperating the skin, clean the skin from all the blood and find somebody who will buy this fur. Happy skinning!
Haha told you guys, they're bluffing!