Steam problems Created 17 years ago2007-05-16 14:43:29 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Created 17 years ago2007-05-16 14:43:29 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 14:43:29 UTC Post #222236
This is the last straw, I had some problems with that program that I ignored but now it is too much.

Yesterday my computer was flooded with 400 viruses, all of them came from steam, worms, trojens, ads, porn ,trackers... the lot.
Whenever it was open my screen was flooded with pornographic pictures, so many that it was impossible to see anything else, but I somehow managed to close it. The viruses are gone now... but I dare not reopen that program. I nearly had to repormat my computer. I had to delete window's backup to remove them all. :x

So I decieded to get rid of that trouble making program. Since I installed it, it did nothing but harm. I can't use openGL, I can rarely play even in direct3D I have to resort to software, I can't play in full screen, and I can't even play in resolusions higher then 640x480. This program has got to go.

My only problem is with a few extra additions added to half-life in the steam versions. Like transperety in models, this is most important for me, as I'm making a mod that must have trees in it. Also the ability of making bump mapped textures is nice. Anybody knows if there is a possiblty to have these things in WON HL? And exchanging the WON's transperety dlls doesn't work. :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 14:53:57 UTC Post #222241
And exchanging the WON's transperety dlls doesn't work.
It should, they work fine for me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 14:56:10 UTC Post #222242
And even so can you not map with the non-transparency and then tell people to use the Steam Client etc so that it displays the way you wanted it to. Or does that not work?
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 14:58:55 UTC Post #222244
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:01:30 UTC Post #222246
Yeah, but for some reason it hasn't worked the last time I tried, which was a long time ago, before I even had steam, I think I used dll's muzzleflash gave me once but Hl rejected them. Maybe If I'll use my own dlls, but I hardly think there is any diffrence, but it's worth a try.

Now how about the bump mapping? How do I get that to the WON version. It's less important as I haedly believe I'll use it, though I might, since it looks cool and makes HL1 look alot better, so I might decied to include it in my mod. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:03:02 UTC Post #222247
Agree with m0p here.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:08:50 UTC Post #222249
Arrghhh... Imbaciles!!! I do not visit porn sites, I hardly stay in the internet, apart from occasionally in this site or snarkpit.

The viruses came from steam, thats a fact, stop being so stupid and try to convince me it's not harmful to my computer.

All those who want to say something about me being a retard because I hate steam, just shut up and shug off, I'm not intrested in your crap. :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:11:56 UTC Post #222251
Yesterday my computer was flooded with 400 viruses, all of them came from steam
Bull. You just visited some xxx sites and as soon as you open a webbrowser, all those popups start to appear, because Steam uses a build-in browser, making you believe Steam is doing it.
I think I used dll's muzzleflash gave me once but Hl rejected them.
Its your crappy videocard. The dlls work fine for me.
And it is HL, not Hl, its like saying Hi.
Which one is correct:

You better pick... you know which one to pick.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:15:10 UTC Post #222253
How do you know for sure they came from Steam?

I'm not sure you realize how ridiculous your claim sounds. Why would Valve plant viruses and pop-ups to pr0n sites in an app that supports pretty much their entire user-base?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:21:33 UTC Post #222255
Muzzleflash, they work fine in steam, so it's not my graphics card, my card is new relitively to HL1 so there shouldn't be any problems.

I'm through with you imbaciles! I just ask for some help and all you try to do is to prove that I'm wrong and that I'm an idiot. So I'm finally going to do what I should have done long ago. Not only that from time to time you insult me you aren't helpful either. I don't enjoy your company so I don't see any reason why I should stay here. Goodbye assholes, I know you are as glad to dispose of me as I am of you! :x
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:22:54 UTC Post #222256
Ha. Hahahahah.

You honestly think any one of us gives a shit? You're a pimple on the collective ass of TWHL.

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:23:09 UTC Post #222257
Stop viewing porn and clean your computer of spyware. It's not Steam.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:26:51 UTC Post #222258
If you think Steam is doing this, then why are you the only one? I mean, if its really Steam's doing, there would be many more people complaining. The Steam forums and many other forums would be full of questions like this one...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:33:14 UTC Post #222259
I just ask for some help and all you try to do is to prove that I'm wrong and that I'm an idiot.
If you dont want us to show you that you are wrong, why are you asking for help? If you weren't wrong you wouldn't be asking... Unless its for the attention.. lulz
On to your issue. There is no way you got a virus from Steam. And since steam mass-distributes their products, wouldn't everyone who uses steam be experiencing the same problem? much lulz Elon.

Also, You're a dick.

Edit: damn, Muzz, didn't see your post.. agreed, lad.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:37:54 UTC Post #222261
Some viruses replicate attach themselves to everything, making everything its attached to look like it is to blame, and usually when its getting cleaned off, it takes the files with it effectively using your anti-virus software against you.

It happens, but porn is most likely the culprit.

You want cheap porn? Search Yahoo videos with SafeSearch Disabled.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:44:40 UTC Post #222263
I dont think he is interested in Furry prons.. :S

never know though.
Noted: Yahoo search for teh furries.
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