Annoying Hammer Problem Created 18 years ago2006-07-14 01:33:28 UTC by RotatorSplint RotatorSplint

Created 18 years ago2006-07-14 01:33:28 UTC by RotatorSplint RotatorSplint

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 01:33:28 UTC Post #190016
when i tie a brush to an entity (func_button in this case) i set it to that, PRESS APPLY, and use the red-x button at the upper right to exit out of the properties. But when i select the brush again, right click on it, and go to properties, it goes back to the default: func_detail, and when i return it to a func_button, all the settings and outputs are gone. :o

I should mention that this always and --only-- happens at the start of a new project... then i end up doing somthing to fix it, but i cant seem to figure out what that 'thing' is! :zonked:

Help! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 01:38:16 UTC Post #190017
Was the brush already tied to a func_detail before you tried to tie it to a func_button?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 12:48:35 UTC Post #190081
I created the brush from nothing, just a normal, plain, joe-brush, right clicked it, selected 'tie to entity', set it to func_button, set everything i needed, HIT APPLY SEVERAL times, just to make sure i had clicked it, and hit the close button on the top right...

When i de-selected the func_button, re-selected it, and went to properties, it only showed the visgroups tab; no other tabs were avalible. And when I went to 'tie to entity' it whent back to its default entity selection: func_detail. (what i mean by "default" is that its the 1st thing in the list of entities it selects automaticaly after i click 'tie to entity'; not what i had set it to b4 ;) )

I also noticed a small circle in the center of the brush (exactly like the circle you see in the center of a func_usableladder) after i hit apply to set it to a button. This dissapears when i reselect it, the 1st tip-off that it has reset itself for no reason. In an other level, when I finally got the button to work (I have no idea how) this small circle remained. I dont know if this is rellevant, so I figured I'd mention it.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?? :o
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 13:40:40 UTC Post #190090
Once is sufficient. You'll know that the APPLY worked when the views update to show the "small circle" in the brush, even while the properties dialog is open.

If you're having doubts, click APPLY first rather than entering all the values and then APPLYing the changes. Deselect and reselect it and make your entries.

I was able to reproduce your problem once when I clicked APPLY several times and then quickly deselected and reselected the object.

It may be that Hammer is just trying to keep up with you.

I couldn't reproduce the problem when I selected func_button, hit APPLY, saw the brush change in the views, and then de- and re-selected it.

Advice: patience. Click APPLY once.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 14:35:21 UTC Post #190092
Hmm... Well BJ, hitting apply one time is all that's necessary, because that's what worked. But here's the strange part

I opened the map that uses the button, clicked on the button, and it's button properties had stuck... There was no problem anymore!

At first, I figured that making the button , saving, exiting, and reopening was the remedy, so I made a new map (closed the old 1 incase it had an effect on the test), made the button, ant ITS properties stuck... I tried closing Hammer, and reopening and tried again, and its properties stuck again. I even tried restarting my computer, made a new level AND reopened the old level (in that order, so opening the old level didnt affect the test) AND IT STILL WORKED PROPERLY :zonked: :zonked: :zonked: This is the first time in my life that I can think of that I wanted somthing to go WRONG :nuts:

And so, I'm at a loss for words, and I can only assume that the problem is solved by closing hammer and reopening...

Thank you for your help though, and if I still have issues, then I'll use this thread again.

EDIT: ok... this is what the real problem was: I need to have Ignore Groups OFF inorder to control it's properties... which is kind of stupid... but whatever
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