adding water Created 17 years ago2007-01-21 15:42:08 UTC by cshalo cshalo

Created 17 years ago2007-01-21 15:42:08 UTC by cshalo cshalo

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 15:42:08 UTC Post #210127
hi guys, I am a newby at using valve hammer editor. :aggrieved:
I don't understand the manual and other sites. I am netherlands> :)
but, I don't know how to add water. please tell me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 15:56:01 UTC Post #210130
Find a water textures (there's tons of them in halflife.wad). Create a brush or brushes to cover the area you want to be water. Select the brush(es) and make thew whole thing a func_water. If you go into the properties of the func_water, you can change things like wave height.

That's water the player can swim and drown in, also it has waves. Hop this helped.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 15:56:04 UTC Post #210131
Assuming this is for Half Life 1 you make a block and you cover it in a water texture via the texture application tool. You then tie it to func_water I believe and that is it.

As for Source you make a block, cover it all in the nodraw texture and then you apply a water texture only on the top and that is it.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 16:15:29 UTC Post #210132
Allow me to the explain what Habboi said in Dutch:

Om te beginnen is dit niet het juiste forum. Gebruik het HL Engine Discussion forum voor mapping problemen. Dit forum wordt vooral gebruikt om maps te showen en om commentaar te vragen.

Om water te creeren, maak je een brush. Ik neem aan dat je al weet hoe je een brush maakt. Deze brush beplak je met een water texture. Water textures hebben altijd een ! voor hun naam staan, zoals !water01, !waterdirty of zoiets. Dan selecteer je de brush met de water texture en druk je op CTRL+T of klik op de "Tie to entity" knop rechts van het scherm. Er verschijnt nu en venster. Via het drop-down menu kies je func_water. Je kunt nog wat eigenschappen invullen zoals wat voor soort water (slijm, lava, water) en golf hoogte. Je kunt er ook instellen hoe doorschijnend het water is. Dat doe je door bij de eigenschap render mode te kiezen voor texture. Dan bij fx amount vul je een getal in tussen de 0 en 255. Vul je 0 in, dan zal je water onzichtbaar zijn. Vul je 255 in, zal het water totaal niet doorschijnend zijn. Het ligt er een beetje aan wat voor soort water je hebt, dus deze keuze is helemaal aan jouw.

Ik hoop dat het zo lukt. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 16:43:14 UTC Post #210134
nou, bedankt. Ik ben eruit :biggrin:
sorry voor het maken van forum in een verkeerde categorie.
moet ik hem nu verwijderen of zo? :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 16:46:44 UTC Post #210135
Nop, kunnen de mods doen als het nodig is denk ik.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 19:12:45 UTC Post #210144
Damn! I only know English, Chinese and French.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-22 13:11:26 UTC Post #210228
French smells...Learn German 'ya'. Glad we could help.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-22 15:40:55 UTC Post #210241
I'm assuming you mean 'ja?'
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-22 15:46:57 UTC Post #210242
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-23 11:40:44 UTC Post #210356
Well I suppose but over 'ere' (my hometown) we say 'Yah' like "Ya sehr gut, sheizer bitte".
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-23 22:46:54 UTC Post #210402
FYI: the water textures start with an exlamation point !

Even though i have no friggin idea if that was said, heheh. I only speak 1 english.

Muzzle speaks dutch? that explains why you never wanted to talk on the mic over MSN... I thought you were a girl and didn't want to expose the secret... errrr, wait...

types 'quit' in console rampantly
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-24 06:11:42 UTC Post #210421
FYI: the water textures start with an exlamation point !
If you look at my post, you can see the exlamation point. So it was talked about.
Muzzle speaks dutch?
Don't tell me you didn't know. I told you before i live in the Netherlands.
that explains why you never wanted to talk on the mic over MSN...
Thats not the point. I never said i don't want to talk to you via mic, its just that typing english is easier for me than talking english. Cus when writing, i can think about what exactly im gonna write. There's no time to think about that when talking to someone. There will be many pauses and i may not remember every word... See, English is not my primary language.
I thought you were a girl and didn't want to expose the secret... errrr, wait...
Ok, don't go too far, ktnx.

And bij de weg (by the way), hoe gaan de textures? :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-24 07:49:03 UTC Post #210422
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