Horror and Art Created 18 years ago2007-03-03 16:31:51 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Created 18 years ago2007-03-03 16:31:51 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 16:31:51 UTC Post #214802
I actually posted this long time ago but (with 1 horror flash) what the heck...I like to play it again. :)

Some of these flash based games are just go-click, TheHOUSE has some scary shit. It will really get your blood pumping. 99ROOMS has the best art comparing to other ones, it doesnt have much horror stuff. But it does indeed have cool graffiti stuff in it :)
NFH Propaganda has the coolest effects but it isnt really scary at all.

Check them all and Enjoy :badass:

NFH Propaganda
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 16:46:06 UTC Post #214804
Haha, the Engrish in "The HOUSE" sounds really familiar, eh Saco?
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 16:58:51 UTC Post #214808
err what? I couldnt be bothered to write again. So I just copy-paste it.

Your attempt of being cool fails.(as usual)

And Caboose that was a pathetic attempt(srsly). And I really dont give a fuck about my grammar, you know? I do it the best I can. Too stupid to understand? It's not my problem. And I dont live in England or America. But I guess it makes you feel better about your own pathetic life to make fun of people who doesnt speak English as their first language.

oh well. I guess no one is going to be mature enough to check the flashes instead.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 17:18:11 UTC Post #214810
I am, but so far none of them has been even remotly scary - I tried the house, but it was too slow.
Right now doing 99rooms, and... there is no horror... at all?

Edit: Holy shit! i didn't see that coming
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 17:20:25 UTC Post #214811
Right now doing 99rooms, and... there is no horror... at all?
The creator said that it does, well I didnt see much either but still I had to write in-case someone asked.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 17:43:25 UTC Post #214813
Finnished The house also - it was quite predictable. :/
The first time when the hand smashed the screen I jumped a bit tho I saw it coming, then it just wasn't scary anymore.

Sorry Sajo
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 17:49:28 UTC Post #214814
I didnt mean playing again after you finished. I played this before like 2 years ago :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 18:00:36 UTC Post #214817
huh? :S
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 18:04:19 UTC Post #214819
Nevermind :lol:

did you try NFH Propaganda? It may get boring after a while.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 19:51:37 UTC Post #214841
Same thing with that... Just "in your face horror".
Predicteble and is therefore not scary.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-12 01:29:48 UTC Post #215590
The Exmortis series was kinda creepy. I'm too lazy to link, but you can look it up on newgrounds.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-13 00:23:52 UTC Post #215681
dude, what the hell is wrong with you,

That scared the hell outa me damnit!
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-13 05:12:44 UTC Post #215689
Hello, bartty.

Would you kindly say when I was to scream? Didn't do anything to me.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-13 05:14:46 UTC Post #215690
Zomg Bratty, is that you?
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-13 10:57:12 UTC Post #215705
Hello there ZL :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-13 17:03:47 UTC Post #215757
Give Exmortis 2 a shot if you're into games like that. Its pretty good.
99 Rooms was pretty interesting to go through because it had some really good "mind horror" going. The others weren't too great.
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