Cool gaming moments Created 17 years ago2007-05-24 11:21:43 UTC by Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twob

Created 17 years ago2007-05-24 11:21:43 UTC by Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twob

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 11:21:43 UTC Post #223296
I just thought that I'd make a forum where you can put cool things that happened to you in game - e.g., In Ravenholm, I came up to the part where you first see a fast zombie, and because I hadn't played HL2 in ages, I wasn't expecting it. I fired my sawblade at it at almost point blank range, but the zombie leapt over it and proceeded to claw my eyes out. Due to my shock, instead of switching weapons, I yelled out ''Oh, Shit!'', and killed the zombie, ironically, by firing medkits at it.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 11:45:03 UTC Post #223301
Just before you get to Nova Prospekt you come to a place where there's two zombies and a wooden walkway that you have to nock down to continue. I only noticed recently, but there're two harpoons next to the boat. You can pin the zombies to the wall, or alternatively, get them so that the cliff edge is behind them, and fire the harpoon. The zombies go surprisingly far out to sea.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 11:48:19 UTC Post #223302
The first time I played HL1 and entered the silo in Blast Pit - I was honestly scared by the tentacle sounds. Seeing them splatter barney and that scientist didn't help either.
.. so to avoid the monster - I actually crouch+walked through the silo all the way down. It took like 10 minutes to get from top to bottom at that speed. :D
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 12:07:42 UTC Post #223305
Back in the day when I played CS, i was on a server that had a betting and banking system. I was a CT on de_dust. My entire team goes right but I went left and tried to sneak around to flank behind the T's. Apparently they all met on the right side and killed eachother except for one guy for the T's. This guy had little health and no armor and I hadn't fired a shot so my stats were full. Everyone was betting on me because it was a sure thing that I was going to win and this guy sucked. Thousands of dollars were booked, even I bet a grand on myself. As soon as we saw each other, we stopped and stared. I knew he wanted to knife and before he could ask. I typed KILL in my console and he won the round, causing everyone to lose almost all of their money. The next round was a pistol round. :nuke:
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 12:39:52 UTC Post #223309
It has to be the canals in HL2...That helicopter chase combined with the music felt like I was in a movie. Oh and that tower when it falls to the end fight where the Opposing Force end music is heard...Godly.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 12:58:24 UTC Post #223311
INtercepting the ILS localizer in a low cloud base at 500FT seeing the threshold lights only seconds before touchdown.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 13:17:47 UTC Post #223312
Hmmm... It was the first time that I play'd Quake 2, I was a fan of Quake 1, and I had been sence the release of it. And then Quake 2 was released and I was quick on buying it. Went home, installed it and WHAM! That amazing intro! The music! The monsters! I was completly blown away, that was by far the coolest gaming moment ever and nothing has ever lived up to that high standard - not even Painkiller! ...I got the same feeling when I first playd Painkiller, just not THAT strong.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 13:27:47 UTC Post #223314
i have alot of moments, most of them when i have a 1 vs 1 with my friend. i particularly remember one where i was stalking him with a sawblade and fired right into his path. It should have severed his head of but its edge got stuck in a tree inces away from his head. I just remember him starting to scream like mad in ventrilo. ^^
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 17:22:47 UTC Post #223339
The first time I played surface tension and that bit where you come to the dam I didnt the see the grunt that ran across behind the sand bags and instead of blowing the gun I thought it would be like off the rail where you get behind the gun and kill the ocupant so somehow I got to the sand bags only to discover a grunt behind it and the grunt threw a grenade and I jumped backwards in game in surprise only to end up jumping over the dam and going splat. In brothers in arms one time I was attacking a 88 with my squad and I ordered them to assault the gun with me, it was almost like a movie with all my men and I firing at the gun and all my men falling all around me it was so cool :cool:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 17:29:13 UTC Post #223340
@habboi: That has to be the best part in the game.

When I was playing Far Cry, I just got to the part with the huge ass monkey things. I wasn't expecting it, and when one ran up to my it scared the shit outta me, and I proceeded to yell.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 17:32:40 UTC Post #223341
Cool gaming moments:
-Doom2, the level was called "Barrels o' fun". No need to explain more.
-Tomb Raider 1, the first time I looked down into the main room of St. Francis' Folly.
-Final Fantasy VIII, the Great Salt Lake dissapears revealing the City of Esthar in all its glory.
-HL2, exiting the train station and looking up at the Citadel.
-F.E.A.R., the final sequence.
-Prey, the first sequence inside the alien ship, seeing planet Earth and weird stuff going on with the aliens.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:06:31 UTC Post #223352
I was playing Halo coop with my mate, we'd been playing for hours and were up to one of the bridges in assault on the control room. He starts punching asleep grunts, but I just ran out, mucking around, shooting needler shots randomly.

