I just finished my Half-Life 2 DeathMatch map and it kinda has low FPS. I usually am pretty good with optimizing but nothing I try works. Here is a picture of my HL2DM map from an overview.
I have made just about EVERYTHING that is worth being a func_detail a func_detail and no I didn't do overboard. I even tried areaportals, but they arent working! Here is what I tried. The redish line represents a big areaportal.
For some reason they didn't work. I check in "mat_wireframe 1". I want it so when you are at the one end of the map (Bottom in the picture) the other end of the map (top in the picture) isnt rendered. The areaportal I used was "always open". I put HINT brushes but I am still a little sketchy on when and where to place them. Can anyone give me some tips on a better way of optimizing. I even turned the lightmap scales down on the textures! (By down I mean made the number go up