Muzz's HLDM Server Created 19 years ago2005-12-29 08:38:18 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Created 19 years ago2005-12-29 08:38:18 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 12:13:39 UTC Post #204834
Yea, i only run TWHL maps.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 12:42:13 UTC Post #204836
crossfire dm_stranded dm_poisongarden_li
dm_fugitive3b dm_stranded dm_control
sunden oceanic lost_technology
dm_infested dm_crete2 dm_crete3
dm_crete sol_arena zeromancer
warpcore boot_camp moltengold
detention gungod
n_mausoleum Sancefar
dm_poisongarden ancientpride
pisobajov2 hexagerate
Seriously, the mapcycle needs cleaning.
No harm ment to the makers of the following maps.

Remove poisiongarden, we never play it.
Remove the crete series, we never play those either.
Remove boot_camp, it's to big.
Remove n_mausoleum, the download from TWHL doesn't work on the server, we also never play it..
Remove pisobajov2, we never play it.
Remove lost_technology, it's way to dark and we never play it either.
Remove dm_control, everytime that map gets on, people leave. But heh, I believe Hunter and You (muzz) play it, so keep it on the server if you feel like it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 12:53:25 UTC Post #204838
you can keep maps on the server without putting them in the cycle, right? that might be an idea for dm_control
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 12:58:52 UTC Post #204839
Good solution for dm_control.

But a map like poisongarden could be removed totally, we never ever play it and the randoms can't download it because the custom shit in it.

I mean, what's the point of having a map we never play?
Removing it would only give you more space for other maps.

But heh, you figure that out Muzz, atleast remove these maps from the cycle. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 13:06:03 UTC Post #204841
Not today. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-02 22:07:01 UTC Post #204879
WTF? The copy of n_maulsoleum isn't compatible with the server's version. :aghast:

Switch it to something new like molten gold.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 09:57:41 UTC Post #204898
The author probably updated his map without telling me! So thats why the both maps are incompatible. I have put the new version of that map on the server.

So, to everyone: If you're ever gonna make changes to a map that is allready on the server, make sure you contact me so that i can put the new version of your map online.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 10:10:59 UTC Post #204899
I agree, remove everything but commonly played maps from the map cycle. Keep the maps on the server, but don't put 'em in the cycle.
A suggestion for the cycle would be something like...
That's pretty much what I'd like to see.
Another thing, make admin_vote_map a public command, so anyone can do it. There's no harm in that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 10:23:04 UTC Post #204902

But admin_vote_map is not a public command, it requires and access level.

The available commands with the lowest access level are:

say mapvote
say rockthevote
say vote <map>
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 10:26:41 UTC Post #204903
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 10:28:57 UTC Post #204905
Ok. I removed some maps and disabled force respawn, just for you. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 10:33:34 UTC Post #204907
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 12:22:32 UTC Post #204915
Rofl ZL, did we ever played that?

Personally, I think we just need a few good maps (from TWHL) with a low download time in the cycle. If you advertise in the shoutbox and IRC at the right time, you easyly get like 4/5 TWHL-ers on the server.
If you put crossfire on and got 3 people already in, then the server will be full in less then 5 minutes. If you then change the map to poisongarden (to take a extreme example..) everybody will leave. Why? Because nobody is waiting for a 10+ minute download. People just wanna frag! But when I change the map to like zeromancer 4 out of 5 randoms will stay to play. I guess you get my point.

Maps I would like to see in the cycle:

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 12:30:52 UTC Post #204919
We could also playtest suspended and see what happens. Among my maps, I think it has the best layout and gameflow. Players like arena-type maps with surrounding sub-rooms. It offers both short and long-range combat. That's one of the main reasons why Crossfire is so popular IMO.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-06 15:44:46 UTC Post #205234
may I suggest a few maps?
Apex_v2 quite an old map now, but I still enjoy it
Also older but its a fun small DM map

Thats all I can think of atm,
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 06:05:20 UTC Post #205294
First of all: Stop bitching about Rimrooks maps, FresheD, ktnx.