So all the grunts woke up, I'm dancing around, jumping. I cop a fully charged plasma pistol shot, my friend is yelling at me, and then I accidently jump off the bridge.

So there's this swarm of enemies coming towards my friend, he whips out his pistol, zooms and caps a grunt between the eyes as it's going to throw a grenade. The grenade goes vertical, coming back down and landing on another grunt. That grunt starts running around going "Noooo!" towards an elite.

The elite dives to the the bridge as the 'nade goes off, triggering other 'nades on the ground to make this big-arse explosion. My friend just paused the game and was silent. We were both in complete awe.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:21:54 UTC Post #223353
Favourites in order.

1. Stepping out of the crashed prison ship into Unreals vast environment. Equalled only by stepping out of the train station to see that 'fuckin big black tower.' as i put it back then. :P

2. Half-life's Tram Ride. Equalled by the Citadel's Casket ride.

3. All of Final Fantasy VII was awesome.

4. The abduction scene in prey with 'Don't fear the reaper' playing in the background.

5. Brothers In Arms. Jumping into Normandy for the first time and Sniping from the Church in Carentan.

My biggest multiplayer moment was in CSS. I was the only T left and trapped in the hostage house in CS_Italy and 4 CT guys were coming after me. Slowly but surely I crept around and killed them all with a deagle without taking a single hit. I'll never do that again cos I suck balls at CSS. :zonked:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:22:14 UTC Post #223354
The whole of "We don't goto Ravenholme", the most fun I've ever had in ANY game, and I don't even like HL2. I mean.. gravity gun + sharp objects, nothing could possibly be more fun.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:25:46 UTC Post #223355
I beat my cousin at Pong once.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:29:38 UTC Post #223357
Oh another multiplayer moment of mine was BF2. Wondering how good the physics system was I tossed a grenade into the rear opening of a low flying enemy chinook taking over one of our waypoints. It killed the pilot and gunner and me and another guy had to stop for a second, both typed "Awesome." and then went about reclaiming the outpost.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:38:07 UTC Post #223358
BF2 is full of the sweetest gaming moments. Just like, shooting down jets with tanks. So much win.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:50:58 UTC Post #223360
I also remember how thrilled I was when I first beat "Death Egg Zone" in Sonic & Knuckles. Unfortunately my Sega Genesis froze right afterwards. That was a shame, and it wouldn't be the last time I'd see it happen.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:53:32 UTC Post #223361
Finding the BFG1000 in Doom II, and firing it for the first time. :biggrin:
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 20:58:42 UTC Post #223362
I beat my cousin at Pong once.
This one takes the cake.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 21:02:31 UTC Post #223363
my sister used to think all half life was about was the tram ride, and that it WAS the game
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 21:18:54 UTC Post #223364
My top five, in no particular order.

1. The first time I chainsawed a Grub in Gears of War.

2. Fighting the sand worm in Shadow of the Colossus. That one made me feel so badass.

3. Fighting Orochi, the eight headed snake demon in Ōkami.

4. Fighting striders in HL2

5. Playing the level HedgeHog in Red Orchestra: Ostfront with a good team.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 22:19:45 UTC Post #223369
In no particular order...
  • I started Half-Life 2 up for the first time.
  • I beat Half-Life.
  • The end sequence of Opposing Force, when the G-Man confronts you. It was kind of depressing and shocking at the same time, but it really was a great ending.
  • Anything in Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. Those were both very epic games, but the first in the series not so much.
  • I had just gotten the car chase sequence for Hostage Situation to run for the very first time, and I was awed by my own incredible ingenuity, expertise, and the superb awesomeness of that map. But seriously, it's on rare occasion that I get such a thrill out of playing my own maps.
  • Beat Pokemon Silver. Hey, come on, it was the first game I ever owned!
  • In Counter-Strike (can't remember now if it was Source) a new round had just started, and I walked into a room with an AK and killed everybody on the other team in about three seconds. They were all crammed into a small corridor and confused, so I just stood there and picked them off one by one.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 22:35:27 UTC Post #223371
Kicking the crap out of tiny little people with the PS2 EyeToy for the first time.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 22:57:10 UTC Post #223376
At one point in Ravenholm, I killed a zombie with a radiator; the radiator bounced up, killed a second zombie, landed on a ledge, fell off, and killed a third one.

