Created 18 years ago2006-11-06 03:09:35 UTC by
I just want to see how good everyone else is.I'm teh superior sathelizer. Ansith is teh crowbar d00d. Zombieloffe is teh 'I want to do crossfire'-er. Muzz is teh nub. The Hunter is teh shotgun whore. Saco is teh 'stop slaying me Freshed'-er. Those are about the real regulars. Then some other TWHL-ers come along sometimes..
Yeah, The main person I see doing that is FresheD, So if you want HLDM talk to him, Then if I'm on he'll usally drag me into the server too...but it works!
We usually don't set a time and place, we just go on irc/steam chat/shoutbox and say "I wanna play HLDM" and then people join the server .I shall say exactly that.