HL:HS is filled with incompetent noobs and will never be finished.
WHEN WILL YOU REALISE THAT YOU WILL NEVER ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T HAVE A GOOD LEADER? For fucks sake, The Hunter is about as competent as a dick on rollerskates. I'd say give up and stop fucking wasting your and everyone else's time.
Why don't you try to get some organisation happening? Because you're a bunch of fucking retards with no balls? Probably, but that factor should be irrelevant.
The fact that it's taken this long to make such sub-standard shite staggers me, and the fact that you're still TRYING to make this mod a success is even more funny. The longer you continue on with this crapass project, the more of a disappointment it'll be when you fail to release, or release a piece of turdass mod full of bugs and mapping which could be likened to large camel testicles.
Give up, honestly. Stop giving out false release dates and just give up. That's my advice.
I could make a better mod in my sleep. Fags.