Lucky shot :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 23:08:13 UTC Post #223378
BF2 is full of the sweetest gaming moments.
Very true. So it's a shame that the online gameplay experience is shit. LAN is great, though.

But yeah..

1. I was playing with 2 other people at Microplay. I know them both, and we were just mucking about. So one of them drops out of his plane into the water, and starts hollering for help. So me and the other guy both rush to assist in helicopters. We both turn in opposite directions and end up facing each other, about 5 meters appart directly over this guy in the water, who gets a huge explosion right over his head as we both die trying to save him. He then proceeded to swim to shore :)

2. Commander vehicle drops onto Carriers, driving them off the end and then jumping out into a waiting, hovering helicopter piloted by a trusted friend.

3. knife fights on top of a crane.

1. The tram. I mean come on. How many of you can honestly say you weren't awed in the late 1990s by the sheer brilliance of your surroundings as you travel through Black Mesa's transit network heading inbound to Sector C.

2. Seeing the scientist getting dragged through the window by the monster_tentacle. That terrified me, and gave me a huge grin at the same time.

3. Realising that my bullets were having no effect on the gargantua.

4. Watching the 45 minute speed run and just laughing the whole way through, seeing all the little flaws in HL that are taken advantage of.

5. Playing my first home-made map. Everyone here must know that feeling.

6. Getting lost in 'On a Rail'

1. Leaving the trainstation. Even on the lowest graphics settings possible, and at a framerate of like, 9fps, i was completely awestruck. Thank god i got rid of my old PC ^_^

2. PHYSICS!!! I spent about 20 minutes in that damned playpark!

3. G-man returns. It just made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

4. The time when you're crossing the railway bridge by car, which you have just spent the past 30-40 minutes carefully climbing under, and then hearing the honk of the oncoming train and JUST making it by the skin of your teeth.

5. The airboat chase already mentioned. Epic.

6. Diving the airboat off the side of the dam, floating surreally through the clouds, and just before you hit the water, the loading graphic pops up and everything freezes for a minute ^_^

7. Using the gravity gun in Ravenholm & Highway 17.
Operation Flashpoint

1. Learning that losing your entire squad to a botched ambush is not the way to win the game, and proceeding to really think about tactics properly to win, rather than going in and spraying bullets everywhere.

2. Reading death-quotes like "war is not nice" - Barbara Bush

3. Learning that there are like, 70 pilotable vehicles.

4. The motorbike ride at the start, like HL1's tram.
Note that none of these were in any particular order.

Oh, and Metal Gear Solid 1 (PS1) absolutely pwns MGS2 and 3. Seriously.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 23:14:01 UTC Post #223379
I thought MGS2 was entertaining.. straight up until you're captured, running around nude and the story gets all 'WTF' on you. Never played 3, and only bits of 1.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 00:57:22 UTC Post #223386
though FFVIII was an all around win for me the part where balamb garden is rocketed and then takes off seriously got my blood flowing
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 01:38:18 UTC Post #223389
Is it just me, or did anyone else enjoy the under-the-bridge segment in Half-Life 2?

Oh yeah, when I first saw the Team Fortress 2 trailer, I must have watched it twenty times in a row.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 02:01:18 UTC Post #223392
Likewise, and 'Meet the Heavy' even more times.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 04:00:52 UTC Post #223395
Is it just me, or did anyone else enjoy the under-the-bridge segment in Half-Life 2?
I'd forgotten about that part. That was undoubtedly the best part of Half-Life 2 for me. Pure genius, really.

Team Fortress 2 never caught my interest, for some reason. TFC didn't either, come to think of it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 04:04:32 UTC Post #223396
Charging up to Nova Prospekt with the Antlions is better, i love the use of the thumpers, and the night setting with spotlights. Very cool.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 04:28:09 UTC Post #223397
Is it just me, or did anyone else enjoy the under-the-bridge segment in Half-Life 2?
I would've enjoyed the coastal levels more if the water had been refractive or reflective in most areas. I'm talking about the ones where you saw water from high ground, including the bridge. I'm guessing the surfaces were too big and they decided to make the water a part of the skybox instead of part of the map.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 04:57:09 UTC Post #223399
Once in a counter strike final I was the last person left against the last terrorist and he planted the bomb and I killed him, easily with enough time left to defuse it, I foolishly tried to jump down from the rafters killing my self. I pretty much gave away a grand or two in real money because of that game. My friend were not happy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 05:51:26 UTC Post #223402
When you irst go into Ravenholm. The legs hanging from a tree - fire an explosive barrel at them and thaey flip aroud the tree like 20 times. And the sawblade in the wall, with the top half of the zombie on top. That was cool. :)
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 06:35:53 UTC Post #223409
Probably playing that old game on the PS, 'Loaded'... (and Re-loaded!)