Dred: i had Apex_v2 on the server a while ago, but i removed it. Every time that map comes up, people leave. But ill put echo on as soon as i have internet back at home. The same goes for Kasperg's suspended. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 07:08:38 UTC Post #205306
there is a map on the server that hasnt been wadincluded, and when it tries to download off steam, you get kicked out for failing to have the .wad.. i cant remember which .wad it is, but that is unnaceptable.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 07:12:53 UTC Post #205307

Crap. Ill have look in the server logfile to figure out which is map causing it. Then ill remove it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 07:19:16 UTC Post #205308
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 07:21:00 UTC Post #205309
I know its your map, Orph. Im sorry. Perhaps another map?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 07:36:15 UTC Post #205318
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 07:55:53 UTC Post #205326
lost_technology kicked me off the server because it said I needed "stone.wad" - so I just d/loaded it off here.

I don't know whether that has happened to others. :

Nice no-nonsense cycle :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 08:26:36 UTC Post #205334
Ill check it out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 10:02:43 UTC Post #205349
Stop bitching about Rimrooks maps, FresheD, ktnx.
Rimrooks DM maps have no gameplay. ;) (Besides sancefar)(No offense to Rimrook, the maps do look beautifull.)

KK, i'll stop. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 10:50:36 UTC Post #205354
My maps require a certain style of frag. Your server doesn't have that type player.

Tis no insult to anyone, just a fact.
Just the way that
i had Apex_v2 on the server a while ago, but i removed it. Every time that map comes up, people leave.
is also a fact...
I don't think there was anything defective about Apex besides some texturing choices. But I definately didn't see it required a certain style of frag. TWHL players can cope with intertwined and elaborate layouts with no problems. And the default maps (older than Apex) have been played fine.
You can say a map requires a certain number of people to be played, but saying it requires a certain type of people to be played sounds weird...


Edit: now that I think of it, iceworld does require a certain type of people to be played.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 11:02:59 UTC Post #205357
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 11:17:46 UTC Post #205359
I said that the gameplay and layout of the map is probably not the reason why players leave. It might be a visual thing, because like you said, players today might sometimes value visuals over gameplay. I that way, it seems we agree. I didn't want to upset you. Nobody here said the map was yukky afaik.

Please don't claim to know how high I think my mapping knowledge is (you can't even quote anything I said that would prove your point besides this sentence).
My maps are the ones that speak about my mapping knowledge and experience. Not the number of posts I make in mapping sites or the year I started mapping. By this measurement scale, you can see why I don't agree with your knowledge and experience claims :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 11:21:11 UTC Post #205360
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 11:30:49 UTC Post #205361
@ Muzz: can we set a precise time this weekend to playtest "suspended"?
I can personally vouch that there are n00b's out there who know things about mapping that you have yet to stumble upon
LoL. It is true. But after looking at my personal map vault, those might not be absolutely essential things. I can make maps that give us a fun fragging time, as we sometimes see in the server. No need to master every entity for that!

And I haven't looked at your post count anywhere. I have just heard you too many times speaking about your contributions in the mapping world these past years. Great.
I'm sure that If I join a forum about film critique and spend some years participating in the threads, I will turn out to be more experienced than a film director with lots of films. So logical.
(And yes, I would judge film directors by their released films, if you were wondering)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 11:40:11 UTC Post #205362
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 11:40:15 UTC Post #205363
@ Muzz: can we set a precise time this weekend to playtest "suspended"?
If i have my internet back by then, yes. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 12:02:22 UTC Post #205364
but I have looked over your works and they aren't all that and a bag of chips.
They are what I want them to be, which is something you haven't been able to understand yet. I repeat once again, I map for pleasure. I don't get paid and I would never keep working on a map if I became tired of the theme.
I see some people in Snarkpit working on a single map over a year or more. I admire their dedication, and I admit I lack that ability.
If you think I'm "still lacking", you're just telling me that I'm not as good as you want me to be. Which is different than how good I want to be at the moment. You honestly think that If I worked on a single map for 6 months, a year or two years it would be "lacking"? I honestly don't think so. If it makes you feel comfortable, keep thinking that way.
Who's the more experienced, the boxer, or the coach
I just understood what the problem here is. For me, experience is less valuable if you don't put it to practical use. So If I had to choose someone to fight for me, I would surely choose the boxer and not the coach since his experience is good for talking and less useful for punching :D

