No Render? Created 17 years ago2007-01-07 23:59:15 UTC by saw1833 saw1833

Created 17 years ago2007-01-07 23:59:15 UTC by saw1833 saw1833

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-07 23:59:15 UTC Post #208957
Alright I've been experiencing a little bit of a technical difficulty. I'm not sure if its a video problem (which I highly doubt) or a steam problem (I missed most steam updates so they may have been jacked up in an update and I didn't know).

Alright, on Christmas Eve I installed 1gig of ram an an ATI X700 and finally started playing HL2 without having to cheat to stay alive (yeah it lagged that bad, [which actually wasn't lag just low fps so no one flames me about that]). And now I've had a problem that some models don't appear. And when I say some models I mean vortigaunts. I've verified the game cache TWICE and they still haven't appeared. They appear in Garry's Mod 9, and Lost Cost and Episode one don't use them (except for purple which do show up). They're just plain invisible, they talk, I can bump into them, even going into black mesa east the one's knife and hat was their!!

Any suggestions??
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 00:43:07 UTC Post #208963
Try experimenting with different graphics settings in-game. Also, ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers from your card dealer. I'm sure that they can be found at somewhere. And if the graphcs card came with an installer disk, be sure to use that. It's surprising how many people don't :D .

Also, were the models not working immediately after the card and ram upgrades, or did they work, then a few days later, suddenly stop working?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 01:15:24 UTC Post #208966
Alright I figured out that there was a copy (outside of gfc) of the model in the models folder, I took it out and it works again, I don't know why I didn't work anymore, but I'm guessing models and such where changed in an update so that model wasn't changed and was out of date.

Thanks for the help and sorry for the trouble of wasting time. =/
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-08 01:33:56 UTC Post #208969
It's not a waste of time :D . Anyone who has this problem could check for that mistake, or the things that one of us suggedted. And even if it was something no one could learn from, then at least your problem is solved, and (as far as I know), none of us mind helping.
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