I loved the mental patients in it! :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 10:55:29 UTC Post #223430
  • The first time I saw a carpet bomb in mercenaries mad me gag.
  • When playing Opposing force I must have played that opening sequence 10 times I think it is much better than the Half life tram sequence
  • Half life 2 the first time you get to use a gravity gun against an enemy pretty much did it for me
  • When playing Doom 3 I opened a weapons locker in a dark area so I had my flashlight out and when I opened the locker an imp jumoed out and attacked me, I was so shocked that instead of changing weapon and started hammering the imp with the flashlight
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 11:08:07 UTC Post #223433
Like when I was shocked and killed a zombie with medkits.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 11:23:17 UTC Post #223436
Oh man. Operation Flashpoint completely slipped my mind. Chasing one of my mates around a village as a sniper was the most fun I've ever had in a game.

Oh and Unreal Tournament: Game Of The Year. The CTF map Lavagiants with the 4 man clan (The Lavagiants) which included myself, digital_ice, Atvar and JigsWithoutWoodstock. The opposing team was the n00bs on the other side of the room. There were about 20 of them.

We won every game save for one when we tied.

I tell you what though. Being chased by 20 angry gamers all the way back to your base while your mates cover you with sniper fire is a thrilling experience.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 12:40:24 UTC Post #223441
Zelda: OOT - Fighting the big Dodongo in Dodongo's Cavern
Zelda: MM - Rolling around as a Goron.. I probably wasted all 72 hours just rolling around Terminia hitting jumps.
Zelda: TP - This whole game was awesome, the sword fighting was supreme. Best final boss fight ever. It was so fun dueling with Ganon.
Halo - The second level, When I saw the immersive environment I came. There was so much to explore on that level, and once you got the Warthog, I cruised around the whole place just taking in the scenery was magnificent.
I have more moments, maybe I'll post em later if I feel like typing.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 15:07:00 UTC Post #223447
When I first played FEAR and I came to the area where you first meet the assasins.
I was all like O SHIT and just pressed and hold the fire-button.
That was action I tells yah
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 15:47:57 UTC Post #223449
I remember one moment on Crackdown co-op where me and a buddy of mine were making some great escape from hit squads after we just killed one of the volk bosses. He pulled up in a car that he found and told me to get him. I decided instead to throw him out of the car and drive off.

Another one was when i decided to try out the Halo 3 beta on Crackdown. I was playing whatever that game modes called when you have to capture/defend 5 points (teams rotate between one team defending and the other attacking) I placed down a trip mine over 1 of the contested flags to stop them getting near it. As soon as i walked ten steps away half of our team in a worthog comes racing up to the flag only to have all of them blown to pieces by the mine.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-26 22:08:45 UTC Post #223543
  • Playing a full 32-person Server in any game.... Absolutely insane
  • Throwing a grenade in the inside area of de_dust and taking out the entire other team
  • The horrible feeling when the bomb explodes with like half a second left before it's defused.
  • Loading up the open source version of Freespace 2...soooooo cool
  • impulse 101 when you're talking with the g-man at the end of half life
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-27 05:48:07 UTC Post #223558
Hehe, i remember in BF2 a moment,

I was playing with my Clan on the Gulf of Oman map, and they were capturing the most western point whilst i was on the opposing american team, i bailed from the transport helo as a AT person, and obviously they were aware of me being there, they had control of a abrahams tank and 1 infantery and special forces. I landed just infront of the tank and immidiatly went prone and fired the first rocket at the tracks, they immidiatly lost track of me for some reason and were looking behind the houses for me, except the one in that tank, he was freaking out. So i fired the second missle at the tracks and the tank blew, after some shouting on TS i moved on to get the 2 other guys, wich i found quikly(and they arent the best in clan) and finishd them off.

Offcourse, they quikly returned in a SU-35 to throw a few bombs on me, but still 't was good fun.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-27 06:28:40 UTC Post #223561
I managed to anihilate the entire opposing team once in CS:S by myself.

Why is that a cool moment? Cos I'm on dialup. :P
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
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