And they have funny keyboards!
Oh well, back to watching the soccer. :> I'll have some awesome photos for you all when I return!
Created 17 years ago2007-04-03 15:51:37 UTC by
Gasp, who gives a fuck nowadays[Serious]I sure would...Nasty way to die. And I am sure your family would care.[/Serious]
Oh well, back to watching the soccer.You are in italy... and you still watch TV and use the PC. Those things can be done everywhere. The whole fun about trips to other nations is doing thing you wasn't able to do before. : That way it's more fun and special.
I went to Rome last year and wandered about a lot and ate lots of ice-cream.I've been told that Italian ice-cream is teh shit
Well they have a dozen everything. I mean, they have a different kind of pasta to go with every kind of sauceSure is.Food is good.