HL clips Created 17 years ago2007-01-17 23:34:55 UTC by kc8kjp kc8kjp

Created 17 years ago2007-01-17 23:34:55 UTC by kc8kjp kc8kjp

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-17 23:34:55 UTC Post #209867
This is one thing that i have always needed, but as far as i know it isnt possible to have a player clip in half life 1. A clip that will allow npc's to move through the clip. Any help?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-18 20:10:45 UTC Post #209913
Make a brush and texture it with the "clip" texture. Simple.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-18 21:25:08 UTC Post #209917
He wants a clip brush that blocks players but lets npc pass. The clip texture blocks both.

I'm pretty sure this can't be done in just any situation. The only thing I can think of is to have two 1-unit-thick func_wall_toggles, both with the same name and maybe 64 units apart, that will act as your clip brushes. Put the player on one side and the npc on the other, and put a trigger half way between the two walls that targets the togglable walls and that can only be triggered by NPCs. Now when the NPC passes through the trigger the "clip" brush will "shift" behind the NPC, allowing it to come to you, and vice versa. Of course, two problems could arise: the player could get stuck when one wall is triggered, or if the player stands right next to one wall and they are triggered then the player will be able to pass into no man's land.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-19 09:01:46 UTC Post #209942
Try using a trigger_push instead, or perhaps combined with the double door system that Worldcraft dude describes. Funny enough, it's possible to clip monsters while not clipping the player, but not the other way around...
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-19 15:17:23 UTC Post #209977
I've tried all combinations of these ideas, the only thing i could think of is creating a custom texture.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-08 23:34:31 UTC Post #211954
One time i tried using a trigger push, but the monster got pushed out too... :
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-09 01:33:15 UTC Post #211956
Creating a custom texture?
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-09 05:45:19 UTC Post #211963
Ok, create a custom texture. And then what? That won't help!
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-09 08:59:26 UTC Post #211980
One time i tried using a trigger push, but the monster got pushed out too... :
There is a flag in the trigger_push called "clients only" or something like that. It makes the trigger affect only the players.
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