Team DM: TWHL vs. SP Created 18 years ago2007-02-04 20:46:40 UTC by AJ AJ

Created 18 years ago2007-02-04 20:46:40 UTC by AJ AJ

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-04 20:46:40 UTC Post #211655
As many of you guys know, TWHL currently has a HL1DM server, kindly provided by MuzzleFlash. Now, in conjunction with the folks over at the Snarkpit, Orpheus has organised a friendly bit of competition between the two sites, in the great game of HL1DM.

Beginning Saturday February the 10th at 3pm British time (GMT +0), there will be a 12 hour team based competition. Members of both sites will be able to participate. Here's some details in a tidy list form for y'all:

Goal: Team Deathmatch games between Snarkpit and TWHL.
Server: MuzzleFlash's server at TWHL. (Please take a moment to check out the ping and such)
Server Capacity: 4 per team.
Server Rules: The "Good Sportsmanship Rule" will be strongly adhered to. This goes for within the server, and the forums proper.
Current maps: n/a

Ill feelings posted in the forums will be strictly governed by myself here and the admins on the Snarkpit, so be warned.

Further details:

There will be a possible 6 or more maps in rotation. Half chosen by each team. For simplicity, default maps would be preferred, but custom maps are acceptable as long as an outside link is available. The maps in the current rotation will be displayed in this post, in the details section. This will include download links to any custom maps. Map downloads will be disabled during the games to reduce download ping issues. The maps will be played by the two teams, each having a pre-designated model. Since members joining may be members of both sites, playing on either team is perfectly acceptable. Weapons stay will be on. Friendly fire will be set so everyone can take damage by any ammo fired. If the server is filled to capacity, it will be expected that anyone playing give another member a chance to join after a couple maps played. As long as there are open slots, you may play till you drop. The server will be run for 12 hours. This will allow a good range of people to play, because of the time zone differences. You may frag anytime within that 12 hour period. This event will continue each Saturday until the novelty wears off, or until the owner decides its time to end.
This event is 100% for entertainment purposes. Anyone not interested in playing please keep your negative ideas to yourself. Anyone interested in playing please remember that its all for fun. Scoring isn't of the highest priority. Half-Life 1 is old. It is hoped that this will renew some of the flagging interest. Being inter-site, this might also promote some interaction and dispel the preconceived notion's each site shares about the other...
- Orpheus

Muzzle has a couple of server mods such as fireworks mod, entmod and adminmod. They will of course be disabled to improve ping, except adminmod, for administration purposes.

Should you find a huge issue with something, you may post your feelings in this here thread. Possible points of contention may include:
  • How many maps and of what type.
  • What day of the week.
  • How many hours played.
  • Starting time.
  • Password.
  • Frag limit/Time limit.
Last of all, enjoy!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-04 21:50:41 UTC Post #211661
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-04 22:32:55 UTC Post #211664
good idea!

although make it run for 24 hours please. us Aussies have the unfortunate timezone of +10, which means it will be 1am to 1pm Sunday :/ Giving everyone the opportunity to play at 'gaming primetime' (7-12 pm) would be great.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-04 22:37:57 UTC Post #211665
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-05 03:25:36 UTC Post #211677
So - anyone can drop in at anytime as long as there is a free slot and the teams remain 4 v 4?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-05 03:52:33 UTC Post #211678
Hehe sounds fun, might drop in :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-05 06:12:18 UTC Post #211681
The server will be passworded and the password will be given to both TWHL and SP.

When you join, please use the [TWHL] - your_TWHL_username playername combination, so that we can identfy eachother.

To change your name via the console use this command:

name "[TWHL] - MuzzleFlash". Quotation marks required!

The server will stay online 24/7.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-05 06:32:59 UTC Post #211682
Excellent :)

Please give us a reminder in the news the night before, so we don't like... forget. :)

Too bad we couldn't make the teams size bigger, since it would increase the likelyhood to have fun raping the other team in 8 against 2 :badass:

Wen r practices? :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-05 06:58:09 UTC Post #211684
I think this is a very good idea, good luck with organizing it, im afraid i wont be able to participate deu to work and beta testing.

[quote][ Being inter-site, this might also promote some interaction and dispel the preconceived notion's each site shares about the other../[quote]

Sounds a bit like the 1918's christmas truce to me
:P ;)
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-05 22:13:12 UTC Post #211747
Mmmm. You know your history. ;)

Even though it was 1914. :P
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 13:53:23 UTC Post #211795
Really? My bad then, i thaught it was at the end of the great war.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 14:01:23 UTC Post #211797
i'm definately in!

Lets kick those SnarkPit mapper's butts!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 20:11:55 UTC Post #211832
Hl1DM is so cheap. Just grab either the yellow energy beam gun, RPG, crossbow, or revolver and you'll rack up the kills. The true skill is using the other weapons. Personally I love to pop off 4 quick pistol headshots for a surprise kill lol.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 20:13:41 UTC Post #211833
Dave... You fail. :|
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 20:44:55 UTC Post #211834
Dave, you suck dick.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 21:00:57 UTC Post #211835
The yellow energy beam gun? 'Round these parts we use the technical names, partner, and that thar laser gun be the gauss rifle. Or tau cannon if you prefer.
And longjump + shotgun = deadliest combo in the game IMO.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 21:01:56 UTC Post #211836
i'm definately in!

Lets kick those SnarkPit mapper's butts!
Make 'em bleed :nuke:

But since this is a friendly match. People will probably get kicked if they insult each other in-game.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 22:21:06 UTC Post #211838
pepper: Yeah, it was pretty much at the beginning of the war, which showed, even at that early stage, the disillusionment that the soldiers had towards the war.

