Make some money :D Created 17 years ago2006-12-30 19:05:35 UTC by fearian fearian

Created 17 years ago2006-12-30 19:05:35 UTC by fearian fearian

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 19:05:35 UTC Post #207971
I hope! does anyone remember spedia? or some site like that? it basically paid you to use a program while being on the internet, a few of my friends made a good bit of cash off it. well on the evilavatar forums someone pointed out a site called algoco which sound like the same thing and Ive had people more knowlegable than me look over it and they reckon it looks pretty legit.
basically you download some toolbar (annoyingly it runs on the desktop not in a browser but oh well) and the money generated from ads on it and the antivirus antipopup software on it goes through algoco (they get 10%) then to you. and obviously its a community thing, so you get more the more you refer. I recon it sound like a pretty nice way to make an extra $20 a month.. more if you actually get a fair amount of people to join.

Heres teh link!

oh yeah im totaly a bot for posting this :P
This is the Wikipedia artical on alladvantage - the guys that made this ended up ditributing 120 mill! got them in the end cause they shut down. but their the guys making Agloco just for you doubters
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 20:13:06 UTC Post #207974
Yeah right!
Thanks, but no thanks. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 20:29:37 UTC Post #207976
Yay free money...Almost as sad as that one where you answer questions and get paid.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 20:59:20 UTC Post #207977
Join instead and get free candy for looking at ads! :P
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 20:59:41 UTC Post #207978
Those links don't work anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 21:20:15 UTC Post #207982
Do I get a free iPod?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 21:31:29 UTC Post #207984
there we go
User posted image
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 21:36:50 UTC Post #207985
The fuck? There is something very strange about this thread.
Oh well, I'll just post funny pictures.

User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-30 21:38:40 UTC Post #207986
or one of those message boxes that says:
ERROR! you have one unread message!

User posted image
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 10:37:34 UTC Post #208048
That really lights up the whole room at night...
User posted image
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 17:42:33 UTC Post #208072
User posted image
I'm going to regret this...
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 17:43:53 UTC Post #208073
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 18:10:51 UTC Post #208074
That is so sick, yet so funny
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 18:27:07 UTC Post #208075
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 18:27:12 UTC Post #208076
did his wife also get shot? i forgot.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 18:29:09 UTC Post #208078
No she didn't.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 22:09:53 UTC Post #208095
Hahahaha, oh man. :P
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-31 22:15:52 UTC Post #208096
I fucken lol'd
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