How to block buying ? Created 17 years ago2007-01-18 18:43:55 UTC by orglee orglee

Created 17 years ago2007-01-18 18:43:55 UTC by orglee orglee

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-18 18:43:55 UTC Post #209908
Hello. Im makeing my third map and I want to finish this one ;(
I have added info_map_parameters entity and set Weapon Buying to Neither CT's nor T's can't buy guns. But when Im starting game doesnt matter from my steam or from server Im able to buy weapons in first round.
This horrible effect if off when map is restart by sv_restartround or on next round. How can block buying so players wont be able to buy also in first round. Im begging you help me. This is my 3rd map and if I wont finnish this one to I will go crazy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-18 18:48:09 UTC Post #209910
I think Steam includes the buyzones at the player's spawns automatically somehow.

There's got to be a way around it. Maybe make a box outside the actual map and put 2 buyzones in it--maybe that will fool the game into thinking the've been properly placed, and not make one at the spawns?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-18 19:12:56 UTC Post #209911
I have added buyzone entity in block and this thing tricked HL engine :)
Thanks tomorow i will publish my map i think ka_ manicks will like it ;)
Regards and thank you once again.
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