I talked to some of my grown-up gaming friends (they are all older than me, have two or three kids and mortgages), and this is what they think:
As usual--my two cents. Take it or leave it or tell me to shove it.
How are you approaching building the web site? Your color scheme and design elements need to be stark and memorable and have a gaming feel to it (by your banner, I think you know that already). But what kind of color scheme are you going for--hopefully not white. Remember, your target audience are parents who ran through hallways shooting evil (and in some cases mutated) Nazi bastards and who have also descended into the depths of secret underground military installations to fight back hordes of demons spilling through a dimensional rip as well as pulled people out of cars and beat them to death with a baseball bat while listening to catchy 80's tunes.
So I am leaning more toward a more stark look and feel for the site design. If you are curious, this is our CS:S clan site. All the members are older than 35, so us adults aren't so tame as you guys might think.