I'll try to stop defending TWHL but you should stop attacking and continuing with the claims that TWHL players are not good enough or experienced enough for your maps (which I for example would keep playing)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 12:21:03 UTC Post #205369
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 12:26:19 UTC Post #205373
Lol, it's just the other way around. You think the result is more important. That's why you would defend maps that have been a year in progress and which a lot of people have helped to criticize, give tips and improve) vs. my "incomplete" and "lacking" work. I think the way to get there is the fun and pleasureable part about it, that's why I constantly keep releasing maps :D

//monopolizing Muzzles thread too :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 13:13:59 UTC Post #205378
Who said:

Emperor Zurg: nub.
Emperor Zurg: I was typing :P
Emperor Zurg: muzz needs to get that typing mod
Emperor Zurg: when you type you get protection after 5 sec.
Emperor Zurg: ..
Emperor Zurg: wtf?

Sounds like Loffe. :P

Also, Internet at home finally works again! I just removed lost_technology and uploaded suspended. :)

Current mapcycle (as of december 7):


Have fun!
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 13:51:53 UTC Post #205380
Who said:
Emperor Zurg: nub.
Emperor Zurg: I was typing
Emperor Zurg: muzz needs to get that typing mod
Emperor Zurg: when you type you get protection after 5 sec.
Emperor Zurg: ..
Emperor Zurg: wtf?

Sounds like Loffe
Haha, you can see that?
That was me... I was owning Hunter till he killed me while I was typing. :P

Then I got h4xed by some random.
But anywayz, that mod would be handy. :glad:

Remove mausoleum (really long download from server) and we have a winning cycle.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 15:01:09 UTC Post #205381
dm_infested (no offence) sucks the donkey. And I wouldn't mind seeing some other go too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 18:14:35 UTC Post #205409
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 18:28:38 UTC Post #205413
Undertow beats the pants off of crossfire
I totally agree. Undertow must be in the list.
dm_infested (no offence) sucks the donkey. And I wouldn't mind seeing some other go too.
NO OFFENCE? (caps) At least say it like "its bad" :quizzical: :P
We play it sometimes, btw.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 18:36:00 UTC Post #205415
how about... mmmmmmaybe....


still workin on it. expect it. :cyclops:

I know my maps lack the stuff. I'm working on a new series using simple geometry, default textures, and the top of my design skills.

I'm impervious to crappy map feedback by now.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 19:32:31 UTC Post #205420
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 20:53:34 UTC Post #205426
i had Apex_v2 on the server a while ago, but i removed it. Every time that map comes up, people leave.
How did you want MuzzleFlash to construct his sentence?
Something like:i had Apex_v2 on the server a while ago, but i removed it, sorry about that, Orpheus. Every time that map comes up, people leave. I know it is not your fault, TWHL just lacks the type of player needed for such maps
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 21:00:32 UTC Post #205427
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 21:09:07 UTC Post #205430
There is no "discussion" and I'm not talking shit.
You just said something completely ridiculous. Here we talk about other people's maps without asking the author for his permission. It's incredible how something like that could "strike a nerve" in an experienced mapper.
But what would I know.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-07 21:34:50 UTC Post #205431
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-08 03:15:33 UTC Post #205450
I would like to see my map on there but I don't know if it would go well on there, I think it was a small download. Still not finished though, and Freshnub says its to empty.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-08 05:58:27 UTC Post #205460
New server rules:
  • Impopulair maps will be removed from the server.
  • Wadinclude, or don't bother me with "Could you put this map on your server" questions.
-Try to limit custom content (custom content = longer download times)

Ill add undertow tonight.
How did you want MuzzleFlash to construct his sentence?
Something like: i had Apex_v2 on the server a while ago, but i removed it, sorry about that, Orpheus. Every time that map comes up, people leave. I know it is not your fault, TWHL just lacks the type of player needed for such maps
That is exactly my point.

@ Ansith: Freshnub never even finishes a map, but you do. So tell him to stop whining. :D:P
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-08 06:24:57 UTC Post #205462
Haha yeah you're right.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-08 06:27:57 UTC Post #205465
ZOMG, ZL is going to have his period early when he reads that!!1 :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-08 06:29:45 UTC Post #205466
Ansith! Where are you whenever me and FresheD have a game? US LAGGEH AUSSIES NEED MORE NUMBERS.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
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