I played Zelda Wii and... Created 18 years ago2007-01-28 04:02:02 UTC by Dave932932 Dave932932

Created 18 years ago2007-01-28 04:02:02 UTC by Dave932932 Dave932932

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 04:02:02 UTC Post #210885
It's an ugly game. Jaggies were everywhere. Ironically, the Wii works best with very large TVs as you need to stand at least 5 feet away or else the pointing function is borked. It was fun as shit though. I'm buying the Gamecube version. Nintendo knew how to price the Wii - after the Xbox 360 and PS3 pricing came out, they had some flexibility. $250 is just slightly above what most consumer's ideal price yet far lower than the other two consoles.

I'll get the Wii if and when the games are compelling. Screw the Xbox 360 and PS3 - too expensive. I like the games on the 360, but $60 a game? In the words of chocolate milk kid, "that's bullshit!" I made the mistake of buying a Gamecube :aghast: Mario Sunshine is still the best seller even thought it was released in 2002. Even sadder is the fact that it gets over-taken briefly when That's So Raven 2 or Over The Hedge release cash-in games. Then mario Sunshine retakes #1 after a while until the next kiddie game comes out lol.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 04:35:02 UTC Post #210886
Twilight Princess is a GameCube title, which is why it looks fuglier than it should. Besides, who cares about graphics?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 04:57:52 UTC Post #210888
Yeah, it's too bad. Nobody seems take Nintendo consoles seriously anymore, so they end up being systems populated by some good Nintendo games, a couple lame ports, and kiddie games. Although this may not seem the case at the moment, with this new console just released, it's likely the games will be even more kid-oriented the older it gets.

60 dollar games on the other consoles are also completely unnecessary. Games are still being developed on the PC that have huge development costs, and we aren't made to pay 10 dollars more than normal. However, I always just wait until the price drops to around 30 to buy any game. I honestly don't even think most are worth 50, although I'll pay that much if I want the game enough (like when HL2 came out).
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 05:24:38 UTC Post #210889
Haha, good thing you dont live here in SA.
A new game is USD$ 100, and when I bought HL2 a year ago, when the price had dropped to its LOWEST, it was US$70.
And these are PC games. Console games cost much more. :
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 06:27:03 UTC Post #210893
mods, please close this thread before it becomes another console flame thread.

on topic, why bother with a Wii if all you care about is graphics? its just stupid.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 07:11:05 UTC Post #210894
Err... Boy, I was hoping this wasn't going to become one.

Jimmi: How do they even get away with that?!?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 15:08:03 UTC Post #210920
I can see lots of potential in the Wii, only to be soured by ended games targeted for 10 and under demographic. Nintendo made plenty of money from the Gamecube selling to their core audience - kids. It feeds on itself, i'm dissapointed HL2 Black/Orange isn't coming to the Wii. There were plenty of gems like , but the console went downhill fast after 2005.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 15:28:53 UTC Post #210923
$70? Yeah, that's about how much most PC games are on the high street in England at the moment.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 16:36:53 UTC Post #210927
You needed to play it to see that the graphics were "meh"? I saw demo after demo that showed me the same thing. But the Wii isn't supposed to be graphics intensive, Nintendo's always taken play over look. I see that as a good thing, but of course the rest of the world just wants OMFG SHADERZ LAWL!
Athlete, when I bought a retail copy of HL2 in Nov. 2004 it cost me 60 bucks. I don't know where you're shopping, but if you got HL2 for $100 then you got ripped the fuck off, dude.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 16:45:21 UTC Post #210929
You can only really tell when you play it...

Now on graphics. I don't care about bells and whistles like reflections, shaders, etc. I just want clean graphics. I find Super Mario World better looking than Metal Gear Solid 2. Those jaggies were terrible in Twilight Princess. Neverless, i'm still buying the gamecube version.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 16:57:01 UTC Post #210932
LOZ:TP is excellent. Then again, I am playing on a 52 '' TV... o.o
I've seen enough of these threads. the anser is clear. Wii > *
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 19:33:19 UTC Post #210955
Haha, good thing you dont live here in SA.
A new game is USD$ 100, and when I bought HL2 a year ago, when the price had dropped to its LOWEST, it was US$70.
And these are PC games. Console games cost much more.
woa...uhh..how amazing... You think that only happens in SA? Dont
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 20:28:09 UTC Post #210957
the anser is clear. Wii > *
Now now, Dorian, it doesn't have to be one of THOSE threads, does it? I mean, we don't have to talk about what console we think ">" any other, but if you want to, then fine, let it go to hell that way. :

Athlete, was that the price for HL2 on Steam?

