Posted 18 years ago2007-03-08 20:05:26 UTCPost #215381
This needs to go to someone...
theres days left in the compo so keep going.
Edit: I got a great idea! I should throw on a white shirt for you guys to add to. Even though i'm a bit unsettled by the image of me being shopped by you guys. :/
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-10 13:04:42 UTCPost #215474
Thanks for the award! ^^ Sorry, I won't be able to access my PC the whole weekend, so that means no photoshop. I have an idea, though I can't make a base pic without phsp.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-10 22:59:13 UTCPost #215499
Hate to sound like Orpheus here, but I shouldn't have to wait for 360 KB to come through just to see that crap. So far, every one but ZL's has sucked donkey balls.