I like the story: it shows that we're still human, despite what our Governments force us to do.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 13:01:29 UTC Post #211861
Count me in.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 13:07:14 UTC Post #211863
War starts saturday (10th).

True Sajo, its a friendly match, so you will get kicked if not banned for insulting other players.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 14:05:19 UTC Post #211866
Egon is ultimate for plowing through enemies.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 14:09:44 UTC Post #211867
You don't even need to aim with the Egon. :P

Crowbar ftw
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 14:12:55 UTC Post #211868
Yeah, i crowbar ZL so much! ^_^

I wish i had the logs from the server.

[TWHL] - The Hunter kills ZombieLoffe with Crowbar
ZombieLoffe: Fag
[TWHL] - The Hunter kills ZombieLoffe with Crowbar
ZombieLoffe: Ghey!
ZombieLoffe commits suicide
ZombieLoffe: FFS!

Artistic liscense used.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 14:41:55 UTC Post #211873
[TWHL] - The Hunter: what happen?
ZombieLoffe: someone set up us the bomb
ZombieLoffe: BOOM HS
[TWHL] - The Hunter: we get signal?
ZombieLoffe: what
ZombieLoffe: main screen turn on
[TWHL] - The Hunter: make your time
ZombieLoffe: NO NO
ZombieLoffe: Don't you know your ayb?
[TWHL] - The Hunter: yes
[TWHL] - The Hunter: but
[TWHL] - The Hunter: sorry
[TWHL] - The Hunter: i'm tired

I lolt.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 14:46:32 UTC Post #211874
I'll try to join a match, I just hope those snark pitters don't whine like Saco and Hunter do when I 1 hit their asses in crossfire. Gauss ftw.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 18:22:09 UTC Post #211886
Muzz doesn't even play. He fucks around with admin powers and HL crashing plugins.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 18:47:15 UTC Post #211887
Oh I play, dude.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 19:16:07 UTC Post #211888
...with the console :P
No, I have no room to talk. I'm not in your server enough to make judgments like that.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 21:17:45 UTC Post #211894
I might look into it...

Nah, let's just go if there's a slot anyway. :D
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 10:17:41 UTC Post #211987
Has the map rotation been released yet? I'll prolly need to download before I can join in.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 10:20:45 UTC Post #211988
leave fireworks on! it's oh-so-fun to crash the server!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 10:25:43 UTC Post #211989
Oh hell yes. I'm should come on and act as a laggy diversion while the rest of TWHL kicks some Snark-arse.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 12:59:03 UTC Post #211998
Since noone else proposed any maps, except M_garg...

Here's the current mapcycle i've just compiled:


I've downloaded all these maps and placed them in a zip, so you don't have to download and install them one at a time. When new maps are added to list, i will add them to the zipfile as well and increase the zip version number by 1.

Get these maps here: TWHL vs Snarkpit - Team Deathmatch maps.

The server has now been passworded. Password is: 471533
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 13:20:01 UTC Post #212000
With all the respect, n_mausoleum plays really bad.
Btw, a suggestion, filtered. Allways wondered how it would play.

EDIT: I just played sinister, damn, kinda laggy when you get a overview.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 15:07:06 UTC Post #212005
Are all those map Team dm?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 15:23:21 UTC Post #212006
Uhm... no. Does it matter?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 16:46:28 UTC Post #212011
Now that I think of it, you could include tp_ritual instead of composition, for example, since it is actually a teamplay map. The only problem is that it might be too big... tp_seth is smaller though.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 09:50:30 UTC Post #212084
A couple hours to go! Can we spectate if there are enough people? (I suck at DM, but I will play if people don't care about my bad skills)

Will there be any special maps from twhl or snarkpit for the occasion?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:02:36 UTC Post #212086
The Hunter nominates this map
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:07:33 UTC Post #212087
Freshed agrees with The Hunter

...rowley, it's all about fun. So be welcome.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:09:56 UTC Post #212088
ok. shall we sort out our team for the 3pm opening?

Also, people with admin should add something to their names like (a) so that people know who to whine to about hax0rz and omfglag
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:13:47 UTC Post #212089
Ehm, who first joins is lucky ftw?

For some reason, I don't think many Snarkpitters will come..
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:20:04 UTC Post #212090
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:21:15 UTC Post #212091
Yeh, lets destroy them with their own kind...........SNARKS!
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:30:34 UTC Post #212092
Maybe if this catches on, we can build some fancy maps for the occasion too.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:35:29 UTC Post #212093
I've been looking for inspiration for a TP map for ages. A Snarkpit Fortress vs a TWHL fortress. neat.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:35:29 UTC Post #212094
Oh well! That's good. :P

Now soldiers! You've all been through basic training so I ASSUME you can do basic things! Now, I'm gonna march your asses out there, hand you a gun and a crowbar and I want you to whoop those pansy bastards back to whatever communist island they came from! Now, some of you won't make it: those who don't MAY AS WELL SURRENDER and join the commie scum!

AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:37:42 UTC Post #212095
Some of you may time out! But when you look over at that pile of lag that was your best friend's face you'll know what to do.

Now, the enemy is rather menacing. In fact, they have +3 menace about them, but if we hold strong, and abuse our administrative powers, we shall be victorious!

TvS-day minus 1h, 41m
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:40:42 UTC Post #212096
Haha. I leave the mapping to you guys.
Simply because I can't complete a damn map.

Hides in a corner
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 10:48:20 UTC Post #212097
Speeches FTW!!1 :P
I can't complete a damn map.
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