And now on to Dave(spam numbers)...
i'm dissapointed HL2 Black/Orange isn't coming to the Wii.
I'm pretty sure the Wii wouldn't even be able to run that.
I find Super Mario World better looking than Metal Gear Solid 2.
Well, okay, but are you willing to accept that it isn't, and you're wrong? :P
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 21:35:56 UTC Post #210961
The original Xbox ran HL2...
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 22:26:02 UTC Post #210966
Yeah, but barely, and its graphics and framerate sucked. Half-Life 2: Orange is going to include graphical upgrades for HL2 (from what I hear), and episodes 1-2. Those two games have tremendously updated graphics compared to the original HL2
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 22:44:21 UTC Post #210969
If your smart, and don't live in the US, order games off a website. In fact, order a few games at a time that you want. Then pay the 10 - 20 dollar shipping, or w/e it is, and save potentially hundreds.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 22:50:46 UTC Post #210970
Well Wii > Xbox in terms of horsepower, so it has some more potential...
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 23:01:20 UTC Post #210971
If your smart, and don't live in the US, order games off a website.
So if you live in the U.S., you're not smart? Or should you only order games off websites if you don't live in the U.S.? Or are games so cheap in the U.S., you shouldn't even bother? The mind boggles.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 23:06:01 UTC Post #210972
Shut it.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 18:00:44 UTC Post #211055
Most 360 games here are $120...
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 18:03:53 UTC Post #211056
Is that comparable to USD, though? Or is that what it is?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 18:05:58 UTC Post #211057
Galactic Units
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 22:43:48 UTC Post #211092
I'll Probably only get a wii after a price drop, more colors, and fun looking games. Zelda is the only game that looks a little fun. I hate when people say how bad it (wii in general looks). I mean, it is not new news. It should kinda be expected to be the worst looking system when it is $100+ dollars cheaper than the others.

I really don't mind the $60 dollar games for the 360. Mostly because I have a brother so we can go halfies on it and I really don't buy many games.

And as for the PS3? No. Unless I feel like buying a cheap Blue-Ray player ($600 is pretty cheap) and they make a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus, Soul Calibur, or Guitar Hero III is only for it. Those are they only three games I ever played on the PSII.

Back to Zelda, probably wait. I used to be a die hard GameCube fan. Hated Xbox and PSII. Then I got Xbox and just lost a lot of interest in Nintedo. They only good games for the system are the ones they make. Smash brothers (can't say that sucks) Metroid, Zelda. Everything else is unarguably crap (unless you are into sport games or something). Wish they actaully cept the cell shading, at least for a spin-off, like Majora's Mask, that was one of my favorite expeirences in a single player game. Felt so fresh and easy going.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-30 00:17:16 UTC Post #211094
battalion wars!
what i dont understand is that people say that all Wii games are kiddy games, which is an outright lie.
at launch, red steel and cod3
MoH Vanguard is coming soon, as well as metroid
theres a prince of persia, blazing angels, metal slug (^_^) etc etc

also, people consider some extremely good games to be 'kiddie' because you don't shoot or kill things. also an outright lie.
mario, zelda, battalion wars, rayman, etc have huge adult fanbases. also sonic & the secret rings, exclusive to Wii, which promises to be a great game.

nearly all of the real 'kiddy' games are just ports from other consoles, so xbox and ps3 get them as well - ice age, open season, dragonball, etc.

so get over the games. you'll get the same amount of children's titles on the other console as well.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-30 00:39:17 UTC Post #211100
I can't exactly say that the Wii had a stellar range of launch titles, but I can say that it was better than the GC launch.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-30 08:46:07 UTC Post #211123
Agreed, it was Zelda and... Not much else.. (of interest).
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-30 22:44:29 UTC Post #211203
Zelda: TP absp;yut;y kicks ass. I have NEVER had so much fun with a vbi9deo game... in a long time, at least.

As for Hl2, when I bought it, it was 30$ (This was the original retail version, mind you.)

What I REALLY want is the leaked Dreamcast port oif Half-Life though.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-30 22:44:54 UTC Post #211205
@Penguinboy - Remember that movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow? It was rated PG so I dismissed it as a kiddie flick. The kiddieness i'm referring to in gaming is any game aimed at a audience 13+ usually is released only to the Playstation and Xbox. In the last third of a Nintendo console's lifespan, the great majority of games are shitty kiddie movie cash-in games with an occasional mediocre game. After the Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and good third party titles come out, the platform is over. You buy a Nintendo console for the opening salvo.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-30 23:03:27 UTC Post #211208
Yeah. If i had money to light on fire so i can set flame to more money, i would buy a wii and wait play zelda, ultimiately waiting for the metroid games to come out.

I love the format that game is in, even though th 2D classics still rock harder than the eye-candy 3D versions. I based almost all of Turnstile, Crusadox, and Planet X off of metroid alone.

FYI: Crusadox and Planet X were RPG projects. CX was awsome, but PX was replaced by Turnstile because of the ideal being way too similar. I'd much rather work on PX but there is zero audience for it and its difficult to get one for an old 8bit RPG. Sad i must scrap it.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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