Here's a nice little mindfuck for you; something I've been thinking about for a while now.
If something is random, it exists without a purpose. Now consider, if you will, that everything in existence, across all time and space, was created randomly. This means everything, EVER-Y-THING, was created without a reason. That statement alone disproves free will. At this early point I'm sure many of you could argue this point: "Oh, well humans were randomly created with the ability of free will". Let me shoot that idea down for you. If everything in the universe is created without a purpose, randomly, then the planet Earth was created randomly as was everything living on it. This means that humans were created randomly, which means that out bodies were created randomly, which means that our brains were created randomly. Ultimately this boils down to the fact that the functions of our brains are all completely random impulses. What does this mean? It means that perception is random. Allow me to elaborate further and, hopefully, make this concept much easier to understand if you don't already.
I actually want you to do this. Take your hand and form a fist. What you have just witnessed is a voluntary action triggered by a series of electrical impulses sent from your brain telling your body to ball your hand into a fist. What you perceive is an act of free will, thus proving that free will exists, right? Wrong, very wrong. As I have already stated, our minds and the functions of our minds are all generated randomly. The electrical impulses sent from your brain triggering a fist is nothing more than another randomly created event in the universe. What you perceive as an act of free will is actually purposeless event. So why, and how, do we perceive these things as this miraculous thing we call "free will"? The answer is simple: Humans do not truly "think". Thought is merely an unorganized, very long, series of random events. The reason that they seem organized to us is because our brains fire random impulses that cause random perception. It is completely by chance that all these perceptions fall in a seemingly organized process of thought, but I'll get into the chances a littler later.
At this point it may seem hard to believe that somehow everything in our universe was created randomly, and yet so many things fall into perfect place. Well consider this: whatever is the source of all this random creation is not bound by the limits of time. This means that it had all the time, or rather lack of the existence of time(ostensibly an infinite amount without measure) to randomly create universe after universe after universe. With this in mind it should be easy to comprehend how simple it was to create out universe with so many events occuring in an organized manner. However, because random events can be generated within the universe, it is not the universe where everything falls into perfect place until the very end. The one universe that was created where everything falls perfectly into place would not be able to create something randomly because everything contained in said universe will seemingly have a purpose to anything else in it.
This is basically the end but I have a few last points I would like to make.
-Because everything is created randomly, there cannot be an intelligent source to creation. In fact, a god could exists, but could have only been created randomly by the ultimate source. This god, which cannot perform with purpose, will randomly create a universe, and so on.
-If everything was created randomly, then there really is no such thing as "purpose". Purpose is merely a perception of what seems to make sense in the grand scheme of things. ut becaue our perception is a random event, what is really there, that seems meaningful, is not.
-Personally I do not believe in random creation. I believe that everything exists with a meaning, but that isn't as fun to think about. This is good brain food.